What makes this book such a pleb filter?
Do you actually like it Yea Forums or do you like it because normies hate it?
What makes this book such a pleb filter?
Liking american literature is the real pleb filter
Normal people don't hate Moby Dick. It's a classic.
It's okay to like what majority likes user. Your loser cred will not suffer too much for it.
>normal people don’t hate Moby Dick
They do though. It’s a very polarizing novel
3.49 is very very low, by the way, for a classic
I like it very much, but I feel that ‘The Whale’ is a far better title than ‘Moby Dick’ because so little of the book is actually about moby dick himself, and instead whales and whaling in general
It's fantastic, I loved it form beginning to end. I think normies hate it because they expect just a straightforward adventure novel, and they got filtered by the whaling chapters, which probably went over their head.
Come on user. I am all for being a normie but the right kind of normie.
Not the kind of normie with electronically induced ADD who can't sit still long enough to finish Moby Dick. Those people should be ridiculed.
While Moby Dick might be one of the greatest American novels (kinda sad that a retarded generation of Americans is now shitting on it) everyone reads it.
I am a slav untermensch and I can by heart always recite:
"To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
Moby dick is legitimately hilarious for the first quarter or so.
Its the ultimate pleb filter because women will never understand it. Its only a novel that men will understand.
I loved the book and agree with Hemingway's estimation of Melville as a writer; when he's on, he's exemplary, and nobody comes close; when he's off, it's like trudging your way through a pool of shit pudding. Moby-Dick's opening chapters are the greatest adventure novel ever put to page. It's middle oscillates between beautiful passages and horribly dull lows. It's ending makes it all worth it.
10/10, kino doesn't bend to the will of peasants.
What the fuck. I must have been auto-corrected on the sly. Forgive me, anons, for I have sullied my literary street-creed. I still detest the plebians that dare insult Melville kino.
Literally just started reading this and holy fuck lads even the first chapter is amazing. The way he so beautifully elucidates man’s natural attraction to water.
Does he really keep this up the whole time?
>It's only for educated people and idiots won't understand it so it's bad
What a review
Yes, he has a whole chapter about the semiotics of whiteness.
>imdb books section
thanks for ruining my otherwise good morning with the cynicism requisite to drag me into a spiraling depression
user, this might sound gay but your post made me heartily chuckle. You have a gift, explore it.
Dont listen what the plebs are saying the whole book is a masterpiece
Isn’t this one of the most popular books in the world?
Judging by the avatar, isn't that the pirate anime? He probably got recommended the book based on that, and was dumbfounded why isn't it like one of his epic animes.
Not really, it sold like 3000 copies during the author's life, and even in modern days it's not often read. It's just a famous work, because it gets referenced all the time in popular culture.
No. It's one of the best known books in the world big difference. Of everyone that knows about it very few people try to read it, and of those fewer finish and actually get what makes it great.
How does this book take people months to complete?
I’ve read much, much slower novels