Which author captures women's aesthetic most beautifully?
Which author captures women's aesthetic most beautifully?
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Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Marquis de Sade
>Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up. More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex
One word: Tolstoy.
Nabokov in Lolita and Ada.
Nabokov most of the times talks about the protagonist's emotions for the female character
Reminder: this guy tried to kiss random women and female acquaintances at parties and sulked off when they rejected him. The whole essay is founded on a few key encounters at various fetes.
not really. he describes the girls a lot
>no Joyce
>women's aesthetic most beautifully
Most people ITT are mentioning only the male’s perception or preferences for what his ideal woman is. Nu-lit cannot read.
Here; an entry.
This part of Portrait stuck in my mind long after I read it
Who dat
Le Guin
Any specific rec?
Lavinia was great.
You must really like that book, I checked the archives and you recommended that everytime
The Wave in the Mind is also great, but non fiction essays and not fitting the topic.
And user tends to ask the same questions twice and thrice a day
What're your favourite books/authors? Have you ever posted any list? Would be curious to see that.
a dude
What makes you think that Schopp puts himself above the critique? He's a man like any other, prone to the same faults and bouts of penis-driven simping.
Fake news. He fucked bitches daily.
I love the guy but he was quite obviously a closet homo.
I haven't seen an ugly girl in the modern westeuropa society. Things like instagram and social media are so prevalent and women are so keep to make themselves seen on these platforms that they can' help but be forced to make themselves not-ugly. At least outwardly.
I wish I was in highschool in the year 2020.
Fuck, she's beautiful. ...But this is a dude, isn't it?
She's ugly because she's parading herself on the internet like a filthy whore.
Girl (male)
"And woman, weak in body, and starved of mind; woman, morally
fettered by her heroic oath to save the race, no care of
cost, helpless and hard, endured these things, endured from
age to age. Hers was no loud spectacular sacrifice, no
cross upon a hill-top, with the world agaze, and monstrous
miracles to echo the applause of heaven. She suffered and
triumphed in most shameful silence; she had no friend, no
follower, none to aid or approve. For thanks she had but
maudlin flatteries, and knew what cruel-cold scorn the
hearts of men scarce cared to hide.
"She agonized, ridiculous and obscene, gave all her beauty and
strength to maidenhood to suffer sickness, weakness, danger
of death, choosing to live a life of a cow - so that
mankind might sail the sea of time.
"She knew that man wanted nothing of her but service of his
base appetites; in his true manhood-life she had no part
nor lot; and all her wage was his careless contempt.
"She hath been trampled thus through all the ages, and she
hath tamed them thus. Her silence was the token of her triumph.
"But now the word of me the Beast is this; not only art thou
woman, sworn to purpose not thine own; thou art thyself a
star, and in thyself a purpose to thyself. Not only mother
of men art thou, or whore to men; serf to their need of
life and love, not sharing in their light and liberty;
nay, thou art mother and whore for thine own pleasure;
the word I say to man I say to thee no less: Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
- The Law is For All, by Aleister Crowley
No it's a man(girl).
She's just a girl user, she just likes the attention. It's a teenager girls dream. Whether she'll end up a whore or not waits to be seen, miracles do happen.
You cannot really capture a woman's aesthetic in a novel-form, only the males elation at a woman, or, vice versa, the females elation at a male (though, this will be less effective). This is because women are less intelligent than men, and so are more superficial, so artforms that work through narrative primarily will not be able to capture the beauty of a woman, because when you actually write down what they speak, it sounds retarded, and when you flower what they say, it no longer speaks like a woman, and the illusion is broken. This is why other artforms, primarily visual, since women are very superficial, are more effective at capturing their aesthetic, like Bouguereau in painting (see pic related), or in movies (see pornography, which some people, in fact probably some people here, replace women with), or, coming very soon, in videogames.
>Schoppy didn't like broad hips
Further proof that he was turbogay
Stop making women famous for doing absolutely nothing
>"A girl stood before him in midstream"
>ambiguity as to whether she's standing in a stream or pissing while standing up
Joyce is truly a master.
the duality of Yea Forums
The man was truly insightful. You just have to be careful with some of his occult work as it can be dangerous to your sanity and he is not above trolling you.
Ottessa Moshfegh
ursula was really cute when she was young. Can anyone tell me if earthsea books are worth reading as an adult or are they just for kids?
The Seducer's Diary in Either/Or.
It's not the woman that is beautiful, but her reflection in the perceiving man's mind.
French symbolists, obviously.
Novel readers are such mediocrities.
(I read novels too, but you can't compare novelists to real artists when it comes to a subject like this.)
>You cannot really capture a woman's aesthetic in a novel-form, only the males elation at a woman
>women are less intelligent than men, and so are more superficial
>when you actually write down what they speak, it sounds retarded
This is why I think Crowley nailed this. He is not asking us to pretend women are our equals, nor to identify with his elation at women. He simply points out that all that is lacking in the woman is lacking for a purpose.
If women were truly our equals, they would never have endured the humiliation of being fucked and bred and milked like livestock for thousands of years of patriarchal civilization (the life of a cow). Most women are so shallow that they actually enjoy such a life, and will end up miserable if some feminist professor persuades them to trade it in for career and intellectual pursuits. You owe your existence to the masochism of your female ancestors, just as much as the heroism of males.
>Schoppy didn't like broad hips
>Further proof that he was turbogay
He made the classic mistake of buying into enlightenment expectations of women, then being disappointed when they could not live up to them. If you think of women as elegant, dainty and sweet you will be disappointed the moment you get their clothes off, let alone when they get old and saggy. If you want to appreciate women, you have to understand what they are.
Women are shallow, wanton, greedy, lustful and vengeful. They are also perpetually frightened, lost and alone. If you can protect them from the cruel world they will willingly be hurt and humiliated for your pleasure - in fact they enjoy it. Their bodies are built for breeding, not aesthetics, just like any broodmare.
Think of women like cows and you will love them.
>totally normal guy makes a totally normal post
The best and most erotic description of the female body comes from the final paragraph of joyce's "Ulysses" If you don't know the paragraph I'm referring to, then you are retarded.
holy cringe
hw's a disgusting beast of the jewish variety. There is no literary talent in him whatsoever, just a desire to shock by using filthy words which have
Fukken based.
The star cried pink within the heart of your ears,
Infinity rolled white from your neck to your hips,
The sea foamed pink around your vermilion nipples,
And Man bled black by your sovereign side.
Rimbaud, L'étoile a pleuré rose
Book of the New Sun
Based dubbs
Okay, this is based (unironic)
Another based from me, making it 3-3 between based and cringe so far
Why yes, how could you tell?
For they know that I am holy.
"The only way to keep a woman happy is to keep her barefoot and pregnant."
- Arthur E. Hertzler
May your pimp hand always be strong.
>If women were truly our equals, they would never have endured the humiliation of being fucked and bred and milked like livestock for thousands of years of patriarchal civilization
Do you not see how this is totally illogical? How can someone possibly escape and rise to the level of "equal" if they've been treated like cattle for thousands of years? You're blaming women for being exactly what men made them to be.
what a faggot
I think the sexiest women in literature, the fictional women that make my cock hard when i think of them are completely unlike real women. im thinking Maria from whom the bells toll, Hermine from steppenwolf and simone from story of the eye
shouldnt have been so weak and fought back lmao. even when women finally got equal rights it was because a bunch of cucked guys gave it to them
who are the real artists?
>shouldnt have been so weak
again, they are weak because of strict gender conventions enforced by men over thousands of years. The point I'm making still seems to be sailing clean over your head, out to lunch?
shoudlnt have been so weak to have those conventions forced upon you roastie
Fucking kek, now that you've humiliated her you can take her out to lunch. After lunch you can show her the real power of patriarchy.
She'll love every minute of it.
Aggressive, but totally based.
tabla rasa simp.
very cringe
>De Sade was born on 2 June 1740, in the Hôtel de Condé, Paris, to Jean Baptiste François Joseph, Count de Sade and Marie Eléonore de Maillé de Carman, distant cousin and Lady-in-waiting to the Princess of Condé. The Sade family were noblesse d'épée, claiming at the time the oldest, Frank-descended nobility, so assuming a noble title without a King's grant, was customarily de rigueur.
Ludovico Ariosto
First part at least half true, second part complete incel