When the mass of last men in the lumpenintelligentsia have lined up behind a milquetoast submarxist socdem consensus, well on the road to serfdom, isn't being a post ironic randian dandy neocapitalist transhumanist libertarian the most deliciously and outrageously contrarian thing one can do? I just want to hold 2019 up to the standards of Midcentury New York/Chicago, LA cold war defense intellectuals and 1990s bay area extropianist entrepreneurs, imagine genuinely and truly possesed by the mystical fervour of self regulating universal systemic order, deified technics, and absolute self reliant individualism.
When the mass of last men in the lumpenintelligentsia have lined up behind a milquetoast submarxist socdem consensus...
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Ayn Rand is more relevant than she has ever been.
lmao capitalism has ruined dandyism
>why yes i am in fact an individual capable of rationalising away the world how could you tell?
>post ironic randian dandy neocapitalist transhumanist libertarian the most deliciously and outrageously contrarian thing one can do?
No, being a national socialist is
Maybe but youre not going to get anywhere with Nazism.
Nationalism maybe but that's about it.
literally a r*ddit term
while redditors post about muh Karl Marx and Mark Fisher, I make a point to embrace all the decidedly unfashionable thinkers: John Perry Barlow, Friedrich Von Hayek, Karl Popper, Francis Fukuyama, Ray Kurzweil, Walter Lippmann, Leo Strauss, Peter Thiel and Griard, etc.
american retard
leftists and collectivists are individuals rationalising away their own individuality
>deliciously and outrageously
>mystical fervour
>self regulating universal systemic order
libertarianism is not an ideology, it's pure high-octane intellectual crack. It's complete fantasy, escapism of the highest order. It's all about satisfying the puerile libidos and wounded egos of a wretched working class that cannot accept itself as such.
Look at the graphs, son! Wages Vs. Productivity! They left you behind in the 70's! They decided you were expendable. Search for that graph and look into the eyes of your beloved "liberty", the twisted liberty to marginalize billions, the liberty to buy other people's liberty, their dreams and their livelihoods, and gamble it away on the stock market.
But you don't have to agree with me. Just tell me one thing, what is your mystical universal order going to do about global warming? It's a simple question. How are you going to take this impending extinction event and repackage it into something you can sell to your investors? And after that, how are you going to satisfy an economic system that demands infinite growth in a finite planet (finite solar system, finite galaxy, or however long you'd like to delay this inevitable question)?
"when education isn't liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to be the oppressor"
Has anyone done an Evangelion big-head parody with this Rand illustration yet?
>it's pure high-octane intellectual crack
if libertarianism is crack then Leftism is intellectual opium, of course leftists have no idea of what to do about global warming, or anything for that matter, they are resentful herd animals altoghether possessed by an unhappy consciousness. Libertarianism for me is a way of maxxxing out the libidinal jouissance of capital
Idiot post.
You have no idea what leftists think, so quit talking as though you do.
If you’re curious enough to finally educate yourself on the topic, start here
This is bait. No commie could be this stupid/unaware.
How is it bait? Did she say this or not?
No, because as it turns out right-wing [read: classically liberal laissez-faire] economic policy and libertine social policy are mutually reinforcing. What aspect of the modern progressive's policy platform beyond the totalizing efforts of PC police does the libertarian actually object to? Open borders? Destruction of the nation state by means of economic (unrestricted free trade, creative destruction) and social (the invidividual as an instantiation of universal Man) globalization? The devaluation of religion (Obergefell) within the public square? The great irony is that many libertarian priorities were achieved by means of administrative decree and managerial bureaucracy. They have cut out their own legs from under them
Those are all spooks and limitations on the ego, and the egos desire to actualise itself into a polyamorous blockhain dwelling transnational entity, blasting away parrochial 20th century subjectivity through psychotropic burning man raves and unimaginably perverted VR erotic experiences, dethroning God Himself, living forever and leaving behind anything or anyone that cannot cope with the deterritorialisation process of autonomous technocapital. you have no argument against this.
The communist argument is that if a worker produces something, and the capitalist employing the worker sells that thing for a value greater than the worker was paid to produce it, then the capitalist has exploited the worker's labor.
Why? Isn't it apparent now that capitalism has nothing to do with the individual and everything to do with nepotism?
I agree but a footballer was rarely ever a dandy.
You don't need to go anywhere with randianism.
Or maybe they're just idiots who think collective bargaining will get them what they want instead of violence.
It seems more like right wing bait to me.
>isn't being a post ironic
Dropped, irony is the Way
Capital is not for COOM
Jesus, you’re even cringier than the left