She's so cute and awkward I'm starting to dislike Hitler.
She's so cute and awkward I'm starting to dislike Hitler
She didn't even existed lmao.
it won't be long before you jump on the confederate pregnant Anne Frank meme
Ugly Jewess gashuffer.
I had a little crush on her in middle school. 8/10 cutie, I want to fluff her hair.
>disliking hitler over not just a woman, but a jewess
Daily reminder that
1.) The Holocaust never happened
2.) The Jews have been exiled from over 100 countries
3.) All non-whites, degenerates, trannies and jannies need to be hanged
Wow basic bitch /pol/nigger opinions, I'm totally convinced I hate Jews now
You newfags sure are cancer ruining le board.
Why don't you talk about books?
Like, for example, Capital by Karl Marx, which I have heard of.
In my next reply, I will include a still from a mediocre film.
>the holocaust didn't happen but I want it to happen again
Like clockwork.
Marx was an antisemite.
Fascists need to be hanged.
Self-loathing Jews get a pass if it politically convenient. Obviously, Weininger doesn't. Not that I know who that is.
Anne Frank had Tomoko Kuroki vibes at times. She was a cute dweeb. This may be a controversial opinion, but it is bad to murder children.
>All non-whites
Why do you make enemies out of us? I agree with everything else you're saying though. Not even Hitler hated all non-whites.
>it is bad to murder children.
No, but it's bad to murder children like Anne.
It is good to murder pedofiles.
Speak of the Devil... And he shall appear :)
Men of the valley! Citizen-soldiers...
I am here at the order of General Robert E. Lee, commandin' all Virginia forces. On April 15th of this year of our Lord, 1861, Simon Cameron, the Secretary of War of the United States sent a telegram to our Governor, John Letcher, directing him to raise three regiments of infantry to be sent to assist in suppressin' the southern confederacy. Governor Letcher's answer is well-known to you, but perhaps not his words.
His wire to Washington stated, "You have chosen to inaugurate civil war. And, having done so, we will meet you in a spirit as determined as the Lincoln Administration has exhibited toward the South."
Two days later, the Virginia legislature voted for secession.
JUST AS WE! Would not send any of our soldiers to march in other states and tyrannize other people! So will we never allow the armies of others to march into our State and tyrannize OUR people!
Like many of you -- indeed, most of you -- I've always been a Union man. It is not with joy or with a light heart that many of us have welcomed secession. Had our neighbors to the North practiced a less bellicose form of persuasion, perhaps this day might not have come. BUT that day has been thrust upon us like it was THRUST upon our ancestors!
The Lincoln Administration required us to raise three regiments...
Tell them we have done so!
>being a pedo and a necro
everyday Yea Forums fagposter
Don't forget that nazis made her a saint martyr, without nazis she would grew into just another annoing kike bitch.
On second thought, I don't think I will be finishing it. I liked the "oh yeah, they went to Switzerland just look at this random letter" trick, it seemed so quintessentially Jewish.
Well, back to reading Lolita I guess.
Is she pregnant though
>currently on page 100
I really wish I could save Anne Frank, not from the Germans but from all the jewish bickering that went on, they all sound insufferable. I think she would've found me funny and cute desu
I'm pretty just about any family would have suffered a complete breakdown from that kind of total isolation.
She writes that her mother was acting the way she was towards her since before going into hiding, and the petty daily quarrels she describes don't seem like a personality breakdown, it's almost satirical.
>I asked her whether, as proof of our friendiship, we could touch each other's breasts. Jacque refused.
Did she ever write about having a desire to become pregnant?
I'm just getting to the good stuff, so probably. The meme has to make some sort of sense beyond lul so randumb
are you the guy from Neutral Milk Hotel
No, but I sympathize with Anne Frank cause she's literally an incel and everyone around her sucks. It's even making me question if Hitler didn't go overboard with his whole "kill jews" shtick.
t. (((pol)))
definitely not the guy from Neutral Milk Hotel than
stay strong, user
welcome to /his/
I wish I could save her in some kind of time machine...
>1.) The Holocaust never happened
>everyone from Gene Simmons' mother to my neighbor's grandfather are just making it up.
>The Jews have been exiled from over 100 countries
Because they were one of the only "sizeable" minority groups in Europe for centuries, you dense fuck. Of course they were going to experience widespread persecution. The Catholic Church actually went so far as to wipe out other, smaller minorities like the Cathars.
>I don't have much in the way of money or worldly possessions, I'm not beautiful, intelligent or clever, but I'm happy, and I intend to stay that way! I was born happy, I love people, I have a trusting nature, and I'd like everyone else to be happy too. Your devoted friend, Anne M. Frank
Ouf love me cute lil jewesses would’ve made her my wife when she got older
anne frank/hitler comedy when?!
you must be fun at parties
This thread is giving me an intense desire to marry a Jewess.
>when she got older
Pretty sure she described her periods in the diary, user. She was already at prime age for marriage.
I dont mind your sentiment, but your prose is AIDS and derivative.
I'.m a big fan of anne frank. Esp/ her invention of the ballpoint pen years before if was offically invented. Thus, her father was using the ballpoint pen years before it was invented....
She would have been one of the great European authors had it not been for the cringelord (S)Hitler.
>Anne's diary ends here.
She literally says she's using a fountain pen throughout the diary. I used to read /pol/ infographics 5 years ago too but they're pathetically wrong which doesn't help their already shit optics. Almost like they're lying or something.
distilled retard
Is he masturbating on a horse? anyways fuck off /leftypol/ shill
Checked and based
>July, 1944
>Anne opened her right eye, peering her darkened room
>finally the dummkopf was asleep, his snores giving it away
>slowly and methodically, Anne pulled the covers off her aching body
>the night air was unusually warm, perfect
>Anne slowly pulled herself up, it was harder than she thought
>she put her hand on her belly and ran her hand along the curve
>where there was once slim and soft flesh, a hard round bump had replaced it
>it was heavy, and made sleeping on her back unbearable at times
>according to Margot, she was "only" seven months along, but Anne already felt ready to burst
>she was the size of a planet, and she still had another two months to go? Between her changing body and the non-stop quarreling, it made her life unbearable
>her diary had been devoid of entries for days, her mind too scattered by other thoughts to focus
>of course there was one thing that would make it bearable, to drive away the fear and shame her mind, if for just a few brief moments
>getting up onto her feet, Anne felt the bitterly cold wooden floor touch her toes, the splinters dug into her
>but she did not even bother trying to put on socks let alone shoes
>shoes made noise, and her feet were too swollen for anything to fit anymore
>half waddling, Anne crept towards her door, each creak sending a shiver up her spine
>resting herself against the door, Anne slowly pushed it open
>the Annexe was deathly quiet, apart from dummkopf's snoring and the pounding of her own heart
>Anne slid out of her room into the crammed hallway (made more so by her massive distended womb), carefully closing the door behind her
>she waddled about the hall towards his room
>at last reaching the door, Anne slowly pushed it open with her finger and peered inside with one eye
>she could see him lying fast asleep on a couch that was too short him
>Peter, the boy who had fathered her baby
>he was no more ready for fatherhood than she was for motherhood
>and yet, here they were, going to be parents before the end of Autumn
>quietly Anne slid into the room and past Mr. and Mrs. van Pels
>Anne remembered the the first time she had tried this and Mrs. van Pels had woken with a start
>fortunately she had been able to bluff her way out of it, after all the bathroom was so hard to find in this darkness
>she was sure however such an excuse would not work a second time
>as much as the Franks and van Pels quarreled and bickered, they agreed on one thing, keeping her and Peter apart
>still, Anne persevered
>as she finally reached Peter, she felt a pang of hesitation, she would no doubt get into trouble for this
>but at the same time, Anne remembered how she had seen how he couldn't help but stare at her earlier at dinner
>whenever shot a glance at her growing belly, his pants contorted with discomfort
>Margot thought it was because he found the sight of her deformed and distended stomach repulsive, but Anne knew better
>Anne knew that face, she knew exactly what he wanted
>and Peter owed her this after everything
>Anne poked him, at first Peter seemed unwilling to stir, but she persisted
>finally Peter opened his eyes, he almost cried out in surprised but Anne shoved her hand over his face before he could wake anyone else
>"Shhhhhhh", she whispered, putting her finger to her mouth
>she gestured Peter to follow her
>Peter managed to pull himself and Anne helped him out of the room
>through the darkness they managed to reach the false bookcase that shielded their refuge
>it had been a long time since had set foot outside, she was starting to forget what it’s like to be on the outside
>Anne pressed the hidden button and the door slid open
>she knew she was definitely wasn't supposed to but she couldn't help it, her need was overpowering
>Peter seemed to hesitate, Anne grabbed him by the arm and dragged him along
>together, they made their way through the Opekta plant, its once bustling halls now sat eerily silent and abandoned, only the moonlight shining through the window illuminating their way
>suddenly, Anne heard an all-too familar buzzing sound, she stopped and looked up, Peter did the same
>the buzz turned into a shrill roar as a low flying aircraft thundered by, the sound sent a shiver up Anne's spine, it was the same roar from the nightmares that plagued her nightly
>the planes had been showing up more frequently since this "D-Day" last month, they buzzed about like angry bees, swooping in low, sometimes they would blare bizzare music, it was loud and harsh, she hated it
>as much as she wanted the Allies to come and set her free, she also wanted to get a night's sleep
>the thought of liberation only reminded Anne much she desperately wanted to escape, anywhere else would do
>Peter would have provide her with an escape of sorts
>at last the plane seemed to veer off, leaving two pounding hearts behind
>as Anne nervously wiped the sweat off her forehead, she felt a kick in her womb
>reflexibly, she grabbed Peter's hand and placed it on her stomach, he needed to be reminded as much as her that in spite of all the pain, discomfort and mess, she was carrying a sweet secret inside her
>she watched his eyes light up, marveling at the life that only separated by a thin layer of flesh
>a gust of wind snapped Anne back into reality, she felt her need tugging at her
>she softly took Peter's hand again, "come"
Hitler's kinda fail desu
imagine anne frank existed and she was a consenting adult and would engage in intercourse with you and it was really terrible and she really really reeked out of her jew mouth and then you puked all over her and she started steaming and smoking like vampire that's sprinkled with holy water.
pretty gay
your iq is 5, and i don't say that because you are a person of color
>I sympathize with Anne Frank cause she's literally an incel
>they began climbing the stairs, Anne had always hated stairs, now she found them almost impossible to climb with her huge belly weighing her down
>thankfully Peter seemed to be pushing her up himself
>at last she managed to scale the last stair, she tried opening the door but it was heavy, Peter joined in and gave it a nudge, finally forcing it open
>Anne and Peter emerged onto the roof, for the first time in months Anne could see the Amsterdam skyline clear, it was a beautiful sight
>the skies were now clear,the plane had since moved on
>good, Anne didn't want any distractions
>she turned and planted a kiss on Peter's mouth, at first he seemed to hesitate, then he joined in
>the kissing turned more and more passionate
>there was no turning back now
>Anne struggled to take her sweater off, she tugged and tugged, almost tearing it
>just as her bare stomach became visible, she felt a pair of hands grabbing onto her swollen belly
>she felt her belly jiggle as Peter played with it like a toy
>her stomach was bloated, covered in red stripes that ran all over, warped beyond imagining, Anne had to work up the courage to look at herself in the mirror
>and yet Peter was not only aroused by the mere sight of her midsection, but actually getting to touch it left him completely mesmerized
>she felt him lick her belly button, already popped out of her at a mere seven months, as if it were a sweet treat
>ever since her belly button had completely disappeared last month, Peter had been fascinated with with the strange little dome that sat on top of her womb, he poked and prodded it at every opportunity
>Anne couldn’t help but quietly giggle from the tickling as Peter caressed her belly, completely lost in himself
>but as much as she wanted Peter to enjoy himself, she had to enjoy him too
>she quietly counted down to ten and whispered “a little help here” gesturing to her sweater
>Peter joined in, yanking on the strain fabric with what Anne could only think of as hungering desperation
>at last their combined efforts managed to pull the sweater off, fortunately getting her skirt off was easier
>the kissing resumed, now only more intense, she could feel Peter grabbing her breasts, squeezing them with mad vigor
>she began softly pushing Peter down, with only minimal resistance, she had him on his back
>almost instinctively, he began undoing his belt
>without looking, Anne reached down and pulled open his pants
>she looked down at Peter, he was still groggy after everything
>he was also rock solid, the mere sight of her naked stomach was enough to arouse him
>she climbed on top of him
>Peter tried grabbing himself to insert inside of her but he seemed to shake with nervousness
>frustrated Anne finally grabbed him and inserted him inside of her
>she began to ride him
>at first she went slowly, she was so heavy she couldn't manage more
>then the rhythm came
>she could hear Peter quietly utter in between muffles “if you get tired let me know”
>a barely audible “okay” came in between gasps
>she rode him as if he were a toy horse and she was still an innocent child
>she felt as Peter grabbed her belly again, unable to keep his hands of it
>as if sensing its father’s presence, Anne felt the breath almost punched out of her by a kick, but in the heat of the moment, the sensation seemed to send an electrifying pleasure through her body
>it drove the thoughts of the Nazis, the Jews, family quarreling, impending parenthood, her diary, from her mind
>for a brief moment, she slowed
>”Do you need a break?” Peter seemed somewhat concerned
>Anne was too overpowered by the rhythm of Peter’s lightening strikes inside of her was completely unable to utter a coherent reply
>she began to pick up speed again
>for what seemed like an eternity, they were one flesh, throbbing, moaning, and dancing together
>at last Anne felt her insides being filled with a hot goo, it sent her into pure ecstasy
>she could have stayed in this mindless bliss forever, but then she heard Peter's grunting
>she realized what discomfort he must've been in, supporting all her weight
>slowly Anne pulled herself off Peter and laid by his side
>she knew the roof was cold and the coarse tiling dug into her skin, but she couldn't feel it
>as her senses returned, so did the familiar buzzing
>Anne looked up into the night sky and saw the moon blocked out by the chemtrails of armada after armada of Allied warplanes
>small planes big planes, all on their way to Germany to take the fight to the Nazis’ backyard
>instead of the normal shiver, she felt an unusual solace
>there was hope yet, that this war would soon be over
>and with any hope, she, Peter, and the baby would all live to see it
Should I continue?
Based Anne trying to grope her friends
Please don’t.
You know, funny thing about anne frakenstein-- she was so very persecuted she died in a hospital of typhus in hospital at a time when Germany was burned fro end to end-- she was being fed and in a warm bed.
also, shall we get into the ball point pen issue? Her "diary" was primarily written and edited by her father and his friend, so much so that her father's friend sued her for rights to the book. This is not my imagination, this is all verifiable fact...
Speaking of WW 2 stories, the Jews are now making a a movie about "Operation Mincemeat," a story uncovered by David Irving (for which of course he will get no credit).
Please do
THIS, but unironically
>the Jews this
>the Jews that
Could this even be called a dogwhistle at this point? Nice job at staying lowkey, Nazi scum.
Either prove his arguments wrong or admit he's right instead of threatening murder, you fascist.
Yeah, it's everyone else's fault.
>thinking that you have a choice
i thought the /pol jewish hatred meme was just a irrational meme for jews until recently I've found a movie on netflix called "Guess whose coming to dinner" which came out in 1967. basically the the plot line is about a couple's attitudes that are challenged when their daughter introduces them to her African-American fiancé who happens to be a doctor.
Mind you i only checked afterwards on who directed the movie and it just so happens to conveniently to be of a jewish background. Shocking right?
on close inspection i was hesitant and open minded until more and more I've realized maybe there is a underlying set of circumstances out there on why Jews of influential status paint an anti white narrative and a sort of promote a chaotic nature where they despise European ethnic purity and want to dismantle the very essence of western civilization through multiculturalism and other designed mechanisms for some of you may already know.
Simply rejecting whether they are something of negative influence in western society shouldn't be disregarded instead maybe /pol sheds a light on the truthful nature of these things but at the end of the day your one sided liberal ideals permits you to ignore it and say well thats just silly while the cultural collapse is all around you.
>Nice job at staying lowkey, Nazi scum.
yeah, we, I think the swastika I have tattooed over my heart ad the fact that my grandfather was in the Latvian SS might just give it away, hymie....
is she also an incel?
I sympathize with her extraordinary autism
Literally all of /r9gay/ would throw themselves on their swords for her