What are some good books about the future of the Europe considering the gigantic amounts of changes currently happening...

What are some good books about the future of the Europe considering the gigantic amounts of changes currently happening like our massively aging native population, migration, automation, the digital revolution and the slow fading of Europe into irrelevance due to the rise of Asia and Africa on the world stage, in either English or my native German?

I feel like over the next 20 years we are going to see change unprecedented since WW2, but at least here in Germany one can't get rid of this feeling that our politics and this country in general are still remarkably stuck in the 20th century.

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Other urls found in this thread:

esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/FOID/Reading Room/Other/Litigation Release - The Future of Europe-Final Report 201304.pdf

Germany is dead. It exists only as a vestige of the past, an empty shell without the slightest promise of a future.

camp of saints

read Thilo Sarrazin

Could I get some answers that aren't /pol/ crap?

sarrazin is an ordinary conservative, not remotely pol. If you want some globalist shit to reaffirm your beliefs just read any political Spiegel Bestseller.

/pol/, please fuck off.

I would hazard there is none - speaking about, let alone criticising "those things" - an ageing native population, mass migration, etc is taboo.
Wait 20 years.

Douglas Murray’s Strange Death of Europe

Pol has nothing to do with the jews currently fueling the changes the OP is referring to by running the Western propaganda machine, pushing global capitalism on American vassal states, and promoting mass immigration into white countries. Everyone is pointing this out now, just the reality of it.

Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler

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the quran

>politics and this country in general are still remarkably stuck in the 20th century.
It's the same everywhere else.

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Anything that deviates from the narrative is derided, and censored if possible, never discussed. Only the truth need be treated this way.

When you push people to despair and eventually suicide by trying to teach them that they are intrinsically evil as a race, that they need to be replaced and unless they acquiesce and furthermore hate themselves and their own children they are worse than Hitler, you push people to a point where they will push back. Your lies and false stereotypes about them will become their means of rebellion ane resistance. You get what you feared from them. Because you have to fear them, to so want to destroy them. And they will embrace what you fear, if only in self defense.

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Do you have actually have any source or evidence for the Jewish world conspiracy you are so utterly convinced of?


Except of course, based Kalergi was tricked by the Jews in his social circle into thinking that Jews were an integral part of Europe's intellect and spirit.

He also didn't know about HBD and IQ naturally.

However the general premise; that Democracy is an illegitimate transitional phase between blood aristocracy and intellectual/spiritual aristocracy is fantastic and redpilled.

Daily reminder that in 20 years non-natives will account for 30% of the population in Germany, France, England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden...

Daily reminder that in 30 years it will be 0%

A Canticle for Liebowitz.


There's no conspiracy, just look at who's running western institutions. Jews conspire all the time to further their tribal interests; calling the goyim who point out their behavior "conspiracy theorists" is merely projection.


everything is in a constant state of change and succession. you either fit yourself in the future or whine like a bitch about muh past jerking off to some old imagery.
nature has no emotion and it has a great habit of balancing everything in the best way possible. no need to worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself.

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Read this, then get back to me...

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Non natives which are going to mostly become pic related.

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This. There is always hope, there is no predetermined decline as they would like you to believe. Never give in, never surrender. And, if need be, Gotterdammerung. Better to go down fighting and even to destroy all that has been built than to tamely hand it over to thieves.

Negative. Non-whites are dysfunctional and will be sent back to their shitholes in time.

>still remarkably stuck in the 20th century

Rather we have returned to the 19th, all the great projects of the 20th century have failed and we are returning to a state of national and individual insularity, and 'great game' politics played out by incompetent charlatans

The problem has nothing to do with immigration or economic stagnation, it is that without mass-movements and the consequent political consciousness, power will simply devolve back into a pseudo-aristocracy lording it over peasants drinking and feuding with the village next over

Without a conceptual foundation of self-empowerment no one is able to function in the mass of drivel they are drowned in daily

>The problem has nothing to do with immigration
The second biggest problem is immigration into white countries; the first biggest problem is the jews promoting immigration into white countries.

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I seriously doubt that immigrants coming from such "cultures" would assimilate so easily even in a generation or two. Societies with strong values dominate ones with weak values.

It's not assimiliation, it's just female "liberation". Without any restrictions forced on women, they automatically become sluts. Muslim women are no exception, they just come from a stricter culture.

Can someone explain to me why this is a bad thing? Especially considering how standardized and American these "native" cultures have become.

>expecting anything else
Reminder that concern for Europe's future is /pol/ bigotry

You haven't met any second generation inmigrant, haven't you?

Hiltler was right about everything. The Allies were actually the bad guys. That's the biggest plot twist in history.

I'm not even white but how can this be a good thing?

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but this fear of it seems silly. If it's an ethnic thing it makes no sense; European people have always been very mixed and racial purity is just a meme anyway. Humans aren't even indigenous to Europe to be fair and the great cultures of our past came from race mixing.
If it's a cultural thing then it's more understandable, but the real threats are others. Culture has been standardized and watered down and sold off to the lowest bidder everywhere and blaming foreigners for this means being plain stupid. If anything, the multicultural neighborhoods in European cities are the ones where tradition and culture are more colorful, evident and beautiful - compared to the native whites with our white Nikes, small town McDonald's and Snapchat stories...

guys r u serious ? camp of saints is a great book full of irony and smart insights. not at all full of hate.

Thanks for the insight Rabbi

>European people have always been very mixed and racial purity is just a meme anyway.
Intermingling with people that are genetically similar to you, if that's what you mean. Europeans definitely aren't some mulattos of negroes, asians, or any other for that matter.
It's practically the opposite with great cultures and racemixing. There's not a single racemixed country right now that is in any way shape or form even close to non-mixed, take Southern America for example.
>the multicultural neighborhoods in European cities are the ones where tradition and culture are more colorful, evident and beautiful
Depends who you ask. Are you the type of person that brings out the argument that even though Islam views women as inferior to men and bases their whole life around some religion thought up by a pedophile, these people are not inferior to Europeans, but just different?

Won't people still choose to mate with their own race majorly? Interracial couples aren't that rare, but they are hardly in the majority.

If Europeans have your shit mentality, they deserve to die and disappear.

That doesn't make any sense regarding the fact that Europeans are acknowledged throughout the world as being more superior and having more wealth and culture. The inferior race is the only one logically that has the need to race-mix with the superior one. And even then different races would still most likely not want to race mix, because it's the basic law of Nature to have kids with your genetics, and the only ones with the genetics closest to yours are your fellow national companions. A mouse always mates with a mouse, not a rat, crow with a crow, etc. Even if we could objectively determine the least valuable and the most valuable races, the eternal law of nature is self-preservation.

:( gone but not forgotten, Evropa my love.

Not if the jeudens propaganda has it's way.

You have either never been to europe, or are an agent of subversion.

What do you mean by race? Do you mean the white race? I just classified different nationalities as a race, might be different in English I guess.

All I'm saying is the cultural subversion of Europe is caused more by us selling our soul to anonymous globalised capitalism than it is by foreigners with different skin tones (who come here to end up in same cultureless pit we are in).

>If anything, the multicultural neighborhoods in European cities are the ones where tradition and culture are more colorful, evident and beautiful - compared to the native whites with our white Nikes, small town McDonald's and Snapchat stories...
You know what, you guys deserve the caliphate

I should have been more specific, you are right. I mean that people often choose to associate and mate with those who are similar to them, be this skin color, religion, culture, language, etc. There are exceptions, of course, but they don't disprove this rule, which is that people are attracted to what's familiar, when seeking stability (which is a main concern when forming a family) rather than to the exotic, which isn't taken as seriously. I'm generalizing here, but I think that even with an influx of migrants, no group of people will go extinct unless an active effort is made to assure it.

I have no idea what the caliphate you fear is kek, but if this is the dominant mentality around here, I think it's time should stop shilling Guenon as much

>Muslim population increases
>Islamic parties become commonplace in European democracies
>Muslims vote for them
>Islamic Party rules the county
>It declares a caliphate
Not so far fetched, if you ask me.

There's things happening to our world quite a bit scarier and quite a bit faster too..
Also, I'm a Catholic and don't vote for a "Catholic party"

no one wants to move to balkan shitholes though so what about them?

The direness of Europe's situation has reached the point where a caliphate would unironically be an improvement.

>Muslim population increases
>Islamic parties become commonplace in European democracies
>Muslims vote for them
>Islamic Party rules the county
>It declares a caliphate
>Not so far fetched, if you ask me.
It is, see and .
My is area is like 45% immigrants, easily half of them muslim (mostly turkish), and roughly 5/6 of the muslims at my high school were about as irreligious as everyone else.

No, you fuck off, subhuman scum.

>we all have to stop fucking because /pol/ is upset

>My is area is like 45% immigrants, easily half of them muslim (mostly turkish), and roughly 5/6 of the muslims at my high school were about as irreligious as everyone else.
Statistically 2nd generation immigrants are actually more radical than actual immigrants for some reason.
By radical i mean radical and not just religious.

Turd. The only people who need to have any concern over immigration are unskilled, uneducated morons.
You are the problem not some sandnigger who actually works for a living

Nothing is going to happen. The demographics will change slightly. The world will keep turning. There will be honey still for tea.
If the example of multicultural cities like London or Berlin or Paris teach us anything, it's that we will all continue to live rather peaceful and boring lives regardless of supposed ethnic differences. Americans who get their info from Murdoch will no doubt tell us we are living in a caliphate when they aren't shooting each other

Fuck off. The only radical muslims are the losers like you. You scream about muslims, they scream about infidels, yadda yadda. You can all finish each other off for all anyone else cares

>this is fine

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Toronto Protocols

Piss off back to /pol/ cuck

Dude your whole worldview gets destroyed by one look out of the window.

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Sounds like someone needs to dilate

is that really your only rebuttal, are you trying to make your position look bad?

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Literally proving his point about Americans getting their info from Murdoch.
And having that Sectarianism photo in there proves that whoever made this pic had no clue what they were blabbing against at all.

Yeah, pretty much fine. Western Europe remains one of the safest places in the world to live. Lower crime than anywhere apart from Japan I think. Despite large amounts of immigration the 'rivers of blood' stuff hasn't come to pass. There is less terrorism now than in the 70s

You're retarded. When arabs and nogs reach critical mass in places like Paris and London this train is coming apart fast.

>europe is an unlivable hellhole RIGHT NOW trust me
>actually it's objectively safer than america by a huge margin
>europe will be an unlivable hellhole TOMORROW trust me

Nonwhites re-create the violent and corrupt shitholes they come from, Africans and arabs especially. The mass influx of these groups is relatively recent but London, Paris, Stockholm, and other major cities already have sweeping nonwhite crime problems, rape epidemics, and no go zones. To deny the shitskin invasion inevitably leading to the destruction of these cities is delusional. Nonwhites do not belong in Europe and must be removed. End of story.

Raspail is a good writer. Read his other works too. "L'Anneau du pĂŞcheur" is my favourite.

>European people have always been very mixed and racial purity is just a meme anyway.
Miscegenation among Europeans is a meme. Read some books on genetics and history.

It's the fault of Americans for opposing secular Assad and Gaddafi. They warned about all of this. ISIS and Al-Nusra, which were also backed by USA and Israel, also made it clear they would intermingle with the refugees.

Hard to believe nobody's given you upcummies on your post. I thought it was a great read. Left me feeling pretty bummed out by the end though.

I mean, I understand the issues at hand, meaning it was best avoidable, but I don't understand the point of promoting ethnic cleansing. Sacrificing good people to fix problems is never good in itself. Also, I don't think the media is purely far-leftist. It could be that both far-right and far-leftist views are being promoted due to automation replacing most of the working class in the future. I mean, the elites do seem to benefit from a massive depopulation of the underclass.

>Humans aren't even indigenous to Europe to be fair
well yeah a giant sheet of ice was covering it, what do you expect lol

>I don't understand the point of promoting ethnic cleansing.
Nobody is. Invaders can go just the way they came.

>I don't think the media is purely far-leftist
It's purely jewish.

Opening borders and not vetting the refugees was obviously a mistake, especially considering ISIS and Al-Nusra said they would intermingle with them. I mean, it doesn't take a geopolitical genius to see the issues with this.
>It's purely jewish.
They obviously have a disproportionate amount of power, but I feel they may be infecting both the far-right and far-left.
Obviously, refugees from war-torn environments where CIA and Mossad funded fanatics are a burden on the economy. However, my worry is that you will lump others, like educated minorities, with them, which would serve the interests of Jews too. They play both sides and have much to gain with Europe falling into Civil War.

So fucking cringe when Amerimutts who are barely 60% white anymore say Europe is dead while most European countries are 80%+ white and Eastern Europe is 95%+ white.

Right wing is gaining ground here literally every election, meanwhile America will literally be non-white in 2040.

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Try asking on plebbit

You know (((who))) is saying that and they aren't white.

>genetic differences in races are the reason arabs are stupid I know this because I'm a politician

What a stupid argument. "Some marginally different ethnic groups in the European region have already mixed together throughout history, so what's the problem with sending in millions of sub-saharans and muslims who have *drastically* different cultures, values, and genetics".

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I went in knowing only the memetic quotes about negro-Russian being the future and I was pleasantly surprised.

>sweeping nonwhite crime problems, rape epidemics, and no go zones
In your mind

How do you even come back from this level of delusion? This is 'at least I still have the constitution' tier.

Because we know from experience. The US was 85% European descent once. Just because parties campaign against immigration doesn't mean they're going to reduce it when they win power. This whole thing is a desperation measure by governments to increase the population. The only solution is rolling back the sexual revolution but elites aren't really there yet.

Turner diaries

>I mean, the elites do seem to benefit from a massive depopulation of the underclass.
In fact, the opposite is true, they are frantically trying to increase the population. You can read the arguments yourself, they have realized that population is power and want a sufficiently large population to challenge China and to keep "growth" going.

Pro-natalist policies don't really work that well and they aren't willing to go full Ceausescu or bring back religion or roll back the sexual revolution. Stop being such a silly Marxist, the ruling class doesn't want to genocide the workers when they need them to buy things and shoot at the Chinese.

Delusional shabbos goy.

So where is the no go zone in London? Its not Croydon is it?

Bruv, London is the acid attack capital of the world and has more crime than New York City now due to all the third world shitskins the jews running the City of London have imported. Reality check, chump, get with it.

Cope harder, faggot

i went to brusselles and that place is not a shithole but a very dirty city, and it´s not difficult to see arabs roaming around, sometimes stealing and running away like pussies

The US Office of Net Assessment had an internal report on the matter in 2014 released via FOIA requests. It's a bit out of date now (it talks about the BNP in the UK instead of UKIP), but plenty of the stuff you're interested in talked about there in a clinical way. Here's the link:

esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/FOID/Reading Room/Other/Litigation Release - The Future of Europe-Final Report 201304.pdf

Coming Apart by Charles Murray is about white people in the US, but the same forces that he describes in that book will take their toll on Europe too.

Europe's long term future is grim - though it isn't really a caliphate. Rather, since birth rates have been below replacement level for decades, there is a comparative lack of innovation across the continent - there is no equivalent to Silicon valley. More wealth is extracted from the young to support the old and no systemic change is made to fix the fertility issue (no, handing people money for having kids does not fix the birth rates, as wealth negatively correlates with fertility). To deal with this population gap, Europe has been relying on immigrants - first from Eastern Europe, but now from anywhere. They'll try to suck Africa, the middle east and south asia dry of their young, but ultimately they won't be as productive as a large number of native youths would be.

The consequence of the increase in diversity will be a drop in social cohesion and decreasing ability to politically organize. Thus, entrenched bureaucrats will have greater ability to act in their own interests as a class - but this will take place at the EU level in addition to the national level. Due to it's sheer size and complexity, the EU will become completely unaccountable to any populist anger that might occur, and even if they do manage to win elections, they'll be as ineffective as Trump at changing anything of substance. Europe will decline in economic power and influence, relative to the US and China primarily. The US remains in pretty good shape compared to Europe due to superior economics, higher quality immigrants (spic>Somalis) and the sheer inertia of their current economic position and military position. Sure, they won't be what they could be, but no one will really surpass them unless China makes significant reforms and manages to make real friends.

No matter what happens, we can all agree on one thing. San Marino will stand free until the heat death of the universe.

>Sacrificing good people to fix problems is never good in itself.
There's genuine value in having an ethnically homogenous society. Primarily it is about social trust, social capital and social cohesion, and for more on that look up "E Pluribus Unum" by Robert Putnam. But in addition, in ethnically diverse societies, voting just becomes a racial head count, as people organize into parties based either implicitly or explicitly on racial/ethnic lines and work for the dominance of their group instead of anything productive. You can even see this in all-white places like Bosnia or Belgium, where dysfunctional government is the rule.

Generally speaking, you shouldn't expect crime to become a horrific problem in the short term. Crime generally happens when you have lots of unemployed young men, as they have the time and impulsivity to commit it. Most minorities will be able to find menial work, especially due to shortages of people in Europe. Only when the number of sub 85 iq people really large will their dysfunction start to shake the system and result in serious economic problems. That's a long way off.

In addition to that, lower levels of testosterone, whatever the cause, will also reduce impulsivity and violent tendencies even in the dumbest members of society, leading to less crime than you'd expect.

Furthermore, the ability of technology and drugs to pacify people is greater than ever before. There's a reason we see few teenage pregnancies despite a total destruction of sexual norms, and it's because everyone is at home jerking to porn or getting sucked into some app or TV shows algorithmically designed to keep your attention.

Sure, at a local level, shipping in Somalis will be worse for your crime rate than not, but the greater forces and long-term trends that have been causing a global reduction in crime are still there and aren't disappearing.

Cope. Brown people commit far more crime than white people, and the more of them we import the more crime in white countries increases. Whether shitskin crime is goes down because globohomoschlomo pacifies them a little doesn't matter. Non-whites do not belong in white countries and must be sent back.

/pol/niggers are normies. They pollute every space they enter with their retarded ideology and drown any genuine discussion that might have been happening with low-effort shitposts and regurgitated talking points. As much as they whine about narratives being pushed against them, if you say anything that isn't in line with their own retarded narrative about joos and niggos, you'll instantly be derided as a cuck or a basedboy or whatever buzzword those microcephalics are using now. Their pathetic Nazi LARPing is the epitome of the edgy 12-year-old stereotype. They're exactly the type of people that everyone hated before imageboards got completely overrun by them.

Identity politics killed imageboard culture, and that includes both SJWs and /pol/.

Whine more, rabbi.

>Identity politics killed imageboard culture
There is no other type of politics in a multiracial society. Blacks and browns have no interest in high-minded political idealism, so whites are getting the picture, playing the game too, and identifying the jewish source of this astroturfed globalist paradigm. Get used to it or migrate to r*ddit, faggot.

>ad-hom instead of actually addressing any of the dissident right's factual points
This is why you perpetually lose in any venue that doesn't conduct censorship.

Hello R*ddit

sorry I haven't published a peer reviewed research paper to refute such salient points as
>nigs bad
>kikes bad
>commie bad
>muh blood, muh soil
>world ice theory

>Get used to it or migrate to r*ddit, faggot.
what's the use, your sooper seekrit site is practically reddit now anyway

Are you a nonwhite or jew?

A group of men get together to discuss literature. They decide to hold their meeting in a conference room they rented out for the night. The conversation turns to McCarthy. One of them comments on the biblical prose style and gives his offhanded interpretation of what the judge represents, the other opens the book and quotes some passages he thinks stand out, the last of them describes his experience reading it and says that he didn't enjoy it much, giving a genuine thought-out criticism delivered with eloquence. Just as they finish talking, a man bursts through the door with dishevelled hair, tattered clothes, eyes crazier than a frightened horse; and with comical confidence outstretches his arm as far as he can and points his finger to the three men.
"THE JEWS," he shouts, out of breath.
"Excuse me?" says one of the men.
The crazy man takes a chair from behind him and sits on it the wrong way round, resting his elbows on the backrest. He holds his finger up as if to say 'give me a minute' and desperately catches his breath.
One of them replies, "That's all well and good, sir, but what has this to do with literature? I don't want to get baited into this, but I'm a person of Jewish descent, and I'm nothing like what you describe. If you wish to attack corrupt rulers and libertines, do so, and do it on the basis of their arguments instead of engaging in personal assaults and conspiracy theories, but singling out a small subset of those people and focusing on them is beyond irrational."
The crazy man looks the Jew up and down suspiciously and with disdain. "YOU'RE A JEW, HUH?"
"My views on homosexuality have nothing--"
"No, I just think-"
As they argue the other two men stand up and take their leave, not wanting to hear this any longer, to which they are met with shouts of "RACE TRAITOR", "LEFTIST", and "SOIBOI". Eventually the Jew grows tired of trying to hammer reason into this fool, so he likewise takes his belongings and leaves.
Now the crazy man is left alone. He is smiling indulgently, satisfied with his performance, and utterly convinced he demolished his interlocutors with unmatched eloquence and outstanding logic. "See, they have all left," he thinks. "The Left really can not handle places with free speech."

>sorry I haven't published a peer reviewed research paper to refute such salient points as
yeah nobody else has either, especially the race thing

Instead of posting this autism you could have tried to argue. For example why do you think the races are the same, what evidence do you have for this?

LMAO you really are the caricature I just laid out. Where the fuck do you get the idea I think "the races are the same"?

If you need a primer on jewish neuroticism this is a good post to read. When one points out their tribal influence it triggers a tribal defense mechanism, a product of centuries of inbreeding and in-group paranoia, that results in this type of response. Jews are very sick people.

Because that is maybe the one thing /pol/ talks about more than anything else, and you were making a /pol/ caricature.

I don't think the races are the same. No serious person does.

I'm a black jewish gay transsexual muslim communist furry. I wish I could think for myself, but my subhuman brain only allows me to perform menial tasks such as shitting, chewing and swallowing onions products, and mindlessly typing out the talking points that George Soros pays me to post online.

Cool story, rabbi.

Ok...I can't believe you typed all that shit just for me to tell you that all you've done is disingenuously strawmanned one type of user on /pol/ and wasted everyone's time.

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Lol gtfo you nutty heeb. You aren't welcome here and 110 is on the way.

Drone technology and AI are rapidly improving, so I doubt the elites will need soldiers anymore. If the war drones have autonomous artificial general intelligence that can traverse complex terrain, then there's no need for soldiers anymore.
I agree with you to a certain extent, but that's not what I was talking about. I was saying "sacrificing good people to achieve certain ends" is bad. Ends do not justify the means, especially when it involves sacrificing good people. Also, from my experience, many minorities do not even bother voting.

If you don't follow /pol/ narrative letter to letter then you are a redditor.

More like if you still buy jewish narratives you don't belong here.

>/pol/ narrative
/pol/ is a diverse board of peace.

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>anything that doesn't align with my line of thought is jewish


But where is the no go zone in London. It must exist, can anyone tell me where it is so I know to avoid it?

You don't even need a fucking uni thesis to prove your points, just give sources to whatever the fuck you claim. Even though the 13%50% is factually correct not some /pol/ meme, you still to refer to it as something like that. And you say this dumb shit, because in reality, there is no empirical evidence supporting the fact that nigs commit less crime in America or in Europe, it's the same old same old with leftists that:
>but not all of them are bad!
Go visit some Muslim or Arab ghettos in Paris yourself, if you believe so much that nigs and arabs are some great civilized people.

The whole fucking city my friend

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Shit, I've lived and worked there for twenty years. Never realised I was in a no go zone. Going to have to hand in my notice and sell my flat I guess.


>native population is minority in its own capital
all good here, I love niggers and arabs here and diversifying my city!
How can some guys be such cucks I don't understand

Fuck, I just let out a huge fart. Damn, it felt so good!

Fucking bugman cuck justifying his pathetic existence instead of fighting for his own country and civilization.

People like this won't make it and we'll be better off that they didn't. Neck yourself, britbong bugman.

Still no details of the no go zone then? I'm sure your sources are impeccable, and there definitely is such a place.

No one thinks that Jews gather around every week at some secret castle and talk about their plans for invading the world retard. But I must admit they do exhibit the greatest case of collectivism and ingroup mentality I've ever seen by constantly undermining the traditional values of white homogenous cultures.

there aren't no go zones in London as far as I'm aware, but I'm confident that if you walk to some majority black area or arab area, you aren't walking in the safest areas.

That's called a no go zone.

You're probably the only britcuck itt so we don't fucking know, but here, faggot. Just Google:




The government would literally imprison the police officer that said what area they wouldn't go into without significant backup, nevermind that ordinary citizens also know the areas to avoid and are under the same threat. I don't care for Tommy Robinson, but they put him in jail for just doing journalism ffs, where he'll probably be murdered by the disproportionately """asian""" prison population.

Don't be obtuse. There are no-go zones in every American city too, for the same reason - they're populated by animals that would rob/rape/murder outsiders.

So no details of this no go zone? Your links don't describe anything like that. Can you give me a street at least? A postcode? The closest tube to a no go zone?
Don't get me wrong, I fully believe you when you say such a place exists, and I only want to find out where it is so I can avoid it.

No one here lives in London but you so we don't know where the arabs and niggers live. But everyone here, including you, knows that you won't go to those places.

Imagine trying to convince people that London is a safe place to live outside of tourist zones and richfag neighborhoods.

So you don't know where this no go zone is? That's a real shame, I was hoping to get a useful tip.
Why do you think I avoid the places where Arabs and niggers live? My neighbours are brown, and I just checked and they weren't waiting by my door, ready to pounce.
I think you should stop getting your ideas from weird right wing blogs. There are none of these zones in London. It's has lower crime than almost any city of comparable size. Everyone here just gets along quite happily. There is no incipient race war waiting to explode

London has worse crime than New York City now. Daily knife and acid attacks and rapes. Like said, you're delusional and dishonest, which is why you have to feign sarcasm. Hope pic related doesn't end up being you, chum.

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>You don't even need a fucking uni thesis to prove your points
it's called hyperbole, retard.

Blacks obviously commit more crime than other races in the US, but I've yet to see a study that proves blacks are genetically predisposed to crime. And I was born in one of the blackest cities in America and currently live in an even blacker city, so step outside your mom's gated neighborhood before you try to lecture other people on how vicious minorities are.

Do you have brain damage or are you literally 12? It's hard to tell with /pol/fags sometimes. Perhaps both?

>so step outside your mom's gated neighborhood before you try to lecture other people on how vicious minorities are.

you know, most liberales who supports black people are the ones who live in a gated neighborhood, oh the irony in your statement

Class is more important than race. The low-class tend to focus on race in order to compensate for their own misfortunes. Not even upper-class whites care about you. If you get a bunch of low-class refugees from war-torn environments where CIA fueled fanaticism, of course you are going to have problems. It doesn't take a genius to see.

>they automatically become sluts. Muslim women are no exception
And thank Allah for that!

What's your problem with ethnonationalism? Answer without strawmaning.

It's funny how this post encapsulates the /pol/ problem well and is met with derision that can neither deny or (successfully) downplay it's accuracy.

My issue is that class is just as important as race, and Lynn/Vanhanen's have serious methodological flaws for many countries (e.g., they don't even go take IQ tests in many countries and instead rely on estimates based on GDP). In the case of black people, yes, their race as a whole is kind of stupid. However, every other race is within a continuum except for blacks. Fact is, blacks are a different subspecies of human.

Attached: genetic reality.jpg (572x532, 43K)

>class is just as important as race
class is typically more important than race outside of blacks*
I meant to say that.

Lynn/Vanhanen's studies*

Class is most definitely not more important than race. Class describes a natural division of labor that any normal (read: non-jewish/parasitic) society has, that 19th and 20th century jewish Marxists tried to create divisions around to disrupt the social order. But because such divisions are natural, this plan didn't work.

>The low-class tend to focus on race
I am an upper class white man who cares about my race because I understand that a foreign race of semites is attacking it.

Class is more important than race because even in past societies, they were stratified based on intelligence. For example, upper-class involved in more administrative tasks are more likely to have higher-IQ.
>I am an upper class
How recent? I think a lot of the nouveau riche attained wealth not via intelligence but more like luck in terms of investments and so forth.
>race of semites is attacking it.
Only the lower-class ones are indirectly attacking it via high procreation rate. Also, Syrians are Levantines. They are not really Semites. Your leaders should have supported Assad and avoided this whole fiasco to begin with.

Attached: 1518445282391.png (1024x997, 635K)

No, sorry. White societies have been organized around a tripartite system for thousands of years; that is what past and current class distinctions represent. It's completely natural and embedded, which is why jewish agitation to get the worker/warrior class to rise up against the aristocracy didn't work. Jews, as a counter example, are a race of one class; they have no worker or warrior class, just a parasitic faux-aristocratic class, which is why they cannot survive on their own and have to obtain resources through the subversion of others. A primary example of such subversion being, shockingly, agitating host societies along class lines.

>/Pol/ack attempt to explain class history
Is the discurse always this low or is just /pol/ raid?

Never posted there. Put up or shut up.

Well then both of this statements are wrong and you are retard
>It's completely natural and embedded
>Jews, as a counter example, are a race of one class

What? It is natural and embedded in white societies, and jews aren't white.

Are you retarded?

Plenty of non-white societies have similar hierarchical societies, and the three or four tiered system seems to have PIE origins. Regardless, you seem to be oversimplifying and trying to reduce it all to an unchanging PIE hierarchical origin. The reality is monarchies, dynasties, and even the upper echelon of modern capitalist system always change their hierarchical schemes, even without Jews. It's a flux after all.
>through the subversion of others
That does seem to take a good deal of intelligence though. It seems to me you are placing too much emphasis on intelligence. Isn't virtue, at the end of the day, the most important? I agree that wealthy Jewish families or individuals like Sheldan Adelson, Rothschilds, and much more are not virtuous. However, other noble non-Jewish families like Koch brothers, Pallavicini, and etc. have also been implicated in devil'ish schemes. One final note, I consider the CIA, MI6, and etc. to operate in much of the same manner, so subversion is not exclusive to Jews or any particular race. It seems to real boil down to certain Machiavellian upper classes and social engineering of the insipid masses.
Doesn't make it more sense to judge individuals or familial lines as virtuous or not? Accepting hordes of underclass refugees, which ISIS claimed to mixwith, is obviously not within your interests though, but anyone with half a brain could have been able to infer that. The question is why would they borders be opened to them? I don't think the answer is simple, and /pol/ memes aren't going to take you far. Underclass of rural Deep South of USA can be just as bad as Muslim hordes fyi. It's not like either of them are reading high-literature, pondering on deep philosophical or scientific questions, and so forth.

>It is natural and embedded in white societies
I mean, class systems and those that occupy various positions of the ladder are typically in flux. Also, Proto-Indo-European societal class structure is not exclusively white. Many civilizations genealogically began with the PIE class system.

Partly a strawman. I didn't say there wasn't fluidity within the European tripartite/class system. I never said it was rigid or unchanging either. I said it's natural and not a big deal within white society itself, because it represents a long-standing social order and utilitarian division of labor that an injection of class-related revolutionary propaganda by an outsider race isn't going to, and didn't, disrupt. Not really sure what you were getting at with the rest.

I didn't say people couldn't climb the ladder; they routinely did and do. We're talking about white societies here though, so it doesn't really matter if other groups form class structures, which they obviously do, but that furthers my point about white class structures being comparatively fluid, because in other societies they certainly are not.

No, you don't get what I am saying. I am saying that the structure of the PIE class system has changed or become entirely different throughout the ages. You didn't really have such a system during the last couple of centuries or even during other time periods. It transformed or became different things altogether. You are historically illiterate in a way that is painful to deal with.
>it's natural
Hierarchy does seem natural, but it seems to manifest differently throughout the ages is what I am saying. Can you understand such a simple claim?
>Not really sure what you were getting at with the rest.
How old are you? How much do you read?

The system of massive fluidity among classes is more of a recent phenomena. Are you really that clueless?
Anyways, if you were "so great", then how were you easily subverted? Maybe you should take a humility pill. I'm not saying to open up your borders and become disenfranchised or become minorities in your own countries. I'm saying to be more cautious, reserved, and not jump to "extreme solutions".
Anyways, stuff like meme diagrams, which typically have poor methodology, aren't going to cut it in regards to understanding these complex issues.

You are strawmanning again and failing to grasp the point. Current class structures within white societies are rooted in the tripartite system. That doesn't mean they're the same, it means people in those different groups evolved differently, adapted to different conditions, and were selected for under different circumstances. Doesn't mean it's not fluid, doesn't mean it hasn't transformed, it means that's what current class dynamics within white societies are based on, understand?

You are unbelievably stupid. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? The class structure was called "Proto-Indo-European society". It was not exclusively white, for one thing. Second, current class systems are not rooted in them; that is an unbelievably retarded claim.
Again, how old are you? How much do you read?

>not jump to "extreme solutions"

What, like this?
>The system of massive fluidity among classes is more of a recent phenomena

>Anyways, if you were "so great", then how were you easily subverted?
I may think that, but I didn't say that; you did. And it wasn't easy to do, nor is it to explain. This is just how nature works, though.

no dude it's natural and embedded dude trust him it's like science or something dude cmon

Yes, they are rooted in them, moron. That is the basis of them. What the hell else would they be based on? You are the one making yourself look like a fool here, so I recommend providing a counter hypothesis or exiting before the hole you're digging becomes too deep.

He's referring to this:

I repeat:
"The class structure was called "Proto-Indo-European society". It was not exclusively white, for one thing. Second, current class systems are not rooted in them; that is an unbelievably retarded claim."

>So fucking cringe when Amerimutts who are barely 60% white anymore say Europe is dead while most European countries are 80%+ w
Bongland, France, Sweden, sub 80. but yes, if you magically made it stop tomorrow, maybe you'd be 60/40 in a few decades or so lmao, assuming you contintue to count your italian/jewish/spanish ancestors as white

It's transparent and obvious. Those ancient divisions are aligned with current ones. Saying they're different because reasons is not an argument.

We are talking about white societies. The class divisions were based on the tripartite system.

someone should edit this to a turkish man holding two veiled brides

First off, most Europeans aren't even purely steppe. NW Europeans at most have like 40-50% steppe admixture while the more south you go in Europe, the less steppe admixture you find (~15-20%). Second, hierarchies manifest differently throughout the ages. Even if the genealogical origin of Ind-European-speaking countries began with the tripartite system, or fourfold, system of Proto-Indo-European societies, a lot has changed in 3000 years. New systems were adopted based on agricultural, technological, and etc. progress, systems that are entirely different from PIE societies.

The tripartite system came from Proto-Indo-Europeans, you fucking idiot, and most whites aren't even pure steppe as I've explained.
How old are you, and how much do you fucking read?

>tripartite system, or fourfold, system
tripartite, or fourfold, system*
ignore typos*

You have no idea what you're even arguing about and ultimately saying nothing.

>a lot has changed in 3000 years.
No shit.

>New systems were adopted based on agricultural, technological, and etc. progress, systems that are entirely different from PIE societies.
Like agriculture is new. Those changes did not suddenly negate the natural class systems that had been in place for millennia, previously established classes merely fit into them in different ways based on the embedded hierarchy, just like they do now.

The lower classes today weren't the priest class 4000 years ago.

"Europe" is a cope to let countries on par with Mexico group themselves with the former ruler of the earth

The possibilities of West are already exhausted and this isn't the result of some jews conspiring against it but rather the natural outcome of the mindset established centuries ago. Technology, reason and efficiency are the supreme values of our culture to the point that any other vital experience becomes bothersome. Natality decreasing and native population being replaced is just the consequence of this. West is over.

So the west is committing suicide and the foreign race running all major western institutions has absolutely nothing to do with it. k thx

>natural class systems
How many times do I have to say the tripartite class system originated from Proto-Indo-European societies? They came from people of the steppes, which no modern European is 100% the same as, you fucking imbecile.

Maybe you shouldn't have worshiped Semitic Gods for one thing. If you were so smart and always aligned with your original Indo-European speaking ancestors, then why did you start worshiping Semitic myths? Think about it a bit, arrogant fuckhead. I just want to see your spirit breakdown and crash because I do not respect arrogant and conceited people.

That is what modern European societies evolved from, you deaf retard. That isn't even important and the origins you are pretending to pass off as fact are unconfirmed.

You claiming that current lower and upper class divisions have nothing to do with ancient class divisions is totally absurd and you know it.

Stop digging.

Excuse me? Are you white?

Kurgan Hypothesis is pretty much well established at this point. Regardless, you are not of pure steppe ancestry. Europeans are composed of three ancestral groups, and the percentages differ depending on region: Yamnaya Proto-Indo-Europeans, Neolithic Anatolians, and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers. Arguably, the PIE were the most important because that's where your language and pre-Abrahamic myths largely derived from.
>You claiming that current lower and upper class divisions have nothing to do with ancient class divisions is totally absurd and you know it.
I mean, things change. You didn't have stuff like CEOs, elected representatives, think tanks, intelligence heads, "black nobility", or whatever back then.
It was clerical, warrior, and farmer classes, though later on artisans were added.

>current lower and upper class divisions have nothing to do with ancient class divisions is totally absurd
What they have to do with it?

my diary, Ernst zu sein

No? Does that matter?

We have some shared ancestry with Proto-Indo-European tribes and Neolithic Anatolians.

Look closely children, this is called "pilpul".

Attached: 1442207814308.png (657x425, 24K)

>pretty much well established
Except it's not since new civilizational sites way south of it keep getting dug up, and the dates keep getting pushed back.

But I will concede "pretty much well" if you concede that obviously the priest or clerical classes were far more likely than warriors and farmers to adopt the higher positions once those changes took place, and still are.

That is just common sense and you know it, and saying it has nothing to do with it is a lie. That is what current class divisions are rooted in, saying "things change" is not a counter or negating argument.

>your language
And telling!

Kurgan hypothesis is pretty much definitive at this point.

Too much linguistic and mythic similarities across Indo-European languages and some ancient genetic samples.

>pretty much
Right. But priests and scholars suddenly became generals and farmers at the drop of a dime.

>/pol/ bait
>about 3 posts for every unique poster
can we please get a janny

Okay, the point is, European languages and myths largely came from Proto-Indo-Europeans, but your ancestors chose to worship a Semitic figure instead. I would at the very least have some humility and tone down on the arrogance.

That literally has nothing to do with the discussion, but actually the same divisions were replicated through Christianity, so that only further makes my point.

>the same divisions were replicated through Christianity
Your arrogance prevents you from any degree of honesty. It was a perpetuated in a manner that was highly Semitic because that's what Christianity is: a fucking Semitic religion.
>That literally has nothing to do with the discussion
It does, but you're too much of a conceited jackass to see it.

Who the fuck are you? Have you even been in this discussion? I must have embarrassed you earlier. Better to get over it and move on than expressing your butthurt like a pussy.


>It was a perpetuated in a manner that was highly Semitic
Christianity had no effect (and that was never its point) on this organization. In fact its purest form in the west since archaic pre-republican Rome is the one exposed in Adalberon's speech on tripartition.

>Could I get some answers that don't make me confront the fact that beliefs I've held all my life are based on lies?
Weak, thread hidden.

>European people have always been very mixed
>and racial purity is just a meme anyway.

Attached: 1559665111951.jpg (640x645, 93K)

>I'd rather bring in brown unskilled, uneducated morons and give them a way to "work for a living" than do the same for my own people
People like you must, and probably will be, executed. Traitors get the rope from both sides of the conflict, nobody likes them.

>I've yet to see a study that proves blacks are genetically predisposed to crime.
Suit yourself.

Attached: 1532572294675.jpg (3785x1705, 1.11M)

But brown people are my own people. How could they not be?