How do I put marxists economics into practice?

How do I put marxists economics into practice?
The example of the yarn being turned into a shirt is simple enough.
But what about something more complicated?
How would i get the value of an iphone?
The labor that went into would be from multiple people, the designers, the engineers,marketing, etc...
And then it'd be mostly done by machines.
So anyways, let's say the factory machines were worth 2 million dollars and the labor cost of all those employed was 2 million dollars plus the price of the commodities used to make the iphone.
Then the value of the iphone would be a little over 4 million dollars...

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no, not trolling how do I get the value of an iphone?

>How would i get the value of an iphone?

You can't since value isn't embodied. The only thing that you could theoretically determine is roughly the aggregate value production of an economy as a whole which limits prices. All industry has different compositions of inputs but nonetheless an average rate of profit must theoretically regulate production. Price formation has to do with the redistribution of value and that has to do with institutional arrangements. Labour intensive production is more "value generating" according to Marx but capital intensive production can capture higher returns since intellectual property and such generates rents.

when does marx actually start talking about practical details of how economy is supposed to function?
i am halfway through capital vol I and it's just critique of capitalism

volume 3 XD

An iPhone is worth as much as people are willing to pay for it. Marxist economics are bullshit.

never, he's not that kind of economist. neither were Smith, Ricardo, Mill, etc.

>willing to pay
Cool. Now what determines budget constraints?

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budget constraints? for the manufacturer? You do market analysis, then work backwards. I realize there are allot of "thinkers" here, but do any of you actually participate in the economy as a designer, engineer, laborer, investor? I am a product designer, and have worked very closely with marketers for a while, and every time we seek to develop a new product for an existing market this is how you do it. For things which create markets, well that requires the same thing, and a bit of faith.

>How do I put marxists economics into practice?
There's no such thing. If you're asking about Marxism then (1) it's already a practice (2) the most immediate "practical" goal is forming the proletarian class party and seizing political power.
>How would i get the value of an iphone?
Value is a theoretical construct. The closest to "getting it" would be selling an iPhone at it's average market price, I guess?

Section IV, Chapter 1.

Claiming something is worth what people are willing to pay is tautological and doesn't say anything of substance.

Well I just read bits and pieces of das capital desu
In my opinion when most people say "Well that's not true communism" they might be referring to alternatives to marxist-leninism, among them is council communism.
Council communism works as follow:
1.The industries and farms are ran democratically
2.They then elect a delegate to represent them in workers congress.
3.Worker's congress then does the decision making
Basically a democratic form of communism.
That's my understanding of what it means, correct me if I'm wrong.

You de-regulate the market and let it do it´s thing. Whole shtick of Marxist economy is that such situation would be unsustainable and lead to revolution. What to do after revolution is beyond Marx.

A third of the book pictured in the OP are quotes from British government reports that describe what happens when market is "unregulated". You should read it sometime.

How is this marxist? Capitalists are very interested in the Cost of Goods sold too.
To answer your question:
Open an I-phone and catalogue every component find the cost of each one.
Find the cost of a circuit board of the same size with the same number of layers.
It probably takes like 30 minutes to fully assemble with top of the line automation. Lets assume on one line there are 3 machine operators and 3 assemblers. Lets assume they make 12 dollars an hour (might be generous). That's 36 dollars from the labor. The engineering costs are probably negligible because they make hundreds of millions of I phones and it actually doesn't take that many skilled electrical engineers that much time to design an I-phone. Lets assume the engineers and designers are turbo capitalists and in total they made 500 million dollars total (I think this is too high). That's 5 dollar per I-phone.

My guess is that if you do this exercise you'd come to a price of about 300 dollars. The rest of the sticker price covers a global marketing campaign, legal fees to sue everybody, and pure mark-up.

I say this as someone who manufactures electronics for a living.

do you know what soviet means?

Yet free markets exist anyway

Well, terms like "worth" already imply a certain subjectivity.

>defer the planning of an economy and by extension the livlihood and personal decisions of an entire society to the elite, but its ok, we voted for it
You cannot plan an economy, without dissolving the individual, even if democratically initiated.

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There it is, the rub. This is what it all boils down to, we need an insulated elite group of party members to decide this problem for us, as we cant seem to do it for ourselves. Marxism/socialism/communism is to the intellectual college proffesor what Red Dawn is to rural rednecks, except when executed, the intellectuals do not suffer the consequence of their ideas.

it's called marginalism and it's the orthodox economic model because it put the power of purchasing with those with a lot of liquid capital instead of with labor like labor theory would.

>How do I put marxists economics into practice?
How about you don't?

Communism abolishes value, it doesn't decide "true value".

I wish I was good at gimp so I could spam this board with the dankest memes you guys can imagine.

kill capitalists

>A third of the book pictured in the OP are quotes from British government reports that describe what happens when market is "unregulated"
That´s the point. Marx was writing about unsustainability of capitalism, his positive proposals were half-arsed at best.

Market prices do exist and continuously refute what you believe lol

>This is what it all boils down to, we need an insulated elite group of party members to decide this problem for us, as we cant seem to do it for ourselves
That doesn't need to be the case but it is, if you don't even want to understand empirical reality so be it.

I don't think you actually understand what marginalism says and doesn't say.