LGBTQ+ authors

Which ones are worth reading?

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Why were so many artists faggots, anyway?

start with the greeks

Burroughs. Mishima.


Gide, Montherlant, Matzneff

Audre Lorde

You cant be gay before 1920.

And you cant be a faggot before the french revolution.

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>You cant be gay before 1920.
>And you cant be a faggot before the french revolution

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Its true tho. Before then you were just eccentric.

Don't know, maybe repression leads to good art. They've been instrumental in the avante-garde, especially film and music, until only recently, when they were more or less accepted. Now fags make shitty art

Fags were happier when they were repressed debutants. (Like the victorians)

Incels were happier when they were mocked and beaten brutally

This is also true, I agree completely.

Most incels ARE fags as well, retard

Fags can't be incels. How can you be an incel when you can have sex in the gay bar across the street?

They at least lived longer.

>‘My dear boy, no woman is a genius. Women are a decorative sex.
They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women
represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the
triumph of mind over morals.

Why did he hate women so much?

I'm not so sure what homosexuals do with each other is actually sex.

i'm gonna keep shilling this until one of you fucks reads it

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I'm not so sure you've ever had any sort of sex in your life

Because homosexuality is a psychological identity disorder, not some parallel mating mode.

actually i don't know if he is a gay author, but it's a gay book

I'm sorry you're homosexual, user. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

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You've been sperging out at fags in 3 different threads. You're either a closet fag ir a closet fag with faggotry living rent free in his head.

>my enemies are everywhere and are all just one bad man!
Queer user is a paranoid narcissist. What a twist.

what difference does it make, you all belong to some low iq shit hole like

>identities are artificial consumer ephemera like my parahillias and what sections of websites I post on
I'm so sorry, user.

Seperate the art from the artist.

This is the dumbest meme in the history of the written word.

If AIDS were man-made it would be more effective at killing faggots.

>I'm sorry you prefer vanilla over chocolate
imagine being this mentally ill

It's not untrue. This thread is a bit of bullshit for fags to feel like these fag artists did something for their fag identity. Basically you're sucking your own dick and swallowing it.

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Yourcenar and Mary Renault.

For some reason dykes make good classical /his/Yea Forums.

Also Thomas Disch and Sam Delaney for SFF.

>I'm sorry you prefer vanilla over chocolate
Imagine making food analogies.

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Check out this dude. He's very knowledgeable about classical literature and makes some quite remarkable compositions. He's probably the most decent LGBT poet I've read so far.

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Behold, the best short story writer

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Oh I was just talking about the idea that art is separable from the artist. It literally never is, and that idea is a cope for people who can't competently critique.

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Going to the gay bar across the street would involve actually leaving one’s mother’s basement

Already mentioned, but here’s a book I’m still looking for of her’s

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It literally doesn't matter that Herman was being pegged by his wife when you're reading Moby Dick. It doesn't matter if Virginia Woolf was a lesbian or Oscar was a poof. It doesn't matter if an author is black or white or colourblind or a commie or a faggot or a jew or an atheist atheist. What matters is what they've written and that is separate from their person.
You can ask for books about being a fag, or about faggotry or what have you that's no problem.
Just assume also that you're vastly more intelligent than I and also that I'm obviously from (((pol))) and an Incel, it'll be easier for both of us.

according to the incel ideology you can't be gay and an incel cuz gays can get laid too easily

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You know what’s gayer than Proust, that fucking cover

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The font?

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This thread belongs on

Says the /r9k/ poster

Probably correlates with the fact that they are statistically the youngest of their siblings and mostly also have sisters.

I amn't, and even were I so what I'm not wrong and you already know it.

It’s a thread about books and authors who happen to be homosexual or bisexual. It can go in either, but last I saw /lgbt/ was a troll/trans board full of very unhappy people

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>It’s a thread about books and authors who happen to be homosexual or bisexual
So not a thread discussing literature but a thread making a list of lgbt authors.

So a thread about literature. Get the fuck out if your buttblasted ass can't handle it.

>So not a thread discussing literature
But of course you’re shitting in it and now it’s about anal retentive controlling straight guys on image boards. Here

Read that book but fuck the ending

Imagine having to read any of this shit Jesus Christ.

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Could someone tell him they’re just books

Good answers.

She's just posting book recommendations, user. Why are you so afraid of based sapphlord butterfly?

You did kiind of masspost butterfly for like 2 hours.

You're a brainlet, but I'm okay with that!


You fuckwits only want to put a list together of your lgbt authors and you can do that on your own board so fuck off.
All this thread is a homosexual shill thread, so well done with that you fucking faggots. It's literally no different from some (((pol))) tier shit please give me authors which are right wing trad. Absolutely disgraceful.

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And we're gonna keep this thread alive to make you seethe even more

Gore Vidal - Creation
Robert Graves - I, Claudius

The homos seem to have a knack for historical fiction.

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Graves? He even got married. Was he bi?

Probably. Early on he has some sort of thing with Siegfried Sassoon, but 'grew out of it'. So maybe not the best example.

>only have sisters
am i doomed

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That's a dumb theory, I'm the eldest son and i couldn't care less about women.

It's a statistical correlation, not an absolute.

Reaching for exceptions and outliers is a coping mechanism.

The pretty sister theory highlights that if these things are true the younger brother isn't 'needed' for recreational purposes and instead gets the gay to help with his nieces and nephews. Because if you can help getting the children of your sister to adulthood 1/4 of your genes has a somewhat secured heritage.

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Take it to your faggot containment board, faggots

>Mommy, I'm scared!

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Statically it doesn't seem like that many, seems to correlate pretty much with the general population.

does anyone else find it insane and hilarious that no one realized this dude was super gay from reading his work? dorian gray is literally so overtly homosexual, even by victorian standards.

Wilde disavowed it later as a retarded mental illness.
THey weren't, we exaggerate their sexual proclivities because in modern culture any male affection or interest that doesn't benefit women, coprorations, etc is considered evil and cancerous.

>Don't know, maybe repression leads to good art. They've been instrumental in the avante-garde
No, they haven't. Fags make shitty art because true artists were almost never exclusively gay. They were as obsessed with women as men and had a universal perspective on things.

cool i also support lgbt. liqour, guns, and bernie thanders

>lgbt thread
>not a single actually gay author worth reading

That reminds me, tomorrow I want to make nachos and drink beer and watch some rugby.

Burton may have been bisexual. If so, then Burton.
Otherwise, literally none.


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I'm aware that this is going to look literally exactly like a meme troll reply, but unironically pic related. This was written by the guy who more or less single-handedly forced a social response to AIDS, he founded both GMHC and ACT-UP.

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Was Hermann Hesse gay? There's so many things in his books that read homoerotic. Maybe he was bi?

Underrated and based.

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Castle Faggot by Derek McCormack (forthcoming)

>A dark satire about an amusement park more deranged than anything Disney could imagine: a playland for gay men called Faggotland.
>Castle Faggot is Derek McCormack's darkest and most delicious book yet, a satire of sugary cereals and Saturday morning cartoons set in an amusement park more deranged than anything Disney dreamed up. At the heart of the park is Faggotland, a playland for gay men, and Castle Faggot, the darkest dark ride in the world. Home to a cartoon Dracula called Count Choc-o-log, the castle is decorated with the corpses of gays—some were killed, some killed themselves, all ended up as décor.
>The book includes a map of Faggotland, a photobook of the castle, the instructions for a castle-shaped dollhouse, and the novelization of a TV puppet show about Count Choc-o-log and his friends—reminiscent of the classic stop-motion special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but even gayer and more grotesque. As scatological as Sade but with a Hanna-Barbera vibe, Castle Faggot transmutes McCormack's love of the lurid and the childlike, of funhouses and sickhouses, into something furiously funny: as Edmund White says, “the mystery of objects, the lyricism of neglected lives, the menace and nostalgia of the past—these are all ingredients in this weird and beautiful parallel universe.”

Making this chart of pre-modern homosex lit. Any suggestions?

Stuff not on the chart yet:
>Arabian Nights (c. 700)
>Bai Juyi poetry (c. 800) ??
>Poems of Wine and Revelry (c. 800)
>Encyclopedia of Pleasure (c. 900)
>The Passion of Saint Pelagius (c. 950)
>The Tale of Genji (c. 1000)
>The Ring of the Dove (1022)
>Liber Gomorrhianus (1051)
>Marbodius of Rennes poetry (c. 1100)
>A debate between Ganymede and Hebe (c. 1100)
>A debate between Ganymede and Helen (c. 1100)
>Torikaebaya Monogatari/The Changelings (c. 1100)
>Spiritual Friendship (c. 1150)
>The Mischievous Muse: Extant Poetry and Prose by Ibn Quzman of Cordoba (1160)
>De Planctu Naturae (c. 1160)
>Le Roman d'Eneas (c. 1160)
>Ariake no Wakare (c. 1200)
>Le Lai de Lanval (c. 1200)
>Uji Shūi Monogatari/A Collection of tales from Uji (c. 1200)
>The Delight of Hearts (c. 1200)
>Rayat al-mubarrizin wa-ghayat al-mumayyazin/Pennants of the Champions (1243)
>The Rose Garden (1258)
>Chigo Kannon Engi (c. 1300)
>Divine Comedy (1320)
>Chigo no sōshi/Book of Acolytes (1321)
>Tsurezuregusa/Essays in Idleness (1330)
>The Decameron V, 10 (1353)
>The Tale of Genmu (c. 1400)
>The Debate between Cavichiolus and his Wife/controversia inter Caviochiolum et eius uxorem (c. 1400) A certain wife complains about her sodomite husband whose name was Caviochiolus, a native of Pavia/Uxor quedam conqueritur de marito sodomita cuius nomen erat Cavichiolus, origine Papiensis
>Michelangelo's poetry (c. 1500)
>Il marescalco (1533)
>The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux (1534) translation by Lord Berners
>Richard Barnfield's poetry (1590s)
>Dido, Queen of Carthage (1594)
>Edward II (1594)
>Troilus and Cressida (1602)
>The Sonnets (1609)
>Huan Xi Yuan Jia/[Quarrelsome/Happy] Lovers ?? Xi Hu Yu Yin Ren
>Qing Shi/History of Love (c. 1630) Feng Menglong // Chapter 22
>The Forgotten Tales of Longyang/Longyang Yishi (1632)
>Bian er chai (c. 1650)
>Twelve Towers (c. 1650) Li Yu / A Tower for the Summer Heat
>Silent Operas (c. 1650) Li Yu
>The Fragrant Companion/Lian xiangban (1651) Li Yu
>Alcibiades the Schoolboy (1652)
>The Great Mirror of Male Love (1687)
>Wild Azaleas [Iwatsutsuji]
>The Blue Cowl [Aozukin]
>Comic Tales (1766) by Wieland ("Juno and Ganymede")
>Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz plays??
>Johannes von Müller?? Letters??
>Censored by Confucius: Ghost Stories by Yuan Mei (1788)
>Dream of the Red Chamber (1791)
>Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue (1791)
>Hyperion (1797)
>Holderlin?? Socrates and Alcibiades

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Pedro Lemebel is a good read for those who want to know how the life of a gay and poor third-worlder is

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Maybe you should remove the books that deal with punishment of homosexuality or name it briefly somewhere within the text. I don't think mentioning homosexuality once makes the book a valid LGBTQ work.

I'm including them out of interest. The works aren't necessarily meant to be sympathetic to homosexuality.


Heard some very good things about this

Belchamber by Howard Sturgiss

none of the short stories i've read by her come to mind as queer desu. only mrs. dalloway and orlando.

>yaas kween slay! so diverse and progressive! so inclusive and tolerant! le politically correct victim lifestyle is subversive and edgy even when it is aggressively promoted by all major corporations! le leftist social engineering community! doritos, now with cultural marxism|! you are so much better and progressive than us for getting fucked in the ass! so vulnerable and marginalised! muh child drag queens! le virtue signal! woah you must be such an enlightened global citizen and a responsible consumer!

anyone else unironically HATE these freaks? I doubt they even get any sexual enjoyment out of the sodomy anymore, gays don't have sex, there is no such thing as 'gay sex', they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros and their marxist professors.

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fags are dumb dont bother

i never had any sort of intercourse in my entire life

i am unironically not memeing when i say, Go back. Your mind is not mature enough to think outside of buzzwords and newsfeeds. t. Straight man

Yourcenar is a true lesbian Yea Forums goddess.
Also 'The garden god' by Reid is pretty comfy and gay desu

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I actually have to deal with these people at uni on a day to day basis, and believe me they are even more insufferable irl than on twitter. soros wants to grind humanity down into an homogenous mass of pink haired consumer cattle victimhood units, the only wat to stop them is through radical and uncompromising action. just think about how it would be if we could make these people 'go away somehow'? wouldn't it feel like an enormous weight was lifted of your back? wouldn't the very air we breathe feel much cleaner?

they won't go away anytime soon, fags existed in every age of history whether they were repressed or not

>an homogenous

why shouldn't I hate my enemies these people hate me and want to destroy me. quid pro quo.

sounds like victim complex

Is it as wistful as her Moomin stuff?

This was nice

Is it good or is it more to be read as something that was important?

if the queers could just get fucked in the ass and shut up about it, but no, its not really about sex, its a slave morality religion. these people are weak hate themselves and want to drag us down to their level.

Not all homosexuals are huge virtue signaling attention whores. Generally the ones who mind their business hate their guts and accuse them of being the reason why non-heteros are still despised by some of the populace, which is true.

Pretty arbitrary way to group authors

Couldn't believe the Chinese night club rumours when I first heard them but it all kind of makes sense now.

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pls explain

>the irreducible, primitive fact of sodomy, the sterile pleasure attained in the violation of a sterile object develops the sadean emotion

the so called lgbt community is a disgrace to true perversion and sodomy. they are slave moralists and humanists. in a liberal society which positively commends what was once known as sodomy, recalcitrant perverts have to look for increasingly exotic outlets, seeking the forbidden, transgression, excess, the abominable and the unspeakable.

Sodomy is just how you keep a bro awake on the night shift. No homo no homo at all.

Rent free

I don't get it what is this a reference to?

Nothing. It's a buzzword for people who criticize something to the point of thinking about it 24/7.

leftists have replaced christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair. I mean the queer won't grant me eternal life or even forgive my sins, so I just think it would be pretty funny if we could get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify that fucker for real.

And neither will your jew on a stick you absolute retard. At least be consistent in your positions, you're worshipping a kike while wanting to genocide kikes.

I'm just an atheist who realised faggots and leftists are today's christians.

If you're so smart as you think try to differentiate between drama queens and normal homosexual people instead of lumping them together. None of that shit applies to people who mind their own fucking business.

>Sade My Neighbor
incredibly based

>Homosexuality, which is not an intrinsic perversion, must be distinguished from sodomy, which is. Like heterosexual forms of behavior, homosexual practices admit of giving rise to an institution, as has been seen many times in the history of human societies.

Based Mary Renault

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because women kill the artist inside you

Now user, you see when I shitpost they've no idea from where I come so they instantly assume I'm one of their favourite bad guys or so they allege and I've been called a brainlet too.
Your shitposts aren't even shit, please improve yourself.

Wilde is literally the only human worth reading


When was that statue made?

>Is it good or is it more to be read as something that was important?
Sorry for replying slowly: the latter really. It's also a strongly ideological novel, very cogent in that regard (he got butchered for writing it by the pre-AIDS gay subculture) which has value but it's hardly to be read mainly for the pleasure of plot or prose.

I'm especially interested in "+" authors. Gotta be prepared for an age of sentient AI, i want to read their lit first


Erin Morgenstern's The Starless Sea is pretty good.

I'm sorry you've never had sex. I wouldn't wish that on any willing adult.

>Its true tho. Before then you were just eccentric.


Thomas Mann is my favorite gay author

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