What is the reason to continue living if there is no purpose to life?
What is the reason to continue living if there is no purpose to life?
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To love and be loved.
Whatever reason you want. I'm certainly not killing myself before I see how Attack on Titan ends.
The reason is your programming, but there is nothing wrong with that.
Who says there is no purpose to life? What makes them the authority on this subject?
If you look at it logically there is none, get to it OP
what makes you think there is no purpose to life? there's probably no bearded dude in heaven who decides on your fate, but that fact is rather liberating, isn't it? find meaning on your own, and if you can't do that, just live without any specific goal for no specific purpose other than life itself, it is still better than to have never lived.
>that fact is rather liberating, isn't it?
yeah if you're a fucking neurotypical normie who doesn't need a good reason to want to live
>you will find purpose, have patience
Who are you quoting?
ignore the quote i put it there by mistake
Why are so many people so pathetic
You’ll be dead soon enough in the grand scheme of things even if you lived till 100 anyway you miserable loser, surely there’s something you’d enjoy doing more right now than crying online about life being pointless?
>crying online about life being pointless?
But user, that's what I enjoy the most.
I like how Yea Forums immediately turns into the most trite normalfags when confronted with a basic philosophical question like this
Kys incel loser
Be nice.
Go back to /r9k/
Why does a question that’s as trite and childish as “why even live guys? What’s da point??” deserve to be taken seriously? Nothing anyone on here says is going to convince these goofy “philosophers” that life is worth anything, they’ve made up their minds and now just want to stew in their misery.
So what is your reason to live?
>guys whats the point in living guys waa ill never do anything in my life that has a point waaaa!.
shut the fuck up loser. just have sex lol.
Instead of searching for meaning, consider why you don't need to commit suicide
(excerpt from an interview with Cioran)
A few years ago, there was a friend of mine who told me that he’d met an engineer, twenty-five, who wanted to meet me. Finally I said all right, we’ll go stroll around the Luxembourg Gardens nearby, it was a summer evening. We spoke about one thing and another, literature and such, and finally he said to me, “Do you know why I wanted to meet you? It’s because I read your books, and I saw that you’re interested in suicide. I’d like to tell you about my case.” And so, he explained to me, he had a good job, earned a lot, he said, “In the last two or three years, I’ve begun to be obsessed with suicide. I’m in the prime of life, and this idea has taken hold of me. I haven’t been able to get rid of it.” We talked for three hours about suicide, circling the Luxembourg Gardens. I explained to him how I was, I am still, obsessed by it, I consider suicide as the only solution, but, I told him, my theory is this: that suicide is the only idea that allows man to live. Suicide gives me the idea that I can leave this world when I want to, and that makes life bearable. Instead of destroying it. So for three hours we discussed every aspect of this problem, and then I suggested that we not see each other again, because there wouldn’t be any point.
In an encounter like that, have you had the feeling of saving him a little?
Yes, a little. That’s happened to me several times, with girls particularly. I’ve always prevented them from committing suicide. I’ve always tried to tell them that, since one can kill oneself anytime, to put it off. But one should not abandon this idea.
But you do feel a certain responsibility to such people.
Yes, I can’t avoid it. Because my theory of suicide is that one shouldn’t kill oneself, one should make use of this idea in order to put up with life. So, it’s something else, but they’ve attacked me, saying this fellow makes an apology for suicide and doesn’t do it himself. But I haven’t made such an apology. I say that we have only this recourse in life, that the only consolation is that we can quit this life when we want to. So, it’s a positive idea. Christianity is guilty for having led a campaign against this idea. One should say to people, If you find life unbearable, tell yourself, “Well, I can give it up when I want to.” It’s that one should live by way of this idea of suicide. It’s in the Syllogismes where I wrote that phrase, “Without the idea of suicide, I would have killed myself from the start.”
Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt; anger, joy and sorrow. These are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.
>muh liberashun
Thatd the problem,not the solution. Old skydaddy would be preferable to liberal socjal democracy.
>surely there’s something you’d enjoy doing more
Actually no. If he did he wouldnt have arrived to his conclusion you dumdum
There is a purpose to life, it's to pass on your genetic code. Once you've done that you can die if you like
What if you're incapable of neither?
To annoy as many powerful people as possible before you die.
You’re already here
Might as well stay a while
>incapable of neither
That's an anti-excuse
All purpose is based on one self, heaven couldn't enforce meaning upon you even if it existed.
You decide whether you want to live or not, user.
>it is still better than to have never lived
OP is asking you to prove this not just re-state it.
You approach it ass backwards. Reason has nothing to do with life, it is an epiphenomenon of mind. You reason, if at all, because you are alive. You do not live because you have a reason to. Reasoning is simply manipulation of symbols.
You were born to fuck
everything else is cope
i'm unable to keep up the struggle for my survival
there is a purpose you are just too young or too dumb to figure it out.
This is why i dont go to lit anymore