The blueprints for the Holocaust.
The blueprints for the Holocaust
You will not find such a work in that tome.
There's like one part where he talks about how jewish people are kind of like horses. He does not sit around describing gas chambers and what colors his new flag are gonna be
>and what colors his new flag are gonna be
He almost did - and I was actually disappointed that we did not get a solid refutation of the garbage that has been surrounding the flag ever since.
do people on this board even like this book? I did.
Sounds like you want to read about the Spanish-American war, the Anglo-Boer conflicts, Soviet mass exile, and the Turkish ethnic cleansing of part of Armenia, and the use of concentration camps in WWI by France.
I have never had much interest. I am a basedboy but I was always under the impression that it is spergy and poorly written. Am I wrong?
Don't forget the actions of perfidious Germany in Southwest Africa.
The Treatise of Versailles was the blueprint for the holocaust.
True, it wasn't harsh enough
The Treaty of Frankfurt was the blueprint for the Treaty of Versailles -- and was significantly harsher.
wow what a cringe image, noones scared of an army of wh*te cucks lmao
epic strawman
You should be glad he lost. He also gassed retards, so you'd be on the block.
Answering an strawman with an strawman.
Mein Kampf lays no blueprints for no holocaust. It describes the habits and ways of a certain collective on the basis of empirical evidence, it's more like a scientific paper.
>n-no he just hated jews for no raisin!
>Mein Kampf lays no blueprints for no holocaust.
Incorrect :)
Any actual arguments?
Can you explain how?
>all my problems would vanished if only there were more white people in my life!
also nice zog link, Chaim
Yeah a little thing called WW2 lmao
people on this board actually read, so no.
Hm, let's see.
>no third worlders that work for pennies in the job market
>rapes decrease by 99% in Europe
>money spent in cultural marxist brainwashing and brown acceptance would be spent in more fruitful ways
What you said but unironically.
Straight from the mouth of the jew himself. If I posted as the source you'd have bitched anyway.
>smiley faces
>can't support his claim
i got le epik trolled haha
PS gave you gold
okay incel
hahahahah are you sure about that?
Ron Unz's latest::
American Pravda: Understanding World War II
This, these things should be either as harsh as possible or not be at all. Unenforced order is a perversion unlike pure anarchy.
They deserved it. They went around being classic niggers and were attacking isolated german farms in namibia, killing and raping and burning. Germans were corraled together in blockhaus fortresses to stay alive, besieged by hordes of chimping out negros incited by a south african mulatto that preached complete extermination of whites
The germans called the herero a noble race before but after these atrocities the Kaiser called for absolute retribution and send a large army in. They defeated the herero multiple times and drove their entire tribal confederacy into the desert to die, and deservingly so.
Those are just racist lies.
yep, not everybody migrated from redd*t after the election...
Wow are ad hominems all you people can do to argue against this? Sad.
>why do leftists discriminate against people who dont have sex?
>feminists hate men but discriminate against men who dont want to have sex
that first one isn't an ad hom, lil incel
because it's funny and you only have yourself to blame.