I can't even read.
I can't even read
Kek. I can't even write, bro. But thanks to youtube I fully understand the most complex philosophers.
i came quarts
I cant even read latin
whenever the subject is after the action my brain short circuits
tu est niggum suspicio
wait shit I didn't use the vocative
okay tu est nigge suspicio
nigge being the latin noun that I made up,
2nd declension nigger/niggi M. - someone of ethiopian descent
ok now give me a parsed interlinear text of mea commentarius desus
non, nisi fata deum, dormiam.
on further reflection I don't think I needed vocative and accusative was the right call because tu is the subject
I can't read either. Deliberate choice.
I have never even seen a book
Hahaha you stupid mother fucker! This is the worst board for you to be posting on because people on Yea Forums read. How embarrassing!
everyone here just pretends they read, just like everyone on /fit/ pretends they lift
>Page full of words good!
Grug is the best.
its tu es not tu est
Holy fuck I just started on LLPSI and my brain is not ok with it.
What does he read?
You don't.