We live in a culture where everyone has this “ironic” affectation to everything they do. No one just acts like themselves.
David was right. Kaczynski was right.
We live in a culture where everyone has this “ironic” affectation to everything they do. No one just acts like themselves.
David was right. Kaczynski was right.
the worst is will ferrell "irony" where people say a "funny"/formal sounding word in a goofy voice as if it's funny
What are some rules that one can follow to live a less ironic life?
>implying there is an authentic self to which one could be dishonest
No rules, just be honest.
The savage detectives strike again!
you could at least try
>No one just acts like themselves.
Not sure if there is a period in time were people did. They act how society dictates.
If I went around moaning about my miserable, suicidal life nobody would be my friend.
avoid classical social media
Isn't irony dave the perfect example of this though? even with a second layer?
Maybe you should change your life instead of lying to yourself and others about it
>They act how society dictates
but we dont have to, not anymore
gamers rise up
>tfw lost in so much irony I don't even know who I am anymore
Anyone else?
You would have fewer friends, but those that you have would actually help you instead of expecting you to perform.
I don't want to change, so attempting to change would be dishonest.
you want to be suicidal and depressed? are you sure that wasnt a "cool" image the media sold to you?
Gamer culture has its rules, it does not just accept any and all that play games. The one good thing, what it has in common with many sports, it pushes many of its social dictates to the rules of the game and frees up people somewhat. But you still have to 'fit in'
This. Being depressed is fine, but moaning about it is retarded and makes you weak. Suffer internally. Don’t guilt others because you can’t handle what life is.
Suicide is stupid no matter how you spin it. You were born to live.
>you still have to fit in
No, I don’t. What made you come to that conclusion?
please explain
Irony is a way of hiding behind a fear. Fear of being lost in the now but at the same time, fear of finding any reality, any truth out there.
I don't know what Wallace thought of this or if he even commented on that but I feel that irony is the way modern humans try to rationalize their own vacuity and vapitity.
Not necessarily because it's true, but because we live in the impossibility of any transcendance. We live after the death of God. The only thing remaining is our ability to never be serious about anything. As a kind of protective mental barrier.
It's a continuation of nihilism that finally got absorbed by mass culture.
Unironically? get off of Yea Forums
>gamer culture
I've caught you now, hueman! Stop corrupting our youths with your synthetic depictions of power! The bugmen will never prevail!
Can you guys explain the definition of irony and its relevance in modern culture because I'm having trouble understanding.
You do, you personally may be naturally acceptable for that culture, but still have to fit in.
What ever.
Lemme simplify (not the guy you’re responding too btw)
You want to disconnect yourself from your actions, likely due to a deeper insecurity and lack of confidence. Rather than working to amend those insecurities- and realize I’m really simplifying here with my terminology- you pretend life and everything is a big joke. Everything you do has a subtle or not so subtle air of humor to it. You don’t do anything with honesty, but with a faint mask of “I don’t really mean these actions; this is for humor.”
But you really do mean those actions, and you’re using clown makeup to cover up that care. And maybe you’re scared of people knowing you care, because they all put on the same show you do.
And maybe, just maybe, you’re the one who’s scared of caring, because caring is how you get hurt.
why do I have to fit in? singleplayer games exist you know
This guy fucking nailed it. Bravo user, this looks like it was pulled straight from something dfw wrote
you actually proved his point lmaooo
Then you’re not a part of the community.
>singleplayer games exist you know
So you want gamers to rise up by isolating themselves from everyone else?
That’s because in order for our society to operate functionally as is, we’ve ordered contingencies which encourage the use of mask and face of a persons self. You can’t have everyone going off about being their true selves lest you’d have absolute anarchy. Basic civilization rules dictate that people are required to temper their behavior and true self to a degree that they can be a part of civilization. It’s a necessary and an inevitable consequence of working together.
Might be the best thing I’ve seen written on this board in a long time
I'm working on tenderness and ingenuity but it proves to be a little harder than I thought...
That’s the obvious. I believe what OP is getting at is the extreme degree in which almost all interactions in 2019, no matter how intimate, have to be layered with a knowing cynicism acting as impenetrable wall, and if one ever crosses this increasingly restrictive metaphoric boundary they are breaking a societal rule. Notice how difficult it is to have a conversation about a “risky” topic, or even just a serious conversation in general, everyone clears their throat and looks sidewise to avoid sincere engagement. It is becoming a taboo to say anything earnest, you must always affect an ironic distance, do not, in any possible way, ever take anything seriously.
The way you guys put it makes it seem like an immaturity thing. People care way to much about what others think about them
>gfs aunt dies and leaves her a truck
>truck has a Jesus sticker
>takes it off because she doesnt want her friends making fun of her instead of just telling them its from her dead aunt because that would be “awkward”
Most people generally don’t care. Are there there risky topics that people would prefer to avoid and not discuss with others? Of course. But generally, no one cares to discuss the difficult topics because their difficult. It’s a common measure to not speak outside of one’s authority. No one’s an authority on human behavior, cultural and demographic changes, geopolitics, etc. The people who do care about the difficult topics generally are discouraged and mask themselves because they feel any discussion on what they believe will land on deaf ears and give himself an aura of insanity.
Irony is built into language, though. Saying, "I'm being completely sincere right now," is no different than saying, "Don't think of a purple elephant."
I’ve never seen this photo of him before
repent lads
lurk moar
is that irony? i feel like i have no idea what people mean by irony anymore.
i also feel like too much of a brainlet to even understand how to use humor in such a way thats so distancing as dfw describes.
I never got into DFW. Any essential essays or pieces I can read online?
His short stories and non-fiction are both available online and good.
"How Tracy Austin Broke my Heart."
"A Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again"
"A Radically Condensed History of Post-Industrial Life"
"Forever Overhead"
"Good Old Neon"
These are all good options and none of them are too long. I think he's great, so enjoy reading him for the first time.
Know that irony is often a slippery slope. You ironically express an idea you are attracted to pathologically, but find abhorrent, then you find yourself sincerely believing the idea which you hate. If you are expressing doubts about your ability to control irony, chances are you are already down this slope. Watch where you feel the need to express ironic sentiment. If you say something you find disgusting, there's a chance that part of your less rational brain believes it sincerely. Recognize that problem, then change your emotions around it. Cut out any source which may be encouraging the ironic ideas you dislike
dont type like this, with capitalization and punction missing
Type like this instead.
I'm not sure if Yea Forums helps or hurts. A lot of famous posts are extremely non-ironic, as well as ideologies and mindsets it seems to breed, but this place is, ironically, the most postmodern and post-ironic/ironic space in the entire world.
It definitely hurts. The shitflinging leads to people putting on ironic masks to keep their feelings safe.
Aye. Some truths and mindsets people see when the discussion concerns human nature, women, politics and the future are so terrible that users seem to default to trying to mask their grief in irony and humor.
you mean like how, for instance, someone might bring up a topic about a guy who shot and killed 10 people, or tortured women, or hated jews, and the poster gets 10 replies saying "based"?
whats wrong with hating jews
>a guy who shot and killed 10 people, or tortured women, or hated jews
I don't mean isolated instances of violence, specific doctrines or otherwise. Some of those are actually rebellions against the status quo. I'm talking about things like the tragic implications of humans being incompatible with modernity, that the forces the sane are up against are overpowered, that humanity seems to be fated for a tragic end. Shit like that.
rare dave
Is that the most punchable face in lit? Anyone I've ever met with a face like that has been annoying, pretentious, goofily arrogant, and gay.
neither of these posts get what my point is. im just stating a common example of people avoiding critical discussion with lol internet humor
Oh? But calling a person who hates jews based could lead to quality discussion. Its just that you choose to dismiss it as "lol internet humor".
Laugh tracks are pavlovization. Industrial humor shapes political opinions and biases.
It's because I've grown to be scared of that. When you get made fun of for absolutely everything you do growing up that's what happens, and a lot of it I blame on the older guys. They're the worst, and the best way to get all these cunts to fuck off is to act very apathetic, and ironic.
>Academia: The Face
>could lead to quality discussion
this has literally never happened.
its worth mentioning Yea Forums was never built for serious discussion anyways, and looking for quality discusssion is difficult
Sincerity fags BTFO by this post
You're so close to enlightenment, keep going
A good next step is to satirize your lack of identity
yeah probably lmao
All of this may very well be true but it doesn't therefore mean that its wrong to be an ironist or that sincerity is the true path.
>caring is how you get hurt
Absolutely, and why is it wrong to decide to avoid that?
Irony is knowing what you’re doing goes against what you’d normally do or would usually behavior in accordance to. I’m ironically pro-white genocide in that I feel the weak should get fucked.
I fucking HATE this as well. I can't stand meme culture everyehre I look, I just wanna talk with a serious person once in a while
Get a job
It is up to the individual.
Off the record, my running theory is that society nowadays is so dark and imposing that we’ve shelled up in irony. It’s not so much that the irony itself is bad, but the fact that it’s present is a sign of a much deeper problem.
And don’t you like genuine conversation user? It’s nice. It’s novel. It has that earthy feel. I miss having that.
Wasn’t talking about you specifically, just writing in second person for sake of example
>We live in a culture
. . .
Destroy capitalism
Fuck off and die.
>do not, in any possible way, ever take anything seriously.
In clown world everything's a joke.
Eat a dick cunt
Stop consuming media daily.
Get away from hyperbolic cultures, like topical forums and social media—use these tools sparingly. Avoid places like Yea Forums.
Stop critiquing media, or adhering to group critiques unless it's a clinical environment.
Say and type exactly what you feel and do so as eloquently as possible.
Don't get into petty arguments online that rely solely on "dunking" on your opponent.
I heard her whisper that in my head
It's only not authentic if you're not authentic. By saying this, you've outted yourself.
Why does everyone in this thread want butters to eat dicks and die?
I don't interact with anyone so I don't have to be ironic at all.