Stop reading fiction

Stop reading fiction.

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I would like a explained reason because I want to hear a good case for not reading fiction. If you don't thats fine but tell me your favorite book.

The only fiction that is acceptable is borges and goethe. The rest can go in the trash.

I’m a filthy fiction slut whore. How do I “into” philosophy? I know you begin with Plato and Aristotle, but where are some good places to go after that?

If you can't enjoy fiction you're legitimately autistic, thats the only excuse

Stop bifurcating literature

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Fiction is a waste of time because it will never be as efficient as non-fiction at exploring its subject matter because it has to dedicate time to telling a narrative. At best, fiction just serves as a long-form example of whatever philosphy the author wants to explore. So if you cared about the philosophy itself you would cut the out the middleman and just read the philosophy. Reading non-fiction is a much more efficient means of learning because you aren't wasting time figuring out a fictional story about the siege of troy or whalers.
Fiction books are the ultimate pseud-magnate for people who think they're too smart for other forms of trite entertainment such as film, tv, video games, etc. but are too dumb to actually read something that doesn't have a children's story attached to hold the reader's hand through complex ideas.

Meditations on First
Geneaology of Morals
Selected Writings of Aquinas
Nichomachean Ethics
Ethics by Spinoza

Please jump off a cliff

t. ficitonlet


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She’s cute, got anymore?

I can't. I often feel guilty when I read nonfiction. Fiction just feels like a much better use of my time.

Ooooof, an unbelievably cringe response.

The “purpose” of good fiction is never to expound a philosophy (which is why Rand is not good fiction). If it is exploring a “subject matter” (which it is likely not to have at all - the fiction is likely to be universally referential), it is especially useful because it will explore it implicitly as opposed to didactically. Nor should narrative ever be viewed as an impediment to what the book is communicating. In short, you’re reading fiction like an encoded textbook, stop doing that.

Real life has better stories.


As you please, of course

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OP is a tard who doesn’t understand that you can gain perspective on life by reading really great fiction

Like "The Turner Diaries"

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The thing is. I could maybe understand if you simply say you should prefer non-fiction. I personaly think this is a good standpoint. However reading a fiction book every now and then can be good to expand your perception to the theoretical instead of simply the practical.

But I pretty much only read memoirs, biographies, history and reference books already.

If you attach an idea to a particular narrative it resonates more because it allows you to better conceptualize how that idea will play out in the real world

You're such a tease.

Lol do you also consider listening to music a waste of time?
Beep boop gotta maximise my time boop beep haha anonymous you're such a soulless retard.

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Fiction is unironically the best way to initiate someone in esoteric things like cutting edge science, how an industry works or magicka obscura since everything becomes easier to understand, if there's an emotional narrative attached to it. Prove me wrong.

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There's nothing wrong with fiction. The only people who think you should read only non fiction are pseuds who think
>me read book me brain big
You should read both. There's reasons why we have had both non fiction and fiction for millenia

Modicums of Non-Teleological Neurosis.

>read non fiction
>the author wasn't objective, it was biased, it was lying, made things up, it was wrong, etc
No thanks, I'd rather read fiction.

beauty n shit

>he has no imagination