Books that explain the IMPROOVER trend?

books that explain the IMPROOVER trend?

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The Origin of Species

the fragile lie that american life is a meritocracy

not a book just a fact

>thw don't drink or do drugs
>tfw don't take any medications
>tfw train both strength and endurance to transcend the body into becoming an aesthetic ideal
>tfw meditate daily
>tfw eat clean
>tfw procrastinate too much
>tfw addicted to technology and porn
Will I ever make it?

make it to where exactly?

>Implying I stay active and busy to make money or get pussy

Its about pursuing excellence for its own sake. Look around at the world and notice all the degeneracy. You can either be a part of that or you can be something better. Its about a choice between being an inferior human being or actually doing something worth doing.

Excellence must be measured, and the only measuring stick of any worth today is capital.

Industrial society and it's future, unironically


i don't get why the face is still ugly and gross. improover should improve his sleep

There is no teleology here.
Improve for what? It all sounds grounded in materialism.
What's the point if you can't take it with you?

Without a transcendent purpose this ethic will quickly fall apart.

what are you doing for Quadragesima?

My Diary Desu

the faustian spirit knows no bounds

improoving is another worth of consumerism. however I would rather have a world of improovers than what we have today

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I stopped using that word and started saying garbage. Everyone eats garbage every now and then, but some people just love to swim in it and become it.

The transcendent purpose can be beauty or wisdom in of themselves.
>What's the point if you can't take it with you?
To be. To be the best you can be here and now.
Well you can be an improover, yet frugal. Even a hermit can be thought of as an improover if all he does is to improve himself in some aspect, wisdom, thought, meditation, whatever.

Jordan Peterson

Freud's defense mechanisms - in particular sublimation.

More importantly, what are some books that will turn me into an improver?

To increase your capitalistic value for your overlords.

the answer is sex.

I also consider myself quite drinking

Psychopolitics, Byung-Chul Han

>bench pressed 120 kg
>trying to run 4km in 20min
How are these even close in terms of achievement/difficulty?

>quite drinking

Can you bench 120? It's an okay lift for a novice.

no, because you're posting here looking for validation like a beta, porn-addicted loser.

120kg is intermediate unless you're a fatty

120kg, not lbs

Post body

no because you can't bench lmao2pl8 for reps

George Ritzer, The McDonaldization of Society

Post body

I can bench you big guy

>le contrarian improving yourself is bad meme has arrived
god i hate this place

6'2 185
Now u

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good body and face but you dress like a pleb
work on your dressing aesthetic breh

>dress like a pleb
heres a hard truth: people only care how you dress when youre their little bitch.
chad can wear a jockstrap in public and people will cheer

>not having the taste for aesthetics

I have no taste and I only wear clothes baggy enough to comfortably head kick people

Achieving your goals is a trend now?

fucking subhuman

How is it that in less than a year, so many people have begun basing their self conception around what basically rage comics? Wojaks are 'what disney princess am i' for teenage boys and sad men

I think it's more about the Redditification of self improvement in this kind of one size fits all mentality.

Being beautiful>understanding beauty
Stay mad

>Thinking that beauty has anything to do with social popularity.
>Thinking that beauty is mere appearance.
Absolute normie.

typical braindead fitrat understanding


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Like understands like, you arent equipped to speak on this

That's a bad time. Your slowest guy on a high school cross country team can do a 5k in sub 20, let alone a 4k

So it's easy to answer: You'll never make it.

>What's the point if you can't take it with you?
It's fun.

this. it's essentially darwinism

Which is based

No it’s the lowest hanging fruit on the tree.
Actually it has fallen and grown rotten

No need for books, just people realizing their neet life sucks and wanting to be better than that, why does that bother people so much?

Cope mechanism, they can't/don't really want to leave the comfort zone and try to make everyone who does look bad as a way to feel better themselves

we aren't talking about you neets, we're talking about normal people who do this. You neets can improve though, you need it

>What's the point if you can't take it with you?

To live the best life you can and assert your will in the world.

>world turns to dust

>A new one is created without parasites

>we all die in the end maaaaaan

This was me few years back but i realized the highest and final stage of self improvement is self destruction till there is no self

literally retarded

Thanks for proving my point. The only 'telos' that can be gleaned from this is ontological nihilism.

Dead meme kill yourself.

every one of these personality typecasts is so utterly devoid of self awareness you're all so completely depressingly ill just shut the fuck up and read books or kill yourselves jesus christ

yeah read up on the last man you fucking nutless scum

>quite drinking
my kind of man!

Oh you're on the cover of one of my gay cowboy romance novels

reminder that drinking your piss and fasting is the pinnacle of self improvement.

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Read the sadism chapther

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The sad reality is that entropy will nullify all your efforts in the end. I improoved considerably in the physical aspect around this time last year, but unless you keep the ball rolling (at the expense of everything else) it gets stolen away.
All will be undone given time.

I'm on a few gay dvd covers lul

Read man in the case, moral guardian.

there's literally nothing wrong with correcting obesity or pursuing a productive hobby

it's not really consumerism, I get what you mean but I am not sure what is the exact word to express it, It's kind of like pseudo-intellectualism

the person who made this meme probably used himself as the example and has an overinflated ego

is this natty?

Yeah, I can only imagine that this is confusing people. Unless you compete in strongmans, 4ks in 20 mins should be ridiculously easier than benching 120kgs.

There is no transcendence.

The guy behind is probably a smoker. Running and swimming are harder for smokers because of lower lung capacity.

speak for yourself subhuman

>comparing to someone whose primary hobby is running
also the entire point of it is that he's in the process of improving. Why not just respond 'lmao quit smoking? that's actually bad, because a lot of people don't smoke'?

Sounds like you're self aware and have already made a lot of strides. I believe in your continued improovement.

Unironically Industrial Society and Its Future (the part about surrogate activities)


Self-Improvement isn't a bad thing, but it's true that it has become a very materialist thing now. You see many guys going for this trend not because they really care about getting better, but because they want something in reward, like status, pussy, money...

the hope that one day we will have technology good enough to meet aliens or a deity that could resurrect you from the dead. the chances of that, while being minimal, are better and more appealing than eternal darkness

How do you know?

Be careful what you wish for.

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Unironically read Ride the Tiger and you'll make it.

Yes you will.

self-improvement is noble in intention, even if a lot of it is just running in place


Gold. Based and Spergler-pilled. Faggots can gtfo

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The type of man you are is genetically determined. Your actual actions have zero impact on your life. You were either born a 6'3'' white huge dicked Chad or you LDAR.

Leak detection and repair?

riding the tiger is the biggest cope there is, you may be riding it, but the tiger is still in it's cage

perfectionist neurotics who try to actualize their idealized self

read some psychoanalyse. Karen Horney has dealt extensively with neuroticism.

You have the nipples of an untrustworthy man

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Post nipples >:3

Nice job hiding your legs, arms, shoulders, and lats. Abs all you got skelly?

My arms are shit

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Improoving oneself is far from a worthless endeavor, but you need to understand that the end goal isn't materialistic or societal value, but to see yourself blossom into something superior. There's nothing wrong in sharing your success with other people, competition can be healthy sometimes, but if your goal is to impress people that's a sure way to discourage yourself since there is always someone better. Which is why I guess there are so many people mocking self improvement, they tried it bt compared themselves too much with other way more successful people and now believe there's no way to make it as a coping mechanism. I hop what I said makes sense.

it does make sense nigga

Thanks man

This, also any any of Zizek's work particularly concerned with the pleasure principle, and the imperative to enjoy. This sort of thing;

Then re-read The Genealogy of Morals for good measure.

The improooover, much like the 'based' type who 'lifts for the white race' etc. think they're doing what they're doing because it's noble. The based person does it with an explicit teleology - he thinks - the improoover with the logic of disavowal; 'i know I can't live forever, but...'

They're not off porn because they were addicted. They watched it a lot, too much, but their real fear was that they couldn't enjoy it. Masturbating made them feel sad. Junk food and Netflix made them feel sad. Then along swoops x faith to tell you it made you feel sad because it's degenerate/a time waster. Both deify the inability to enjoy - Christianity by casting excess bodily pleasure as sinful, and improooovment by casting excess of any kind sinful - you've always got to be optimising. You defer the responsibility to enjoy to a timetable that you follow, packed with 'activities', so you don't have to worry about deciding what you would enjoy, because the answer is nothing. You never have to think about 'enjoyment', because you're on a track.

Also Robert Pfaller on interpassivity is recommended, reading it atm.

I don't mean to sound too judgemental, I absolutely get it. There's not much to enjoy out there anymore. Kind of spitballing here so am interested in other arguments.

to impress other is inherent if you are more or less is not an antisocial individual,

based on my experience if you pushed yourself hard, other people at most of the time will be quite intimidated/uncomfortable.
some people will admire what you are doing and some will hate you for it, even if at most of the time you just doing your own thing - to form, to sculpt you true self that is written to be completed somewhere along in the future.

>People don't care about x so neither will I

Jesus, could you be any bigger of a pleb?

It's essentially the same phenomenon as the meme stoicism/mindfulness thing. It takes something that is a worthy endeavor to pursue in itself, but ruins it by couching it in a self-help/cope context that completely "deterritorializes" the original idea from its native cultural landscape, twisting it to serve a purpose rather than being an end unto itself.

I can relate ngl
>forklift gang rise up

Why put so much effort into shaving your body, so that you can look like the actors and models that jewish media shows you?


I don't think self improvement has anything to do with a stake in the american life, it's egoistic and anti-state if anything. Rightfully so

>What's the point if you can't take it with you?
>>how can anything have value if it isn't permanent
peasant tier

this is literally no different to 'hah u say ur anti-capitalist....yet u use technology' arguments.

the improover mindset is simply the expression of a spirit that is desperately trying to escape a system and a world that is quite literally inescapable, at least for the time being. i wouldn't be pooh-poohing these potential faustian overmen simply because they'd rather thrive in this world than take the easy way out and die, and i would rather an army of improovers than doomer betas or content manchild hedonists.

Read Evola and his perspective on those who worship health. It essentially stems from extreme narcissism, people are no longer willing to die, literally or metaphorically

my parents didn't raise me so i've had to raise myself in adulthood. i wouldn't need to improoove if i'd been raised properly to begin with like rich kids are. fuck you.

yes bro working out makes you despised by the state! you're not under complete control at all, you're counter-cultural because you read books. good job american!

Why, it merely is your own reflection, thus all the enmity. Improve is not what they do in the truest sense of the word, all they've done is made some arbitrary, but impersonal goals. Get in shape, read a certain amount to books blah blah. They've regressed in as much that they've given themselves homework! I can't remember any mention of Napoleon or Gauss doing anything of this sort.