Did Guenon retroactively refute this?

Did Guenon retroactively refute this?

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"Better to have never been" logically entails "better to have never written this garbage book" thus the book performs a self-retroactive-refutation through its title alone.

this shit was always gay
antinatalists should kill themselves tho and the rid the world of their genetic waste

Yes. Why some people are so miserable that it isn't enough to be miserable on their own, but that they make it their mission to make you miserable too, is beyond me. Like nigguh just drink bleach or something

not an argument

You're saying the book, the communicative aspect of the idea, is refuting the idea that is not the book

t. haven't reached the real of supra-rationality

Then it's an idea that cannot be communicated without contradiction, but that only appears to be happening because of a flaw in your own logical reasoning

What's the anti-natalist argument? Unironically 'I didn't choose to be born therefore noone should be born because that is a violation of free will'?

It also follows from the title: { "Better to have never read this book", "better to never read this book", ... }

you think you like living but you don't

Then you've proven it's a bad title for the book

What makes you say that? I got my coffee, I'm bout to go out and buy cigarettes, later I'll meet some friends, then I'll meditate in a haze. It's quite nice in all honesty. Why do I not like living?

but then again I don't think Benetar would actually disagree with your take on the title, since if it was better to have never been then it was better to have never x, y, z and on and on... but we are currently being

They are against birth, not against life.

then ill have to kill them myselves

it's been refuted by anyone who isn't a whiny bitch nigger

imagine your entire philosophy is to be a man child...my god...

Not an argument.

What makes you say that I don't like living?

>I have coffee and cigarettes so life is good ;)
Ignorance is bliss, really.

Not that user. It's not about whether you like or don't like something, it's about whether it's ethical to procreate. That's what the name means -- anti (against) natalism (procreation).

Well, for me it is yes. It's not perfect, I could read/workout/wageslave more, but meh.

Yes but the argument that it's unethical to procreate is paradoxical on the one hand. More importantly, is it not more unethical to simply capitulate before the system we are born into, instead of raising self-sufficient children? Is the argument based on ressources? Or is it basically just 'I feel pain, fuck life'?

>Yes but the argument that it's unethical to procreate is paradoxical on the one hand.
If you mean because I was born myself, that's not something I had any choice in.
>More importantly, is it not more unethical to simply capitulate before the system we are born into, instead of raising self-sufficient children?
Self-sufficiency doesn't solve any of the issues antinatalism is concerned with.
>Is the argument based on ressources? Or is it basically just 'I feel pain, fuck life'?
Speaking for myself, the thing that makes me not want children is the fact that any child I create will have to undergo dying. They'll grow old, their body will decay, and they'll have to experience the process of dying, which is something I've observed in family members and would not wish upon anyone. And that's if they're lucky. There are plenty of fates worth than death that could befall them. There are any number of diseases, sorts of handicaps and paralysis, any manner of excruciating and prolonged deaths that could await them that they could not reasonably avoid in any way. I don't mind the fact of being dead, but I don't want to undergo dying, if you follow me.

Oh, and of course, if you don't want to undergo dying, there's no way out, because you are sentenced to die no matter what you do. It's why the "why don't you just kill yourself?" response is completely hollow.

I see. This isn't an appeal to authority or tradition, but I personally feel like to not procreate would be to spit upon what my ancestors went through. I mean, I have ancestors that crossed seas, travelled deserts and forests, sometimes months sometimes years, slaughtering each other (probably the most exhilarating thing out there), just so that I, lil old user, get to wank off to lesbians and smoke weed. Now you may say that that is a greater shame than not having children but I disagree. My ancestors *did* suffer so their progeny could live better. Me living basically like a king compared to the lot of them is just the logical conclusion of that, a privilege really. And I would be a sourpuss (in my view ofc) and a sore loser if I didn't extend that privilege to future generations.

Human society, as ugly and harsh and truly terrible as it often is, is absolutely amazing. Why should we give up on being ostensibly the best the universe has to offer? Because of something that people have coped with for literal millenia, and only now we should stop coping and just fizzle out? I don't mean to sound combative or mean, but fuck dude, you need some mythology my man.

My ancestors are dead and forgotten just as I eventually will be. Even if I have children there's no guarantee my bloodline would continue after them, and even if it did, it too would eventually wither to nothingness along with the rest of the human race. And through this entire process, how many people sentenced to death and incalculable pain and misery? People don't cope with this, they are sentenced to it; it's not a choice but a prison.

Physical immortality is scientifically within our reach. And you don't know that your ancestors are forgotten because this argument isn't about consciousness, but simply pain.

I can't imagine anything more painful than my life never ending.

What makes you think my kids don't like living?

Stop projecting, you incel freak.

What a deeply sad assertion. I know what you mean, but still.

>we are currently being
Retroactively refuted by Guénon, you are currently Becoming, whereas the truly initiated Traditionalist is in the realm of Being.