What book will cure my pedophilia?

What book will cure my pedophilia?

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Is it actual pedophilia or just hebephilia?

fuck you

Book of colt, pg 45.

Crime and Punishment

I guess just hebephilia.

Unironically Lolita

As long as you aren’t having premarital sex and cooming, no big issue here


Poor bastard. I pity you.

Become obsessed with 2D girls to the point you view 3D girls as 3DPD

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12 Rules For Life

it's time to become a man, retard. leave children alone.

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Why cure it?

It’s cool

Aspire to become the greatest pedophile in the world.

nothing wrong with that.
it's not even listed as a mental illness in the ICDF-10 or the DSM 5

The Illiad

It's my favorite book.

a mediocre self-help book like that won't do shit but waste your time

Books don't do shit. People do.

Seriously lusting after banging hot 15yos is fine

There is i cure for pedophilia. Go into a monstery and spend your life in a usefull manner.

I got it wrong then I though hebes were 10+, not 15.
I become easily infatuated with 10 - 12 yo girls

If they're going through puberty it's hebe,if not it's pedo
But don't feel bad I love 12yo girls too

Who doesn't?

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oversocialized NPC’s

God they look tight

You posting from inside rehab?

Little Women, duh.

End yourself fag

I said 12yo girls not boys

The bible!
Proverbs 16:32 (niv) Better a patient person than a warrior,
one with self-control than one who takes a city.


Christianity is such a weak religion.

Is that why so much of the christian clergy is knvolved in pedophilia? Christkikes deserve death, nothing less.