Is utiltarianism a cucked philosophy?

Is utiltarianism a cucked philosophy?

Attached: best-Bertrand-Russell-quotes.jpg (783x467, 51K)

It's effectively crypto-communism, so yes

What's wrong with communism?

Anglo geopolitical subversion tool

literally huh

Are we playing the game of No True Scotsman or its historical implementations?

Yes. It fails to account that “positive” impacts are worth more on certain people.

Not cucked, it was terrible from the start. What of the situations where the consequences I.e. most of the important ones? How is one to judge such things without a Kantian deontological imperative?

Bentham and Papa Mill were retards, but the fact that JS Mill went along with that nonsense blows my mind.

So you're saying communism is bad because it has bad consequences?
Then that's the utilitarian argument against communism. Hayek and Milton Friedman were only libertarians because they believed unregulated markets led to good outcomes.

Political utilitarianism: depends on how you define utility. By the most common definition, almost based but not quite. If you define utility as freedom of choice, it's the most based political philosophy by far.

Ethical utilitarianism: cucked as hell, all versions of it

What exactly do you quantify political egalitarianism as? Universal suffrage?

>the greatest atrocities committed within the last century weren't done in the vein of the many before the few, in as many loose and multifaceted fast interpretations as possible

>look man, the reason why utilitarianism is wrong is because it leads to atrocities -- REALLY BAD CONSEQUENCES
Wow man thanks for disproving utiltarianism by using appealing to utilitarianism

>deontologists don’t believe bad acts are bad

He's not wrong in that it assumes a fundamental morality based on the idea that an injury to one is an injury to all. So yeah, communism utilizes utilitarian morality, but they are still very different things.

If someone thinks the mass adoption of utilitarianism leads to a mass reduction of happiness, then they really just reject certain worldviews based on utilitarianism rather than utilitarianism itself. They are actually purer utilitarians than the others they criticize, for they have a keener eye for what will maximize the good. If there were a God we could directly contact who could see all possible universes then there might be a justification for saying utilitarians must be communists. But since we are limited beings without such access, the person in the best position to know what makes themselves happy is that person themself, not someone else. Imagine how pathetic it would be to be libertarian and not think your system maximizes happiness, yet you still hold the position, having to admit to your left wing opponents that their system would make people happier overall, but because of abstract rules they ought to accept a system that would make them more miserable on the whole. Maybe you don't have a belief that freedom works, but I do, dumb cuck.

No because this ideology presupposes you hold the maximization of blind utility as the greatest virtue, that there is no will to power or hierarchies, and ultimately the creation of the false dichotomy of oppressed and oppressor in the rubric of calculating who deserves what treatment; and highlighting how this makes the implementation of utilitarian dogma a wary thing, you turn and along arbitrary lines scale the scope of your catch to play no true scotsman.

It is not inherently true, thanks for an awful post

>thinks the mass adoption
Relativistm strikes again

>its about happiness not utilities, as anyone could somehow derive from its name sake
I see we're getting loose and obscurantist with what even constitutes this ideology now

>the foundational postulate of utilitarianism isn't the greatest happiness principle
Thanks for showing you reject utilitarianism while knowing absolutely nothing about it.

It's cucked because it wants to see "the good" get fucked by "UtiliTyrone"

Whilst demonstrating no knowledge themself, well done


ok so first off shut your whore mouth. Second utilitarianism is good. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Minorities bad majorities good. Guess what if a majority of the planet consists of onions boys and fat slobs (like yourself OP) then i guess the chads are in the minority and must conform to your degeneracy.


If you can't maximally please your wife you should turn her over to someone who can.
I see nothing wrong with letting inferior men sink to the bottom while the superior float to the top.

It's the least cope ideology