Is there a philosophy more useful than stoicism?

Is there a philosophy more useful than stoicism?

Attached: Marcus_Aurelius2.jpg (1024x735, 86K)

Only one, Epicureanism.

Attached: Epicurus.jpg (400x511, 25K)


Came here to write the same.

The immortal, revolutionary science of Marxism-Leninism, of course

What has stoicism ever achieved?

Achievement is a personally-defined accomplishment. Everyone who practiced stoicism achieved something.

It was the most followed philosophical view of the roman empire and molded early christian values.

Add Epicurus to that too. Many European monasteries have their philosophical and, in some cases, physical roots in Epicurean compounds.

Epicureanism is just some evolved fedora reddit shit.

Every hellenic post-platonic ethical philosophy was a gigantic cope for those who did not want or could not embrace the cynical aspect of Socrates' lifestyle. Epicureanism is some deviant proclivity perverted by the transformation of the word "hedonism" into a sign denoting mindless excess and should dissolve easily into any real system of philosophy.

Political philosophy in general. Influential ideas play a significant role in the shaping of society.


>epicureanism=mindless excess
the absolute state

>Is there a philosophy more useful than stoicism?
whats the one that basically says the only thing that matters is the pursuit of self control? has a quote about sitting calming when surrounded by chaos just because you choose to be calm

Whatever philosophy stops you from putting Commodus in charge


So.. Duginism and his 4PT?

> molded early christian values

I don't doubt this. However, do you have any proof or article which can elaborate on this? I'm highly curious in which philosophies influenced Christianity.

Stoicism is defunct compared to buddhism

It is enirely unfleshed, it's principles are unbounded, the philosophy of stoicism is half baked and unworthy, they should have looked east towards india and tibet

I like buddhism but almost everyone I've talked to who follows it seems incredibly egotistical and like they think they're better than everyone

Their metaphysics hasn't come down to us in any comprehensive manner, mostly their logic and ethics.

What about existentialism?


>I'm highly curious in which philosophies influenced Christianity.
mostly Platonism through Augustine and Stoicism.

My experience on Yea Forums is that any post that contains the word "cope" is completely worthless.


wasn't Marcus Aurelius a literal cuck? isn't stoicism implicitly a cuck philosophy?

Attached: MightIsRight.jpg (664x1000, 184K)

No. His wife was likely not a slut.

She was the political enemy of the guy who would be the teacher of the historians of the era. And "promiscuous" to Romans was like "racist" to modern Americans. It is something you called whoever you disliked.
So, sources unfavorable to Scipio Africanus would say he had a weakness to pretty girls and favorable ones would say he was super chaste and only had sex with his wife.

That's hedonism lel

what's the stoic response to getting cucked though? stoically endure it or sperging out?

that literally means nothing, it just means whatever triumphs, triumphs, which is already what happens in every society ever

It teaches you not to be a Christian or stoic cuck and not to accept that whatever happens, happens. It gives you permission to shed all of your Christian societal programming.

christianity cucked all of pre-christian europe, which means it was the true Might at that point, which doesn't mean that something new can't cuck christianity in a new development, but you don't get to choose which Might you like and which Might you dislike, whatever triumphs is Might

what you call "societal programming" is just a very effective type of might

Divorce without sperging out.
The Stoics looked down on promiscuous people, considering them immoral. Spending your life with someone with bad morality is a bad idea.


if you truly believe Might is Right, you don't get to cry when somebody weaponizes poorfags and BTFOs your ass

idiot. read my post. I said the meaning of hedonism has been perverted from tranquility to excess and that epicureanism can (mostly) be fit into any other system of virtue ethics. Too weak to lay claim to its primary conceptual rationale, too weak to effect change in any life.

Stoicism is just Cynicism with autism.