Tfw realized traditionalism is for contrarian losers

>tfw realized traditionalism is for contrarian losers
anyone else realize this? think I am going to get into marxism where should I start?

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Wage Labor and Capital.
Das Kapital

And a ticket to Venezuela

Not Marxist

Traditionalism by Evola is for losers.
Traditionalism by Guenon is for smart people.

Traditionalism = broke
Traditionalist Catholicism = woke

Nah all of Traditionalism is for contrarian losers stop shilling a literal who pseudomystical reactionary midwit on here

Tradcat = broke
/reformed/ = woke

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Very good. The sooner you realize this the better. Traditionalism is a cope for incels. Women love Marxists.

Skip marxism and read something that applies to our world

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Incredibly subtle and good bait :)

Ok recommend me Marxism

I am the opposite, I am becoming more conservative as time goes on

aka becoming a contrarian loser

a book about irony, literally any book about irony

Is marxism not contrarian?

Congrats on trading impotent cope for impotent cope

No Marxism is fine. If you think there is anything wrong with it you've been fed corporate propaganda.

There's nothing you can do to change the way the world is going. Only thing left to do is accept it and enjoy what you can

Start here.

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Ok, still doesnt make it not a contrarian position

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Probably start with the Peterson vs Zizek debate where J. B. P. DEMOLISHES the communist ideology. Thank me later.

take the hippy liberation pill or forever be unhappy


The general trajectory may be set, but it is possible to build microcosms that buck the trend to some degree. Things won't be totally homogenous.

Adopting your kind of passivity is the final negation of possibility. As long as resistance persists, so do alternate potentialities.

good paper, if you read it as against jews you are actually retarded

>he thinks a society can be designed on paper and function exactly as it is supposed to
You know, there's a reason Marxism has been attempted countless times and never worked.

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If you're trad then you should be moving to Pakistan.

I love how you picked a place like Pakistan instead of, say, Japan. Meanwhile, there's North Korea and Venezuela who are currently the closest countries to actual Marxism.


"traditionalism" on its own is pointless, what are you trying to preserve?
You should come to traditionalist ideas through religion if you are going to at all. If we are talking Christianity in particular, it's hard for me to see that as contrarian when it forms the background assumptions of our culture, which hasn't changed that much. America is still majority Christian.
Traditionalism is not about rebelling against the majority view, it's the opposite: respecting ideas that have taken hold whether past or present.

do not seek to 'get into' something by the aesthetic appeal. seek the truth.

Everyone is trad about the things they love.
You abandoning traditionalism just means you have nothing valuable to preserve in your miserable life.
Have fun, you are truly a havenot and its by your own choice.

Sort of. But marxism is an even bigger cope

Google Translator: Cuck to English

>tfw realized having a faithful wife is for contrarian losers
anyone else realize this? think I am going to get into black bulls, where should I start?

this. retards larping as 'traditionalist' did not understand guénon at all.
it's just a bunch of anglo children moralizing about 'trad values' (what are those? The exterior manifestation of primordial principles is contingent at best, it is of absolutely zero interest), which COMPLETELY misses the point of traditionalism. The word itself is dumb, it's only there to differentiate between societies which are built upon metaphysical principles and those who are not. the end.

Basically anglos who cling onto traditionalism from a moral standpoint are absolutely anti-traditional. They are 100% western in their thoughts, preponderance of morality in a society is a sign of intellectual decadence. Imagine reading guénon and missing his point entirely, kek.

Its not about being contrarian.
People thought that free sex meant sex for everyone.
They were wrong.
Now thirsty faggots pay camwhores for bath water.
So we should try to go back to monogamy if possible

that's not traditionalism at all. imagine if guénon wasted his time on such minuscule matters. "Free sex" and "monogamy" hahaahahaha. Anglos and protestants jumped on the trad bandwagon because they literally cannot think further than low iq sentimentalism. Diminished people. Anti-intellectuality at its finest.


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here's a starter kit from an actual marxist -

-principles of communism by engels (even this extremely short work would be good enough as a starting point to do away with all the myths about what communism is and isnt)

-german ideology part 1 by marx and engels(introduces the methodical framework of marxism and critiques the idealists of his time)

-wage labour and capital (good introduction to marxist economics that is not nearly as complex as capital + is easily applicable to real life TODAY)

-ludwig feuerbach by engels (not extremely necessary but engels here outlines the philosophical predecessors that culminate in marxist materialism)

-theses on feuerbach by marx (extremely short text but difficult to understand imo. i believe it contains some of his most fruitful thoughts on materalism though. dont worry if you don't get much from it, but i thought i should put it here. it takes like a minute or two to read.)

capital vol 1 (chapter one at the very least! it is the most difficult but the most important part of the book. its a long and difficult text, but a necessary one. understandable if you cannot read it all right now but at least read the first chapter CAREFULLY!)

-critique of the gotha program (gives an outline on how the transition from capital to communism might look like, talks about the dictatorship of the proletariat + labour vouchers etc.)

-18th brumaire of louis bonaparte (fantastic historical analysis by marx, his writing at its best. displays his method and framework at work + dispels mythical notions about that very method and framework such as strict teleology etc.)

-imperialism by lenin (important addition to marxism by lenin, the very specific mode of imperialism lenin talks about is not AS relevant today but still a necessary work to read imo, imperialism is still well and alive but not in the exact way lenin speaks of it)

-economic and philosophic manuscripts by marx (i put this at the end here for anyone interested in the early more humanist marx. you see marx here in a more philosophical stage, with his hegelian background in full focus. good for anyone interested in alienation and critiques of hegel)

the main thing with reading all this though is to read with an open mind. fuck all of your pre-conceived notions about marx. no one has fucking read him, everything you hear about him is bullshit. read carefully, read with an open mind, read not with the idea that this is some shit to do with capitalism vs communism but with the idea that you might actually fucking learn something from someone who spent his entire life studying the very structure of the mode of production that we live in. whether or not you agree with his final conclusions, literally everyone can learn something from marx

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to continue, all of this can be read on too so it's really easy to get to. they have sites with the full text as well as pdfs uploaded

this is also not a bad collection of texts to introduce marxism but I'd say it's better to read the original texts

>imagine if guénon wasted his time on such minuscule matters. "Free sex" and "monogamy" hahaahahaha
Sex is not a miniscule matter. It is a matter of great importance.
It is how we reproduce and ensure the continuation of our species.
Id bet if you told somebody that they could have 50k a year guaraunteed but they have to get a vasectomy and never reproduce theyd most likely say no.
Atleast i would.