I can't even read

I can't even read.

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Kek. I can't even write, bro. But thanks to youtube I fully understand the most complex philosophers.

i came quarts

I cant even read latin
whenever the subject is after the action my brain short circuits

tu est niggum suspicio

wait shit I didn't use the vocative

okay tu est nigge suspicio
nigge being the latin noun that I made up,
2nd declension nigger/niggi M. - someone of ethiopian descent

ok now give me a parsed interlinear text of mea commentarius desus

non, nisi fata deum, dormiam.

on further reflection I don't think I needed vocative and accusative was the right call because tu is the subject

I can't read either. Deliberate choice.

I have never even seen a book

Hahaha you stupid mother fucker! This is the worst board for you to be posting on because people on Yea Forums read. How embarrassing!

Attached: lol you fucking serious.jpg (1200x680, 41K)

everyone here just pretends they read, just like everyone on /fit/ pretends they lift

>Page full of words good!

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Grug is the best.

its tu es not tu est

Holy fuck I just started on LLPSI and my brain is not ok with it.


What does he read?

You don't.
