Literature & Losing Virginity

Any books on this theme?

I feel a bit like Holden when he met with Sonny the Prostitute. I’m a good looking 20 years old who’s hooked up with dozens of girls, but has never had sex with any of them. Many of them have asked me to let them ride my rocket, but I’ve always refused. I’ll always tell girls that I’m a virgin, but none of them believe me because they say I kiss too good to be one. I’m going on a 4th date with a girl who looks like she belongs in a Caravaggio painting. I usually never go on more than 2 dates with a girl. She’s been very annoyed that I haven’t screwed her. She’s a sweet gal and I really do enjoy spending time with her. I’m not sure why I’m exactly hung up on the whole Virgin thing. Maybe because it’s my last claim to some transcendental innocence in this yucky and mucky world. Any thoughts on what some phony ass faggot like me should do anons? Or any characters in literature to look for guidance?

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Sonny didn’t look like that she was described as being pretty jailbaity

Just sounds like you have some pretty bog-standard intimacy issues, Ikari Shinji-kun

What’s it with Holden and jailbait? Was he Jerry Epstein but in boarding school?

What’s it say about me if I have sex but can’t date anyone?

I'm a 29 year-old virgin. I have never kissed any girl ever.

Stop wallowing in your pussy pool and dive in, it only gets worse.

27-year old virgin here. I could not feel any better. I see so many betabuxxers and other miserable men. If you're not a Chad, you'll never be truly loved by foids. They just love bones. Me? I just read and work on my own (self-employed). I lusted after females so much back in the day but I stopped fapping around the time I turned 25 and have never looked back.

>hooked up with dozens of girls, but has never had sex with any of them
Anyone who uses the phrase "hooking up" to refer to anything less than sex itself is pathetic. Imagine giving kisses and copping feels without managing to up the ante.

You write well user.
Stop encouraging user to be a coomer you incel

This is cope, and it's sad.

No he doesn't, and no I don't blame the female gender for my sexless existence.

Wrong. I'm not even coping, I literally have no desire for females anymore. I was a gigantic coomer in my early 20s, but I've changed.

Why are you trying to make him a coomer you sick tranny fuck?

this desu
op might as well be a lesbian

Bad counsel. Unenlightened and bugman pilled.

Then what should OP do you meme lord?

Have sex incel

>Looks like she could be in a caravaggio painting
So a dirty disease ridden whore or a crossdressing teenage boy?

OP was asked by these girls for sex but rejected them like a Chad

we would if we could

One more year and all your hard work will pay off.

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Clearly OP isn’t

How did you quit porn and masturbation? I've tried multiple times and keep failing.

You sound like an incel parody.

Incels tend to fap a lot, which is what leads to their constant bitterness and lust for something that they hate and worship at the same time. I just don't care about female NPCs anymore.

No idea. I tried hundreds of times over the years but failed every time. I might have burned out. After you get past a week it gets easier. I spent 4 years trying to not fap for 10 days at one point and I barely managed in the end. The coomer mindset is hard to break. Just keep trying, honestly. Once you get past a week of nofap it gets easier.


Similar situation here, only I'm 24. Not unlikable, had girls like me. But I'm waiting for someone compatible. I'm possibly on the spectrum so have a harder time connecting to the general public because I have no interests in what the average populace cares about. And if I don't meet that someone I don't care because I'm happy by myself.

Good for you user

Just lose it dude. Why would you protect your virginity as a guy?

I have no idea OP. I'm basically in the same boat.

I sincerely do not know what do. I need an user to decide my weak will for me. My head is in a whirl wind after hearing for years lust is to be celebrated and all my reading of late telling me that the most treacherous of crimes lay root to lust (Plato’s Laws)

Shut up coomer

I wish the words coomer, zoomer and boomer were bannable offenses. They all just sound so fucking stupid