If you had to choose between pursuing a degree from a very highly regarded university in either philosophy or history, which subject would you choose and why?
If you had to choose between pursuing a degree from a very highly regarded university in either philosophy or history...
philanthropy, since the late sean f kay had a double degree majoring in both
/adv/ is by far the shittiest board on Yea Forums and yes I'm including every single board in my assessment. Nobody there is qualified to give any kind of meaningful advice.
you should major in suicide instead retard
Why are you seething?
hes right you know
This. I hate midwits who go to prestigious undergraduate institutions.
>being American
That's your problem.
I sincerely hope that this thread gets deleted.
What you should do then is make this thread on /adv/ where it belongs and then come here and post link it into an actual Yea Forums thread and then if any user from here wants to help you they will.
You don't get to make your own rules and these kind of threads don't belong on this board, if you had some understanding of why there are seperate boards for seperate things and how to work your way around it.
What kind of answer are you looking for anyway, which of those is more Yea Forums or some bullshit.
he what u dumb cunt
>being this retarded
There's no helping you, bub
This was more convenient.
What you said doesn't matter anyway. The thread started off poorly and now there's little chance I'll get answers worth anything anyway, so just let a janny delete it.
>considering majoring in philosophy
>needs Yea Forums to do his thinking for him
please keep this thread alive Jenny! this is the best thread all evening!!!!!
>asking others for their opinions and viewpoints means you're unable to think critically
Are you going out of your way to give me /adv/-tier answers or are you just that much of a dumbass?
lol youre the one stupid enough to ask a question during a holy moment of late sean f kay posting
Why are you seething?
I'm not seething, you are.
This is now the official Yea Forums shitposting containment thread: Animé Edition
Have it your way m8
For interest, philosophy, for monetary reasons, history.
Aside from tenured professorship in either field, there aren't any jobs you can do as a history grad that you can't do as a philosophy grad.
History is the humanities equivalent of jannies and attracts the purest hylic specimens, much like 'psychology' does for STEM. If your inability to navigate boards on this Papua New Guinean long pig farming site is any indicaiton, it's probably for (YOU)
When I was 6 my father signed me up at our local rugby club and I played rugby on and off for the next 22 years. In my first year there was a black kid on our team and his name was Erasmus but his nickname, on account of his physical features, was Golliwog (Golly for short). We were teammates for a couple of years and then Golly moved away or stopped playing I'm not sure doesn't matter and I didn't see him for 5 years until we ended up at the same high school. So one lunchtime I called him over to say hi I was like hey Golly come here and that lad came up to me and spat in my face. I was shocked, and he ran and I chased him and caught him and punched him. I asked him why Golly, why did you spit at me? I thought we were friends you and I, brothers in rugby even. He said it was because I called him Golly and he thought I was a racist, I was again shocked and I told him no my friend I did not know this nickname offended you, it was in the spirit of camaraderie and friendship and I am absolutely no racist sure I don't even like Darwin. He said ok, and I promised not to call him Golly again, and we were friends still.