>All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)
All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage...
Other urls found in this thread:
what is this from?
Imagine the reeing when he realizes that Christians were the real accfags all along.
bumping for an answer
It's Land
lit told me Land was cringe but this is based
And to think... I hesitated.
Nah it's cringe.
Told you faggots we'd see a trillion dollar pump day. Enjoy the last days of the memory of capital.
>capitalism is finally over! for real this time!
yawn, are you still trying to sell the same bridge?
>t-to-toilet p-paper and s-s-sanitizer are-are in-intelli-intelligence f-f-ff-ff-from the f-f-f-future
You're finally getting your bitcoin future, just in the complete opposite way you thought. And exactly what I said.
Enjoy coping.
What do you think is going to happen user? Coronavirused factory workers going to finally have a revolution?
>trillions being wiped out in minutes
>world production shut down
>15% crash in a week with trillions injected
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, capital deceleration can't stop capital acceleration
I unironically like this bot
The great cosmic event of the return to simple time.
Stock up on necessities while you still can.
>mfw it’s four months later and no one even remembers coronavirus
Why do you find the truth is cringe? Christcuck?
What truth?
Who hurt him
>4% mortality rate
>12 day asymptomatic spread
>6% mortality rate
>r-0 of 4.0
>8% mortality rate
>27 day asymptomatic spread
>10% mortality
>r-0 600
>12% mortality rate
>52 day asymptomatic spread
>14% mortality rate
>respirators for 0.1% of population
>16% mortality rate
>airborne aids compounds with multiple infections
>18% mortality rate
>worldwide run on tp
>20% mortality rate
>stop using facemasks they only work for doctors
>22% mortality rate
stop spamming this stupid bullshit, this heteronormative little virus can't stop capital
>I have gay cancer. I'm going to die, and so are you.
>“It’s fantastic,” said Ambrogio Pezzi, 54, as he strode past with his golden retriever. The dentist was enjoying a two-week break from work and more time with his family.
>“We are like hamsters in a wheel, running around and around and not realizing we are always running in the same spot,” he said. “Maybe this is a lesson to slow down and enjoy things.”
So dumb
Deceleration can't stop acceleration, they're the same process
yes! someone isn't reaching into peoples bodily fluids while there is an infectious disease outbreak! capitalism is finally collapsing!
Where is there capitalism?
Why do you assume cristcuckage? are youu obsessed? Applying morose negative value is just as arbitrary as positive. The only difference is the former is more masturbatory and revels in its on filth.
Yep, life fucking sucks and I want to die every day. Every morning I open my eyes and the nightmare floods back in. My life is an unspeakable crime and the future is only pain. Unimaginable, forever. Thanks philosophy
Similar to his anti-christian comments (from the essay?), and they likely see only christians being opposed to him.
The irony is that it's directly lifted from de Maistre.
if it's true then why are the only people spouting it ugly, skinnyfat pseuds with shit parents?
sorry, what is there other than capitalism? all you have to do is point out this new mode of economic exchange that is taking over thanks to the virus, the onus is on you.
That wasn't even the point to begin with.
But no, the onus is on you to show where capital still exists or how Land's version is superior and where that exists. All I see is governments funding a bunch of soi programmers so that other sois can take moving pictures of themselves.
Hardly horrific or anything resembling intelligence. What we have is likely closer to romanticism than anything like capital. Our entire production system was 'deterritorialised' 50 years ago. Capital is something for the third world.
Can we have a coronaviruse based economy pls?
>the onus is on you to show where capital still exists
>how Land's version is superior and where that exists
Land's version of what? capitalism? as superior to what? what is your point about soiboi programmers supposed to mean? what does that have to do with whether capitalism is collapsing or not? what does it mean to say the production system was deterritorialized 50 years ago when the system is at an all time high for territorialization? (at least, before the deterritorializing effects of the virus). what does it mean to say Capital is for the third world when every single first world country is capitalist? this whole post just feels like cope.
Amazon is entirely dependent on government funding, foreign production, and produces nothing of its own. It is a large-scale distribution service, and its monopolizing tendencies are as much the equivalent of military service as it is capital/economy. They also employ almost no one for their size, while the government and medical industries employ a much larger number. Even then they are a grey market, inverse to how the Chinese allowed markets into its country the united states allowed foreign production to return in exchange for legal ties to the government and its military agencies.
Retreat, or ossification, of the productive apparatus in the West occurs due to the necessity of other forms of non-economic and non-productive work. Their remains an essential proletariat, but they are relegated to the bare minimum of service, keeping distribution channels open, and maintaining the means of transportation and mobilisation.
Offshoring became total and capital was centralised within a few third-world countries. There's been no real development in the West outside of the military for 30-40 years. Bread and circuses are not capital, and the desperate attempts to adapt them to marxist thought is simply a secondary, reflective form of ossification top keep capital alive as an organisational method - whether positive or negative.
The pandemic is not a cause of the economic crisis, that territory was already laid out over the past 75 years. And what is happening now is precisely due to the weakness and centralisation of capital.
You still haven't learned to read? Land's version of capitalism compared to Marx and Smith. If capital is something more than what they say then you'd have to prove it, otherwise it is just a massive cope.
The point about soibois should be obvious. There is no horrific future machine quality to it. The reality is entirely banal while the ideology must itself become spectacular to maintain its organisation.
What do you see as territorialisation? Where is this occurring?
And how is the entire West capitalist? What is the essence of capitalism and how is this reflected as the dominant form governing the West?
you seem to just have really idiosyncratic conclusions about reality, like how amazon and western countries aren't capitalist. I think 98% of people, including economists, would disagree with your take. Land doesn't present a "superior" version of capitalism, it's the same capitalist processes, he just thinks there is some noumenal form of intelligence underlying them. he uses the example of the Thing, when it infects your dog, it's not that your dog is no longer a dog, it's that you simply had no idea what a dog could really be. and who cares if soiboi programmers aren't edgy enough for you? this is such a meaningless critique. where do I see territorialization? well you laid out pretty clearly how territorialized amazon is, and really capitalism in general. any modern city is a territorialization of capital. facebook is territorialized. youtube is territorialized. walmart is territorialized. silicon valley firms hiring soibois are territorialized
So I'm wrong because of the argument from retarded authorities? Why can't you answer the qustions I asked? They should be easy for someone like yourself.
So a dog, if you paint it red, is no longer a dog but red. Thanks for clarifying your retarded position.
I'm not the one who wants it to be edgy, you retarded fuck. You are all the ones talking about horror-ultratime terror machines deterritorialising a thousand-million eons and multiverses. But in reality you're just spamming pseud shit on twitter. There's a bit of a disconnect, and far from meaningless to point this out. Your offense suggests how close it is to the truth.
What do you mean by territorialisation? All you're doing is appropriating what I said and adapting it to your own purposes, as if essence cannot exist. How is a territory set up by the government actually set up by capital?
Do you even know what an essence is? For example, if government is sovereign then all forms of capital will exist within its form but not all forms of government will be subject to the form of capital. If capital is dominant then government will exist within its form while capital is not subject to the government.
If accelerationism had any relevance it would shed light on this matter, but it is just a confused mess that mixes up its terms. A form of relativism that says far less than even marxism.
>So I'm wrong because of the argument from retarded authorities?
you should at least explain why the entire field of economists disagree with your position on economics rather than simply pretend it's true because you said it
>So a dog, if you paint it red, is no longer a dog but red.
literally the opposite of the analogy, the dog is always a dog, just like capitalism is always capitalism. you can't have this bad of reading comprehension, this must be bait.
If the dog is the Thing then it's no longer a dog.
And you're a bad faith, rude faggot. Same as ever.
>disagrees with an analogy so they literally strawman it as the opposite of what it's supposed to be
>bad faith
The field of economics is shit. The few good thinkers who discuss economics would agree with me, capital is a minor factor, perhaps even dead now.
>hahaha solipsism so based me funny
Nice cope. But explain how the dog is a dog if it's the Thing.
And you might want to learn what a straw man is.
Answer these questions if you're not a faggot.
What do you see as territorialisation? Define it.
What is the underlying noumenal intelligence of capital? (Yes, I get the irony of this question, but I doubt you do, so try to answer it anyways.)
What's the point of a dekantianised kantianism?
How is capital dominant in the west, but also not dominant in the west, and the result of a noumena, but also its end/telos?
Why do accfags worship intelligence while resenting it?
>What do you see as territorialisation? Define it.
territorialization is basically just organs on the body. it's a socius where the breaks and flows of desire are already situated. read Deleuze
>I get the irony of this question
then please don't act retarded for rhetorical effect because there is already enough retardation to wade through in these posts
>dekantianised kantianism
it's closer to reKantianized Marxism
>How is capital dominant in the west, but also not dominant in the west
meaningless statement
>and the result of a noumena, but also its end/telos?
please don't act retarded for rhetorical effect it isn't helping anyone
>worship intelligence while resenting it
honestly seems like you are more hung up on understanding Kant and Deleuze than anything
>The few good thinkers who discuss economics would agree with me
oh cool, you actually have readings to recommend? I'm all ears
>explain how the dog is a dog if it's the Thing
okay, ignore Land and acceleration for a moment, because this is standard Kantianism. Kant asserts the seperation between phenomena and noumena, that things as they appear and things as they are in-themselves are not equivalent. Before Kant, your dog was just a dog. After Kant, your dog is simply a phenomenological appearance of the dog, and not the thing-in-itself. your dog insofar as you can comprehend it is simply an appearance of something deeper and funddmentally different from your dog as a phenomena. Kant doesn't assert that this means that your dog is no longer a dog, however. Your dog is still your dog, even if you didn't know what underlies it; you had no idea what a dog could be. Kant even calls that which underlies appearances "the thing" (das Ding)
I'm not a kantian, nor a deleuzefag. That doesn't mean I don't understand them.
Way to turn the discussion into reddit-tier faggotry again.
Ask me how I anticipated this would be your response.
Perhaps you have noticed that there are no longer any cyberneticians, and we are over 100 years past its peak. This itself suggests another relation to technology than what you would insist is merely economic and rational extraction (AND OF COURSE MAYBE SO MUCH MORE, ETERNAL RETURN TO THE NTH DEGREE!!!!).
Entire teams are dedicated to speculative rationalism, proletarian technicians develop a blurry image that they call the origin of the universe and a single woman gets the credit. Our relation to technology has realised the impossible form of societ realism, suggesting something completely other than capital.
>soviet/socialist realism
100 years past it's peak? Weiner didn't even write Cybernetics till 1948...
>Our relation to technology has realised the impossible form of societ realism
Soviet realism? As in we see technology as the justifying principal of history like Soviet propaganda promoted communism? Don't see how any sort of ideological presuppositions towards tech discount an economic system from being capitalist. What thinkers are you referring to here? I am interested in reading up on the handful of people you speak of who understand the economy
>not getting the reference/joke
I'll feel sorry for you.
Socialist realism was a literature/cultural movement in the Soviet Union. For them it is formal, for us real.
The strange relation accfags have to something like capitalist realism - not getting the irony of its cultural appearance, Fisher's work is essentially a work of capitalist realism - suggests their lesser relation to world. A greater collapse and recognition of failure is coming than what the Soviets faced, and the capitalist realists in their final phase are the heralds.
I am willing to share references, but only with those who work for them.
I think what this author—and the posters whom this resonated with—missed is that it's better this way.
I did get the reference and talked about Soviet realism in my post, did you even read it?
>Fisher's work is essentially a work of capitalist realism
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. By Fisher coining and attacking the idea of capitalist realism, he was doing capitalist realism? What do you mean by lesser relation to the world? We were supposed to be discussing the noumena and Kant's relation to capital, then you went off about Soviet Realism, now you are making spurious claims about Mark Fisher. I'm going to ask you one more time for references, if me patiently explaining Kantian epistemology to you isn't enough to earn your references I probably don't have the time or energy to.
No, Land is fine with horrific cosmic Darwinism
You're assuming I needed that explained. And you didn't get the reference since I meant someone before Wiener.
Yes, Fisher was entirely enframed by capitalist realism. Not in the sense he meant it, but its ironic cultural form which affects all the 'capital is a godform' types.
if he was he wouldn't use such pessimistic language
k let's try to get better then
>You're assuming I needed that explained
You literally asked me to explain it to you though, literally the only reason I typed all that shit out.
>explain how the dog is a dog if it's the Thing.
And who exactly was this figure doing cybernetics decades before Weiner invented it? I don't know why I'm asking you, you won't give me an answer because this random figure you are eluding to doesn't exist, just like those few thinkers who totally understand the economy like you do. I feel like I'm talking to one of those kids that used to brag about some shit like doing a backflip but when pressed they would just say they just didn't feel like doing one.
>'capital is a godform' types
Fisher was a communist, he thought capitalism was a helpless and crumbling giant in its last rotting stages. You skipped reading his work too I take it?
Yes, pessimism as the negation of pessimism. The very form of capital is used to keep up a pessimistic image, indicating that neither are anymore for-themselves.
The average person is much more pessimistic in his silence. And those who need to valorise a culture of pessimism are either lost to the spirit of the age or herald its end. Both seem likely in the case of accelerationists.
If anything it is the loss of the modern essence of technology that creates such a formalism, a reversion into the shell. Technology has lost its mirror qualities and so the pessimism is retained only in fiction - as in photos of abandoned foundries or the accumulated tools which were superior but must be forced through the mind as an obsolete product.
doesn't imply that he sees it as a good, just unstoppable. I'm saying he doesn't see it as a good
no he is fully supportive of this. read his article Disintegration if you want more. his unofficial motto is "coldness be my God"
I asked you how it works, not for the kantian cope.
I literally posted a quote of who I meant, just to give you a chance...
There can be negative gods. Capital as a godform isn't necessarily a positive thing, gods of destruction have their own means of absolving sin. Strange that I have to explain this to those who supposedly worship cosmic horror...
I don't care I'm not googling the quote in the photo. it's not worth it. you are a huge faggot who can't even try to have a normal conversation
>cosmic horror
The Great Old Ones can't die so that's probably a terrible analogy, but you probably never read Lovecraft either
Capitalism is somewhat redundant in the fact that it gets stronger when it becomes weaker or when it's challenged. Che Guevara t-shirts for an obvious example. The revolution will be televised and sold for profit.
Technical proficiency has reduced your arms to a level where they can't even type for long. This reverses the machine morals in most sci-fi.
But I guess you don't read that.
>The process of continuous neutralization of various do-mains of cultural life has reached its end because technology is at hand. Technology is no longer neutral ground in the sense of the process of neutralization; every strong politics will make use of it. For this reason, the present century can only be understood provisionally as the century of technology. How ultimately it should be understood will be revealed only when it is known which type of politics is strong enough to master the new technology and which type of genuine friend-enemy groupings can develop on this new ground.
>Great masses of industrialized peoples today still cling to a torpid religion of technicity because they, like all masses, seek radical results and believe subconsciously that the absolute depoliticization sought after four centuries can be found here and that universal peace begins here. Yet technology can do nothing more than intensify peace or war; it is equally available to both. In this respect, nothing changes by speaking in the name of and employing the magic formula of peace. Today we see through the fog of names and words with which the psycho-technical machinery of mass suggestion works.
The death of capital can be understood through our relation to crisis. In the World War the Soviets dismantled entire cities of production, moved them across the country, and returned to full production in a matter of weeks. We cannot even imagine such effort, and a system has been developed preventing it from ever being possible again. This suggests that the type of man required for total production is lost to us. Perhaps worse, modern man abandoned his project of technology completely. Capital can only remain as fantasy, or a morphological theory of the economy of endless paper.
This would explain the turning of marxists against marxism, its bourgeoisification at the very moment when man had been thoroughly levelled. And Bataille's celebration of capital's abandonment of its own laws: the revolution must be found in the liberal rationalism which built its installments. The Leviathan must decapitate itself as its kings had.
The century of capital was one of becoming, the century of technology that of being. The manifold increase in the violent appearance of the friend-enemy distinction indicates this much deeper war than that of class - which can only serve as a unification process or signal of civil war. The entire idea of class is one with the old regime, hence why Marx was only correct where he approached liberal rationalism. His class distinction and historical determinism could never have anticipated something like Romanticism.
The economist realises his end in irrational exuberance. Then he must return to the proletarian revolution he so long neglected. The inescapable confusion and lunacy is simply a descent into realisation - all of the liberal projects have failed. But technology can never be recognised as a failure without ending the age of modernity. The total mobilisation of the economy to maintain the appearance of technological growth appears here. And the figure of technology that upholds its own image as the law of peace is seen in the rebuilding of the World Trade Center: an apparition, a spectre of its own haunting of Europe.
The defeat of the West through its own reluctant and half-measure wars is a fitting justice. Even as migration threatens all that is left we must recognise this truth. Mercenaries are incapable of defending the homeland from kettling by the unarmed. If the West has failed then it is because of its economics, its inability to realise its higher form. The migrant hordes thus appear as an eschatology of the technical laws of peace, and as the triumph of Luddism.
Total pacifism must appear as the victory of the Wild Hunt, unarmed.
I did not enjoy reading this. No, pessimism is not the negation of pessimism
Kek. It clearly is for Land, whose doppelganger is a technocrat with Barney aesthetics.
>s-socialism wil work this time bros! capitalism is done for
you faggots have been saying this for decades with nothing to show for it
He takes suffering too seriously regardless.
This isn't so grim, it's just the one God toppling the tower of Babel again.
What happens when the kantian limits become the speck of dust of ephemeral return? One must feed on the cosmos as if it were carrion. The accelerationist only differs from the liberal in the size of his gutless eyes.
The Body Without Organs is just a myth of fasting in the Land of Cockaigne. Difference must be overdetermined to keep up appearances when the peasant, merchant, and priest become one. Economics adheres to this law more than any other.
What makes you think I'm a socialist? I literally said capital is a minor concern, that all political difference in the modern era disappears before technology, and that class is a means greatly misunderstood by Marx.
Not really sure what you mean, that the communist relation is akin to the Tower of Babel myth? Possibly true, but this itself would leave a horrific pit where the foundation was.
Myth reaches much deeper than law, no wonder that the Christian tendencies of accs prevent them from seeing this.
>thinks capital is a minor concern
>thinks all political difference in the modern era disappears before technology
>thinks that class is a means
so your a Socialist
Capital is everything for socialists, even if from the negative.
Don't see what would be socialist about that statement.
I don't see class as a means, I am speaking of its limits, the extent of its power, at least in the materialist sense, how it functions in the modern era. My understanding of class would be classical or Roman, each is both one and not one.
A good example of technology eliminating all political difference would be that of the guenonians and accs. They could be misunderstood as samefags on here.
Similarly, economic difference must be defended to the death, even though technology eliminates all essential difference there as well. The liberal and marxist are like schizophrenics defending their egos.
>Capital is everything for socialists
>Capital is everything for communists
>Capital is everything for capitalists
>Capital is everything for accelerationists
wow how did you get such a big brained take on political theory user?
Sorry I didn't clarify I'm not the guy you were responding to. It's just that I think the godform you're describing is benevolent, not malevolent. The soul wears lightly its garb of flesh, all suffering is transient.
Have you ever, even once in your life, understood what is said?
>bro don't read the words I write those are total nonsense just like come up with what I meant instead
In some sense, yes. And why the soviets were so capable of enduring their suffering and elevating the type of capitalised being to a much higher level.
Platonov satirizes the Christian remnants after the revolution very well.
You said that capital being a minor concern is an element of socialism, even when it is entirely a reaction to capital and reorganises society through economics. The comment that capital is everything for socialists was obviously in relation to that.
Then you went off into your autism, as usual. You're the high social intelligence poster aren't you.
socialists believe it is a scientific fact that capitalism will collapse very soon, why would it be everything to them? are you ESL? because you seem to be using the word "everything" wrong
Are you really this retarded or is this just a poor attempt at the longest troll in history?
When China goes into total production it is capital, but somehow Sovietism eliminates capital completely? And this without even discussing the socialists who simply want to reform capital.
'Capital is everything even when it's not.' You're a living meme, no wonder you deploy a Human Security System to defend against all others.
I was talking about Marxist socialism, why are you changing topics? I hope I don't have to tell you that Marxist socialism and Marxist-Leninism is not the same thing. you haven't made one coherent argument in this whole thread. it's all non-sequiturs and basic misreadings of philosophical terminology. the other user asked you for your references where are they?
>Sovietism eliminates capital completely
also, this isn't NEARLY the qualification to refute "everything being capital". either everything is capital or capital is eliminated completely? you are such a slimey fuck who is more interested is scrounging up some sort of gotcha rather than actually having a productive dialogue. get a trip so I can filter you please
>productive dialogue
lmao. Post one single effortpost you have ever made. Just (1).
The dog s the Thing user. If you can't know capital then you can't know capital. I know capital and I'm telling you it's The Thing.
> Platonov satirizes the Christian remnants after the revolution very well.
How? Haven't read him. There's also irony in a communist satirizing christians, given the outcome of the USSR (Babel).
>original post was discussing soviets
what the literal fuck are you talking about? make a coherent sentence that someone can read and interpret
I called you a socialist and never once brought up the Soviets but thanks for demonstrating once again you can't follow what's going on
I thought you fags were experts in schizophrenia.
This is ragga jungle user, either keep up or keep out.
Retard redditor. Just click the numbers
Accfags must enjoy getting btfo or something.
I wasn't talking about the content of that post, I was calling YOU a socialist. not a Soviet. a Marxist socialist
Total anarchy.
Cats and dogs living together with The Thing.
You wouldn't get it.
But it's based.
Which makes zero fucking sense and the useless semantics over socialism/sovietism is your autism/retardation.
Listen to some good jungle and get back to me
>useless semantics over socialism/sovietism
so you are retarded and haven't read the relevant material, what is that like the 4th time itt you've made that clear?
What's the relevant material user? And why are you making the not real socialism argument if you're not a socialist?
Have you not listened to the relevant jungle user? Have you not heard the dogs barking as they take flight across the Volga?
Listen to the relevant jungle user. It is The Thing.
>What's the relevant material user?
Marx; please get a trip
Any good quotes from Marx showing how Soviet socialism wasn't real socialism?
Do you have his eBay review for The Thing?
Was he a cat or dog xer?
Thanks for your help user. I'm getting faster with every jungle beat.
do you actually think Marxist socialism and
Marxist-Leninism is the same thing? of course you do because you never read Marx
>i called you a socialist
>read the relevant material to find out how
WTF is happening?
Look, schizoposting brought you to a real question. A dumb as fuck one, but almost on topic.
Whether or not they are the same thing isn't the same thing as them both being forms of socialism. Are you saying that marxist-leninism isn't real socialism? If so, why is that the case?
Otherwise, what the fuck is your point with the leninism autism?
I know you aren't used to talking about books but you'll have to try and keep up
Real socialism and jungle.
>Are you saying that marxist-leninism isn't real socialism?
no, I called you a socialist, which is not the same thing as a Soviet. I can't explain this to you any simpler user, they aren't the same thing. it's like if someone called you a liberal and you replied "I'm not a democrat" then when they say they didn't call you a democrat, you reply "so you're saying democrats aren't liberal?"
PLEASE fuck off or get a trip because I can't try and help you chase your own tail every fucking acc thread
>I can't have solipsism until you have solipsism
What is your point? You called me a socialist so I can never again discuss the Soviets.
I guess leninist-autism is exactly the same as kantian socialism.
Listen to the relevant jungle user. You're slowing down.
Anyway I have to get up early and prep for capital having no interruptions. Great talking to you comrade.
One last jungle rhythm for a speedy sleep
>you're a socialist
>Uhh no I'm not a soviet
>You are conflating socialism and Marxist-Leninism
>WOW so you called me a socialist so I can never again discuss the soviets?
are you a 14 year old girl? you come off very feminine
Go outside
this is narcissistic
It's because Yea Forums is cringe and Land is based
The law of the strong is the joy of the world
Smoothed brain take but writing like this makes me hate metaphor
How do I convert Land into becoming a muslim? There is a Sufi hidden beneath all that.
>and now the locusts
Markets manufacture dotards.
Nice try fag.
What they miss is that there's not anything close to truth in it.
You must be the dumbest person on this board
Oh fuck. The Thing is now teleoplexing.
After 30 days, the "total isolates", as they were called, were found to be "enormously disturbed". After being isolated for a year, they barely moved, did not explore or play, and were incapable of having sexual relations. When placed with other monkeys for a daily play session, they were badly bullied. Two of them refused to eat and starved themselves to death.
Harlow also wanted to test how isolation would affect parenting skills, but the isolates were unable to mate. Artificial insemination had not then been developed; instead, Harlow devised what he called a "rape rack", to which the female isolates were tied in normal monkey mating posture. He found that, just as they were incapable of having sexual relations, they were also unable to parent their offspring, either abusing or neglecting them. "Not even in our most devious dreams could we have designed a surrogate as evil as these real monkey mothers were", he wrote.[8] Having no social experience themselves, they were incapable of appropriate social interaction. One mother held her baby's face to the floor and chewed off his feet and fingers. Another crushed her baby's head. Most of them simply ignored their offspring.
accfags are literally just marxist jannies.
biggest day in history.
capital wins again. stay potently bitter.
It's a poignant observation but I don't see what it has to do with being a gay commie.
>Does all this not clearly signal the urgent need for a reorganization of the global economy which will no longer be at the mercy of market mechanisms? We are not talking here about old-style communism, of course, just about some kind of global organization that can control and regulate the economy, as well as limit the sovereignty of nation-states when needed. Countries were able to do it against the backdrop of war in the past, and all of us are now effectively approaching a state of medical war.
>But maybe another – and much more beneficial – ideological virus will spread and hopefully infect us: the virus of thinking about an alternate society, a society beyond nation-state, a society that actualizes itself in the forms of global solidarity and cooperation.
>My modest opinion is much more radical: the coronavirus epidemic is a kind of “Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique” attack on the global capitalist system – a signal that we cannot go on the way we were up until now, that a radical change is needed.
It's over for accfags.
>a poignant observation
What is?
Hey man it's from "Gotta Go Fast", by Nicholas J. Land.
What do you think? The quote in the OP.
How is it poignant?
>anyone who acknowledges the coming disasters fueled by "capitalism" is a goddamn pinko!
capitalism causing coming disasters is different than capitalism itself ending
Is there really capitalism if it is entirely controlled?
The great irony is that capital cannot function as Land says. It would have to oppose the very modern foundations which make such thinking possible.
The perspective is asking for defeat while still maintaining power; a false contradiction.
I guess it depends what you mean by controlled. if you are trying to go down the classical liberal route of finding a 100% free market you are going to end up concluding capitalism has never existed. if you just analyze the way capitalism actually functions you'll see pretty clearly that there has always been some forms of control put on capitalism. that is literally the purpose of the modern state, it is a capitalist regulator.
how is capital functioning then? how has it functioned for the past few hundred years?
Yet he cries like a bitch when he stubs his toe
>the way capitalism actually functions
Which is?
do you want me to link you an economics text book or something
No. You could just explain it since you understand it so well.
Because losers are praising the imminent doom so they can be out out of their misery, while those who are successful cant reconcile with death
why would I sit around giving you an explanation of things you could get in any introductory economics course? if you don't think capitalism is functioning that makes you the dissenting opinion to reality mate, it's on you to make an argument. there are multi billion dollar corporations proving your statement wrong just by existing
As a human project, which has slowed down immensely. (At least in Western countries.)
Where there is no growth there is no need for labour intensification. And where society is already modernized there is no need for an increase in technical organisation, it is already complete. As I said above, capital is simply a means in achieving modern organisations, a period of becoming.
Gambling occurs with great wealth, rare items, excess, and trade items which could use revitalization - opposed limits of material, necessities reign in between. The poorest regions do not gamble with chickens, only in the areas where the rooster must develop some animalium triste are organisational exceptions allowed. Where gambling is prevalent, to the point of an industry, one can assume that currency itself needs revitalization. The God of Dice takes over where rational organisation no longer fears its death and must develop a war mentality. Ibi nullus timet mortem sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem. (Here no-one fears death, but they throw the dice in the name of Bacchus.)
Just as cutting the threads of Fate eliminates the power of drink the triumph over wealth necessitates other means of organisation. The ultimate paradox of materialism is that it must eliminate material to uphold its own laws, thus rationalism and technical extraction appear as a form of prohibition: the essence of the material must be hollowed out, refined, and its dangerous quantities disposed of. Morality allows too much light to seep into the tavern, that place where Plato's laws of escape and metaphysical imprisonment were exempt.
The law of necessities ensures that only the most terrible necessity remains. And no political system may overcome this law without first recognising its terrifying hold upon order. It is the vast mill yards which seek to eliminate beauty, and then turn against themselves in failure. For beauty exists without need of energy, and cannot be worn away - as the material over which it reigns bears the mark of time. Desecration becomes law where beauty is seen as the archenemy, and the inability of mills to grind completely necessitates their abandonment. The materialist must turn to other means.
Capital, which is rationalist economic abstraction, can only exist where technology remains incomplete, where it sanctions its elemental forces and laws. It must maintain the law of vices over technology's own interests. The technological century signifies capital's complete failure: political forces reemerged and even eliminated the founding laws of modernity. After 1916 capital can only be understood as the return against time, reestablishing the Katechon laws which made it possible as a dominant force. It thus returns to primitive accumulation - a means of bourgeois aesthetics, peace as utopian rationalism where technology had already made it impossible.
Acceleration appears as a means of material to defend the era which it has lost; its own buildings are repeatedly demolished to prevent their abandonment to time. Ruins in a permanent state of transition replace the clocktower. Modernity turns to a war of attrition against the immaterial, especially when its defenses are overrun.
The Noumena is simply the negative formation of the One, paralysis before the alliance of forms - the exile of Dionysian elements from war; the mirror of death which only reflects beauty; architecture with the single purpose of eliminating political forces capable of mastering technology. What can no longer be denied must be rationalised against, and the appearance of movement occurs only in those unwilling to accept that the rows within the stadium are already aligned. The new era appears as a defensive position which cannot be maintained, and those who flee the battlefield ensure two forms of exile. Hence the increased sense of inescapability and woe for those who appear out of time.
Capital is an imperial cult in the society without a state, a means of politics where all difference must subside. Where the state and difference returns one begins to realise that the old economic forms are impossible. Vice may only beget greater vices, and economic pessimism imagines the consumption of immaterial quantities of energy only to the extent that its own laws of beauty and righteousness have been defeated. The elimination of currency as a type of waste indicates the approaching horizon of new values of wealth; price discovery returns to divine law. Currency no longer serves as a measure of events, and those who hold it are met with increasing frequency by figures of the God of Dice, or even Charon. Quamvis bibant mente leta, sic nos rodunt omnes gentes et sic erimus egentes. (However much they cheerfully drink we are the ones whom everyone scolds, and thus we are destitute.)
Multibillion dollar corps existing through government funds, and producing nothing of value, only intelligence useful for governmental control measures and forcing a cultural shift.
Capital has been subsumed by the 'Human Security System' (of which it was always just a minor part).
And just a reminder, you were the guy bitching to people about having genuine, polite discussion. Yet you refuse to answer simple questions.
>it's raining out
>rain isn't real
>just stick your hand out the window, it's raining
>give me an atmospheric description of how it's possible for water to fall from the sky
How is the modern state simply a regulator of capital if the modern state appeared first? Teleoplexy?
Who are you even talking to? And why are you trying to meme? You're literally using your own methods against yourself.
Remember, I'm the Thing so only I understand capital.
Strangely impotent bitterness.
>>it's raining out
Imagine thinking you did something
Nice cope.
wtf land is actually me but articulate
I want to start reading at this paragraph, where is it exactly?
>cosmic horror
>ultrabased and redpilled cyberpunk
>brilliant cybernetic philosophical takes
>youth fiction
What happened to g/acc?
Is Deleuze just sonic fan fiction?