Shouldn't the simple fact that there's hundreds of interpretations as to how humans work and why we suffer be proof...

Shouldn't the simple fact that there's hundreds of interpretations as to how humans work and why we suffer be proof enough that none of them are right and that we're over complicating it?

What seperates us from every other being? Consciousness, being self aware. Remove that and what do you have? An animal running on instinct. So how did we become self aware? Clearly it's just incredibly complex sensory input, nothing magical or divine about it. So what's the answer to life and why we suffer? We evolved too far too fast and don't know what to do with ourselves other than send our basic instincts to survive and thrive into overdrive. The spear becomes the intercontinental ballistic missile, the cave becomes the Taj Mahal, the knowledge passed from father to son becomes the internet and so on and so forth forever and ever until we blow up the earth.

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>Shouldn't the simple fact that there's hundreds of interpretations as to how humans work and why we suffer be proof enough that none of them are right and that we're over complicating it?
Wow man there's, like, an infinite amount of possible answers to the problem 3x= 9. It must be that there is no answer!

That's the most midwit shit I've ever fucking read.
If we had 1,000 people sitting at base camp of Mount Everest, and all of them guessed how many steps it would take to get to the peak, let's assume one of them guessed correctly, would it be logical to say that because there's variety in the answers that all are inherently wrong?
Or is it more likely that, just like guessing the steps till you reach the peak, discussing the human condition is an extraordinarily difficult task that will likely change from person to person and era to era.

Why would a lot of people disagreeing mean the subject is being overcomplicated??????

Humans aren't math and math is a human invention.

Water + Flesh + Electricity does not = human. It's not an equation you mental midget.

>Shouldn't the simple fact that there's hundreds of interpretations as to how humans work and why we suffer be proof enough that none of them are right and that we're over complicating it?
No. That's not how it works. Educate yourself, dimwit.
OP is a dimwit, not a midwit. Don't confuse the terms.

Because there's not even the foundations of a consensus on who might be kinda sorta right. They're clearly all wrong.

The answer to anything is always simple, logical and easy to understand if explained in plain english. If your idea of an answer is overly complex or requires too much explanation, it's either flat out wrong or almost entirely wrong.

There's no guessing involved when it comes to explaining humanity, there's a simple answer staring you in the face and you're too vain to admit it.

>No. That's not how it works
Yes it is.

If hundreds or thousands of the most intelligent people on the planet who ever lived fail to reach a consensus, they're clearly all wrong.

>If hundreds or thousands of the most intelligent people on the planet who ever lived fail to reach a consensus, they're clearly all wrong.
Why? That doesn't follow.

It's common sense.

There's been thousands of philosophers who proposed ideas, similar and completely different. Each one as likely or unlikely as the last. Only one of them can be right, and if he ever was right it would be immediately obvious he was right and end philosophy.

But since that hasn't happened, they're all wrong.

So basically what you're saying is that we're no better than the Ants?
In fact, we're far worse?

None of what you said matters, the only point I was proving was that an immense amount of possible answers or interpretations for something does not prove or indicate that there is no solution or correct interpretation, brainlet.
>Lots of people think the things, why no man tell me what right :((((( maybe are no things!
This despair induced by conflicting advice results from a character that has deeply entrenched in it a desire to look to authority and have life be explained to it so it can unquestionably believe. In the tribal days this was possible but now with multiple "authorities" all preaching at once the little man is scared and confused, he begins to think horrifyingly that in the absence of a clear authoritarian voice that there must be no answer at all! He turns to nihilism! I know its tough OP, but in this chaotic age of the individual you must THINK FOR YOURSELF!

Yes, ants are true to themselves. We're the corrupted darkness monsters the villain summons in a kids cartoon.

Tis true without lying, certain and most true.
That which is below is like that which is above
and that which is above is like that is below
to do the miracles of one only thing
And as all things have been and arose from one by the mediation of one:
so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.

The Sun is its father,
the moon its mother,
the wind hath carried it in its belly,
the earth is its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.

Separate thou the earth from the fire,
the subtle from the gross
sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven
and again it descends to the earth
and receives the force of things superior and inferior.
By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world
and thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.

Its force is above all force.
For it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.
So was ye world created.
From this are and do come admirable adaptations
where of the means is here in this.

Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist,
having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished and ended.

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>the only point I was proving was that an immense amount of possible answers or interpretations for something does not prove or indicate that there is no solution or correct interpretation
Yes it does.

There can only ever be one answer, everything else is wrong.

Sure but it does not follow that therefore there is no answer because multiple people disagree. What it likely indicates is that either a) life is a deeply complex problem or b) the solution to life cannot be expressed. Read the Tractatus.

I am, and I think you're all talking out of your arse's.

>Sure but it does not follow that therefore there is no answer because multiple people disagree
It's been 2000 years since the Greeks got the ball rolling, if there was an answer we would've found it by now. How long do you want? 6000 years? 10,000 years? Give it up, the answer has been staring you in the face all along. We're animals who reached the end of the game and broke through the ceiling, there's nothing left for us but autistic min maxing our character.

All this is false, fallacious thinking. We will probably never come to a consensus on philosophical issues because humans have distinct intelligence ranges. Until some kind of philosophic priesthood returns to replace the scientific priesthood we will never be in "consensus".
>Give it up, the answer has been staring you in the face all along. We're animals who reached the end of the game and broke through the ceiling, there's nothing left for us but autistic min maxing our character.
So now you double back on yourself and provide an "answer", lmao. All this was just nihilistic shilling for your own blackpill of choice. Guess what bud, you're just another retard who's wrong.

If more than one of them are right about anything none of them are right about everything and that goes for anything and everything. There cannot be two truths, there is only one that incorporates all. Our guesses may be good but they are just guesses until we single out the one truth.

>We will probably never come to a consensus
Then you're all wrong

This can't be happening bros. I thought humans were supposed to be special, that God created us in his image. Human nature has to be deeper than animal nature bros! I'm not a monkey god damn it. I'm a fucking human. We're special.

We're special!

>So now you double back on yourself and provide an "answer", lmao
It's the truth, it's a fact. You're an animal, you evolved, you evolved too far and now face no further need to evolve and have stagnated.

