If we bring the work ethic, the obsession, the sick fanaticism...

If we bring the work ethic, the obsession, the sick fanaticism, the courage and the selfishness-with-his-own-time of this guy to the area of literature the chances of success become much greater.

I think he is a good role model for the Anons of Yea Forums.

Attached: Elon_Musk_Royal_Society.jpg (576x864, 204K)

Do I get to cum inside Grimes too?

The only role model for anons are the saints (pbuh), monastics, priests and the saint of saints, Christ himself.

Ye but he's high IQ and I'm not

>Ye but he's high IQ and I'm not

High,yes, but most likely not in the 150-160s

If I had to guess I would say that Beethoven, Mozart, Tolstoy, Michelangelo all had lower IQs than the 150-160 mark.

what's his IQ?

So the work ethic, the obsession, the sick fanaticism, the courage and the selfishness-with-his-own-time of Elon, but with only the knowledge of Medieval-era science?

There's also a threshold for genius, that past a certain IQ, say 140, a person can perform just as well as a person with a much higher score. The difference is work ethic and drive past a certain point. You can be a fucking genius and never produce anything because you're malaised and useless.

Attached: that way.jpg (320x320, 23K)

>but with only the knowledge of Medieval-era science?
can you expand on this please

>slave morality will save lit

Attached: slave technocracy.jpg (860x788, 149K)

c'mon man, I only used reddit to found out pirate bay proxie lists, and nothing else. I don't even know how to operate in that website. But Elon Musk is really quite an extraordinary fellow. I presume Reddit-fags love him now that I saw your post, but altough they are probably obnoxious in their exaggeration in the end of the day Musk is really impressive.

It's one thing to work like a fanatic in the business of others; it's another thing to work on your own art or projects.

And it's one thing to work 80 hours to acquire skills to build your own softwares and sell them (like Musk did in his early days); it's quite another thing to work 80 hours building eletric cars for Elon Musk and being counted only as a simplefactory worker

Why is he wearing an ill-fitting tuxedo to a photo shoot? I get the feeling he's surrounded by yes men if someone is telling him a jacket should fit like that.

>Musk is really impressive
Name one thing.

Fake and gay.

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>Name one thing.

>Create a software that has been sold by millions
>The courage to use all of his fortune in high-risk endeavors (such as a private rocket company)
>Having the courage and obsession to believe that creating reusable rockets was possible despite countless voices (many of them from experts and obviously intelligent and experienced people) telling you that what you wanted was impossible
>To be able to coordinate the efforts of several people and eventually create reusable rockets
>At the same time that he coordinated a kind of mini-Nasa that was making a product that even NASA could not manage to produce he launched other big businesses, among them one of the leading companies in electric cars sales.

Even though he did not achieve this all on his own, it was his initiative, he had to go after the people, he had to invest money, he had to read multiple books and manuals on complex subjects that he did not know (rockets, for example) to get a glimpe of what could our couldn't be done. Think of the times when you have had to make important decisions in your life and how apprehensive you have become when considering everything that could go wrong. Now think of Musk feeling the same thing, but with much higher stakes.

also weird billionaire libertarians like peter thiel, god bless him for protecting dear saint moldbug

He has the tism, but he also had plastic surgery to try and hide the tism.

explain pls
he strikes me as a bit of a douchebag who's never been accountable to anyone


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How is this remotely Yea Forums related? Fuck you OP.

Abrahamicists are scientifically challenged.

It's like: be as fanatic about your craft as Beethoven with his music, Michelangelo with sculpture and art, Musk with his enterprises, and you mght achieve far more than you thought it was possible.

Watch him squirm trying to verbally communicate. Also facial structure.

I hate both of them so no.

Prolly around 130 desu

U stupid cunt, i thought jbp proved lit was at rock bottom but this is something else