Do you write with fountain pen?
Is fountain pen just a status symbol?
Do you write with fountain pen?
Is fountain pen just a status symbol?
I think the only point of using one is that it requires less pressure to write with one, so if you write a lot it's not a bad idea to use one.
But if you have to ask, you probably aren't getting exhausted from writing with a normal ballpoint pen.
Got one from my friends for my birthday. Real nice, use it every day.
I noticed that I started enjoying writing more once I got one, just feels fancy. Nice if you write more too.
Fountain is only noticing better if you write in cursive
everyone here writes in cursive
I used to collect fountain pens (along with wristwatches, cigarette lighters, coins, stamps, and pocket knives) before I realized what a pointless waste it was. I gave most of them away. Life isn't about buying a lot of shit.
From experience it is the most comfortable pen. Ink flows easily and fills each letter. Piston mechanisms make them very practical with minimal maintenance or mass at an affordable price.
There is no status associated in my opinion considering they are mass produced impersonal tools that hold about as much gravitas as a mahl stick.
fountain pens often cost thousands of dollars and there are ones that cost tens of thousands of dollars per pen.
I buy two dollar pens from China. You're wasting your money lmao.
I just saying its not just a status symbol. Its not some shiny dagger you stick to your belt it is a pretty good implement.
I use v-ball pen. They feel much better than any other kind of pen I've used before. They don't get dry and they slide in an agreable way. On the contrary my shitty foutain pens always gor dry ink blocking the flow and the "feather" (that's how we call it in France where fountain pen are pretty much the standard at school) always broke one way or another.
Maybe he doesn't if the material is nice and there is a substantial gain in overall quality. Luxe is often a throw of money but it sometimes has it's compensations.
Exactly, life is about creating a bunch of shit. That’s what Julius Caesar said.
There is barely any difference. I have owned a Montblanc and I have Chinese pens under 10 dollars with nibs that feel better.
I don't. It's slower for me if I want to make it readable. I've been planning on improving my handwriting, though.
x1000 threads
how the fuck is a pen a status symbol pretty much everyone can buy anything if they're willing to waste money on it
exclusively even though i only write little notes and sign shit or whatever. pilot vanishing point. fuck ball point. using one makes me feel like a fucking chimp and fatigues my dainty wrists
he probably meant something more like class symbol.
Fountain pen performance literally peaks with the Lamy Al-Star which you can frequently find for
hate my al-star, love my vanishing point. also love my discontinued $3.50 "disposable" more. lamy's buttery smooth but the nib just doesn't flow the same
niggah pelikan, graf, montblanc, and visconti pens often cost thousands of dollars