Are male pornstars modern day kings?

Are male pornstars modern day kings?

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>believing shooting porn equals actual enjoyable sex

What are you, 14?

you can't not enjoy 2 girls sucking your dick or raw dogging an 18 year old. you can cope and say it's bad though

>you can't not
For how many consecutive hours?

>couple looking for threesome

but there are already three people there? I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

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Once you've done those things a few times it becomes a bit of a chore.

>"I've never been in Yea Forums, maybe I'm missing out some of the greatest discussions 4channel has to offer"

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Death to pornographers

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Just watch one documentary about pron stars, and you will change your mind coombro

but this is pornstars brains we're talking here. they're not normal people, they clearly have hypersexuality. you can bet that at least the males, enjoy it quite a lot, though it isn't a dream job. just search for XXXtras and see them fucking random people both before and after the actual porn shoots.
they love that shit.

>t. coping religious incel

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

t.ignores the words of the people doing it for his own delusions and can't use >t. properly

Cocaine and viagra.
But you if extend this logic, then some 10 peso hooker in Tijuana is living her best life because she's getting sex all day every day

op said male porstars though. and he's right. female pornstars are fucking miserable, but see the men: they pretty much all enjoy it and have a grin on their face all the time

why aren't you a pornstar then?

Women don't have sex, they are used for sex, it's not the same thing. Inserting your penis is an act of domination and humiliation of the other.

if you believe that hooking up is the end-all be-all, then probably yeah

what else is there?

my dick is 5 inches; i'm depressed; i don't have a libido at all; i'm a virgin

doing this

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In his mind being a wageslave and a provider for a female is the purpose of life.

Penis enlargement surgery?

Well some 10 peso rent boy in Tijuana then.
I could pay you to fap ten times a day, and I'm sure the first few days you'd manage. But day 12? Day 467? How soon would you get heartily sick of this? Can you imagine having to fap ten times a day for 14 years?

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not real, bruh. at "best" there's jelqing, i've heard it actually does increases size, but at best, 1 inch, after at least a year of "exercising" and with the (very) possible side effects of peyronnie disease, permanent erectile dysfunction, etc