I feel like i'm the only person on the planet whose actually read his book

I feel like i'm the only person on the planet whose actually read his book

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daily reminder that reading is a spook

This, reading philosophy is a form of mental cuckoldry and self-spooking. The Chad way involves giving their ideas a cursory glance and using your own intellect fo fill the blanks, thus making their ideas your property.

Ask me whatever you want about it, because I've TOTALLY read it.

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We’re few and far between. Stirner’s Critics was also enjoyable

And The False Principles of Our Education? What did we think of that, miss?

Whats it about?

i read it was i was like 15 and then someone on lit explained it to me. turns out your need to read contemporaries namely hegelians and have a background in philosophy. oh well ill just do lit says and beat my dick to traps.

Reading it right now. Just quit my job because of very high coronavirus risk and this is my book of choice while society collapses in my country

>quit his job because afraid of the flue

I talk to hundreds of tourists at an entrance in the most central plaza in the capital of my touristic country which is flooded with Italians and Chinese people every single day for a minimum wage. My boss told me "yeah you might get the virus but don't worry only the old die haha". Fuck that job

Read the Byington trans. And Dialectical Egoism by John Welsh.

Also find Fred Beiser's article on Stirner. Basically says Stirner radicalized Kant and shat on everything.

2-3% death rate is kinda high

It's .2% for people under 40. I don't think it even hits the 1% threshold until around 50.

I'm a new reader, so I haven't, I'm planning to read his stuff though, what do you recommend I start with? I'm thinking "The Ego and Its Own" because it remind me of "Civilzation and it's discontents"

"whose" is not a contraction of "who has" you fucking idiot.

Based grammar Satan

Cringe grammar Lucifer
Language does not bend the knee to the fickle rules of grammar.

"Let's eat grandma"

there is no proper data on it. in any case, it's relevant enough to shift the global economy and possibly make racism trendy lol. perhaps more will die from the ensuing economic and social destabilisation than from coronachan herself. though that'd be hard to measure.


Stirner is a Spook

Attached: Col. Stache.jpg (814x1300, 189K)

daily reminder he is an invention created by marx and engels