What are your favorite essays Yea Forums?

What are your favorite essays Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Two Dogmas of Empiricism by Quine
>On What There Is by Quine
>Wittgenstein on God, religion and theology by Hengstmengel
>From Believers to Muslims by Donner
>Piety and Eschatology in Early Kharijite Poetry by Donner
>The Historian, the believer, and the Qur'an by Donner
>The Qur'an in recent scholarship by Donner
>Was Marwan ibn al-Hakam the First "Real" Muslim? by Donner
>Xenophon's Arabia by Donner
>Al-Yunini and the Transmission of Sahih al-Bukhari by Aftab
>On the Manuscripts of Sahih al-Bukhari by Zaman

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Are you Fred M. Donner?

An Essay on Man;
Of Friendship;
Of Prayer
Apology for Raymond Sebond;
On the Pleasure of Hating;
All Pauline Essays/Epistles.

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Poe on Poetry
Dick on Dickery
Sneed on Seed

>Sneed on Seed
>not sneedery
why'd you do that you devil

not reading the banned original
Sneed: On Sucking

God in the Dock. Based boy Lewis dabbing on them proles.

Nah, I just like his work regarding Islamic revisionism

Lear, Tolstoy, and the fool

Orwell BTFO's Tolstoy, and it's hilarious.

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On Pain by Ernst Junger.


Abolition of Work by Bob Black
Meltdown by Nick Land

I really enjoyed An anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks. E Unibus Pluram by DFW is a hella fun read too. Anything Sontag, but I can't remember any specific ones right now.

Shooting An Elephant by Orwell

Recommendations for someone who just read In Praise of Shadows by Tanizaki?

Count on Stirner if you're a learner.

Hubert's Hypocrisy is for Heroes.

Just about anything by G.K. Chesterton or C.S. Lewis. I also liked R.A. Wilson's Androphobia essay, in Cosmic Trigger 3, where he comes out as a MRA.

Too bad Bob Black is such an asshole IRL.

Anyone know any good sites to download essays?

Walter Pater's "Appreciation, with an essay on style" changed my entire perception of literature and therefore life.

The White Negro


great for all books

The Forest Passage by Ernst Jünger