The 100 best books of the 21st century

>too cutesy,
middlebrow bourgeoisie liberal taste has veered to the nauseatingly twee since the turn of the century

>similar list made in 1919
Off the top of my head you'd have
>Wings of the dove
>The Ambassadors
>The Golden Bowl
>Death In Venice
>Lord Jim
>The Secret Agent
>The Good Soldier
>The Gods Will Have Blood
>The Varieties of Religious Experience

Against the Day is high-tier Pynchon on par with GR and M&D

>The Infatuations reads like the kind of thing people read just so that they can say they're into modern Spanish literature
Brainlet detected

List is rubbish. No Krasznahorkai, no Beatty, no Johnson, no Pynchon, no gusta

you're also assuming one can read Japanese, French, German, Russian, and English as these were not all available in translation at that time

meant to reply to oops :)

>Persepolis is not a book

when will we finally address the Anglo question

>"Those damn Anglos!"

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skeptical that this nigga wrote anything good since the 80's