what are you gonna make your daughter read so she won't become a narcissistic, shallow cucking whore whose IG pic ends up an avatar for a Yea Forums thread. give me the whole evolution from stories to philosophy
Yea Forums books every young female mind should read
>inb4 listing entire Marquis de Sade biblio
Its actually helped me a lot with insight.
The Bible, of course.
>Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
Sex and Culture by J.D. Unwin
>which version is kino?
my penis dick.
insufferably poor example
Yes, the bible sets a terrible example.
What insight would you gain from reading Bovary, except "don't marry a loser"?
Middle Discourses 13
The Longer Discourse on the Mass of Suffering
And what is the gratification of sights? Suppose there was a girl of the brahmins, aristocrats, or householders in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too fat, neither too dark nor too fair. Is she not at the height of her beauty and prettiness?”
“Yes, sir.”
“The pleasure and happiness that arise from this beauty and prettiness is the gratification of sights.
And what is the drawback of sights? Suppose that some time later you were to see that same sister—eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old—bent double, crooked, leaning on a staff, trembling as they walk, ailing, past their prime, with teeth broken, hair grey and scanty or bald, skin wrinkled, and limbs blotchy.
What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“This is the drawback of sights.
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister sick, suffering, gravely ill, collapsed in her own urine and feces, being picked up by some and put down by others.
What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“This too is the drawback of sights.
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been dead for one, two, or three days, bloated, livid, and festering.
What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“This too is the drawback of sights.
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she was being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures …
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to a skeleton with flesh and blood, held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh but smeared with blood, and held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh and blood, held together by sinews … bones without sinews scattered in every direction. Here a hand-bone, there a foot-bone, here a shin-bone, there a thigh-bone, here a hip-bone, there a rib-bone, here a back-bone, there an arm-bone, here a neck-bone, there a jaw-bone, here a tooth, there the skull. …
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to white bones, the color of shells … decrepit bones, heaped in a pile … bones rotted and crumbled to powder.
What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“This too is the drawback of sights.
And what is the escape from sights? Removing and giving up desire and greed for sights: this is the escape from sights.
>implying that passage isn't condemning such behaviour
It's literally teaching the opposite of what you're trying to demonstrate, retard.
>don't marry a loser
is about the most important advice any women should follow
I haven't read this. Is he just condemning the "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" ethos? Sight itself is a neutral sense, it's the person contextualizing it with his subjectivity. Blinding someone doesn't necessarily cure the "drawback of sights."
We would start with the Greeks.
No, it's reasoning by analogy (the protagonist here is Israel, not a literal woman), but doing it in an ugly and gratuitous way.
Also don't leave a winner just because you're bored and want adventure.
Ban her from Jewish media.
based greeks poster
Just media in general. Let her mind develop before it is exposed to any poz.