ITT: Post literature from your country

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OK actually I am living in this other country right now.

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Are there other Brazilian authors similar to Machado de Assis?

paulo coelho

Absolutely kino.

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the most literate and literary voice that the most westernized and illiterate country in Asia has ever produced

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Kill yourself immediatly, saying Assis and Coelho are similar is like saying Pynchon and Dan Brown are similar.

Independent People by Halldór Laxness

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I tried reading that. It's halfway between schizo babble and densely textured good literature. Hard to tell which

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>dude muh kiklop
Epska metafora

>not posting this instead
Where's your national spirit?

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Not posting the superior saga instead
>Ég vona innilega að þú gerir ekki slíkt hið sama

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This any good? I was cleaning out my shed and found a lot of books I had forgotten and this was one of them.

based bait