Turns out Peterson is currently in rehab, following withdrawal symptoms of antidepressants. It sounds like he was suicidal for a bit.
I know Yea Forums doesn't like him, but it makes me sad.
Turns out Peterson is currently in rehab, following withdrawal symptoms of antidepressants. It sounds like he was suicidal for a bit.
I know Yea Forums doesn't like him, but it makes me sad.
god that guy is a fucking disaster. self-help is a massive scam
Probably finally got sick from eating only beef.
The life of your average philosopher.
He really did a number on him...
Fucking moron didn't listen about Jew scams with pills and psychiatry
That's what happens when all you do is eat red meat for every single meal and try to punch higher than you can. I don't hate Peterson at all, he's just a brainlet who tried to touch the sun and noticed how much of a pleb he really was. Hope he and his wife get better.
you have got to be fucking kidding me
these people are scripted by their masters
I can't imagine how you can get suicidal with as much attention and wealth as he has after all this, it's like Notch being suicidal in his million dollar mansions after selling his company for a billion damn dollars. How can you be so depressed while being so rich?
this culture of families youtubing their lives to people is so alien to me that I feel like an old out of touch man. Im not even hating on it, i just can't imagine the mindset at all. I watched a few videos of this father who is raising a very autistic daughter last night, and it talks about him, his wife, his son, and of course the central focus is the autistic girl who seems barely aware of what is going on. It feels so voyeuristic. But I guess people communicating with each other isn't necessarily a bad thing, even if it's in this weird internet format.
>jews immediately trying to associate a healthy diet with bad health
or maybe it's just because they're brainfucked canadians
because in order to get to that point they had to contradict so much of themselves and reinforce these contradictions to such an extent that there is nothing of them left
they're all liars and frauds
kek, meanwhile zizek has probably never taken psych meds in his life and will never end up in rehab. what a chad
>destroys him so hard his wife dies of cancer
The fuck? This guy don't listen to himself?
Money and fame means nothing if you aren't a Chad.
He is ugly, his wife is ugly and she is also dying of cancer, it isn't surprising that he is depressed.
>I can't imagine how you can get suicidal with as much attention and wealth as he has after all this
>Mikhaila Peterson said her 57-year-old father was checked into the clinic after experiencing "horrific" physical withdrawal symptoms from trying to take himself off of the drug Clonazepam.
Drugs can really mess with you
Zizek does cocaine
frankly, benzos are one of the worst withdrawals you can go through.
that's a chad drug
Isn't that a benzodiazepine which is used for anxiety issues?
Why didn't he just sort his life out?
"Do as I say, not as I do."
- Jordan Peterson
Yeah Benzos aren't 'antidepressants', it's not like he was taking a fucking SSRI.
I have money and own a business and as much free time as I want, own a house, car, motorcycle, have friends and no debt and I'm in pretty good shape.
I'm not sure I've been anything besides depressed in the last 15 years, and I'm only 32. If I'm being honest I think most people who end up depressed are either wired that way or are too smart for their own good.
What are our options? Become a zombie on antidepressants and no longer be yourself or just live with it until you can't anymore.
BS i have been addicted to both alcohol and benzos for years and you can stop with no issues.
Do you understand how fucking stupid you sound? Depression is magically cured just because you step inside of a mansion? This shit always sounds like envy to me.
>wife is diagnosed with terminal cancer
>gets addicted to anti-anxiety drug
wow, what a charlatan, can't believe anyone takes him seriously
sure buddy.
Why though, are you in touch with your self and your desires? Do you feel in need of something that you just can't get?
I think he always made the distinction between actual biological depression and just a fucked up life style.
You must have a really awful life. I don't understand why you would subject yourself to such disgusting thoughts. I sincerely feel bad for you.
It certainly frees you from the stress and the anxiety of life to have it all sorted out financially, free to do whatever you wish
alcohol gets dangerous for people who drink all day long for like a decade. That's when you can die if you stop abruptly. If you spend a year getting wasted every night youre just going to have cold sweats, shakes, confusion, nightmares, etc.
It's easy unless you are a crying pussy man-child
I eat read meat and drink freshly ground coffee every mornig and I'm developing a narcissistic complex, I'm also lifting weights and I feel like I'm always high on adrenaline, I don't know if this is going to last long but I can't look back, I don't care if I die tomorrow cause life is 100% better like this.
Do you have sex?
potentially hypomania
>imagine caring about your hag wife
Hope he kills himself t b h
My life is good user, thanks for the concern but i don't know why would you assume this
We could make DFW and Peterson collages
>tfw to smart to be happy
I post this unironically, because I agree with what you said
It is probably because you are eating a low carb diet, you will start feeling like shit after a couple of months, trust me.
> attention and wealth = happiness
Do you actually read and if so has it taught you nothing?
>It certainly frees you from the stress and the anxiety of life to have it all sorted out financially, free to do whatever you wish
Have you ever been truly depressed? Or are you just a choleric wagie who is mad that he has to work? Some people find no value or meaning in life and no amount of money will change it. Being inside a mansion and having the freedom to do nothing wont give your life meaning. There are poor people who are happy with nothing and rich people who are unhappy with riches.
Notch is suicidal because ultimately he is a loser, and he knows it. The guy is a talentless hack who copied a leaked source code from another guy's work, and got lucky his meme game got popular. That was the highlight of his life, he will never build anything of value again because he never had the skills to do so. Nobody likes him because he's level legitimately an awful person, he is ugly and fat and has nothing to look forward to other than spending the rest of his life, alone, killing time inside his mansion.
Take off niggoser.
The reality is that being rich causes you to become depressed. He should donate all of his money desu
I thought he was a psychologist, he should know you don't just drop antidepressants, you come off them gradually. We already knew his ability to contend with philosophy was questionable, now this brings his entire purported expertise into question.
The man is a fraud.
im glad that you got the same funny but also heartwarming image in your mind that i did when i made that post
>my moral bias must be correct because i was gracious enough to feel bad for you being wrong
NPCs, gotta kill em all
>he cares about what other people think of him
never gonna make it user
I don't really get the whole "zizek destroyed peterson" meme. I'm not a fan of peterson but beyond him looking like an unprepared goof for not really understanding zizek's position properly, the "debate" was pretty tame. I was playing vidya while listening though so maybe I ought to give it another look.
wasnt even antidepressants, he was on benzos
this just makes me think of that video clip from one of his lectures where he talks about how you should just take meds if you're that bad and dont worry about it.
that clip of him wheeling the stroller is pretty sad, he looks like a beat old man.
damn i guess we really got to him bros
>rent free
>meanwhile he devotes 156kb and this meme in his brain to defending against people who vaguely insult his retarded backwards country
interesting NPC behavior
Imagine wishing death and suffering on somebody because ... uh... what exactly? I don't even get why you guys dislike him. Because normies like him? Because he debated your precious Zizek? What a bunch of petty reasons to wish death and suffering on someone. All of you must have very unhappy lives.
I thought the fact that most of Yea Forums doesn't read was bad, this is even worse.
>inb4 newfag
I've been on Yea Forums since 2013. I've been here longer than most of the people here.
because happiness is not a measure of the amount of money you have. having 'not enough' money means you will be more likely to be depressed or unhappy, but as soon as you have 'enough' money it makes very little to no difference whether you have 'enough money + 10 dollars' or 'enough money + 100000 dollars'
>withdrawal symptoms of antidepressants
Clonazepam is a benzo....like valium and xanax.
fuck fraud/pseudo cult leader.
spent all the patreon money on pills.
guy has fuck all credibility. He's barely an academic.
Guess he didnt clean his penis
Big guy shoulda read 12 Rules for Life
>I don't even get why you guys dislike him
Read up on CIA subversion of psychiatry, then look at Peterson's job and then look at who occupied his function in the past
You are a subhuman. You aren't even able to leave your house and you don't have the courage to look people in the eyes. You think only in terms of manufactured memes and ironically believe others to be NPCs.
Maybe he got lucky but is he really more of a loser than the millions of blue or white collar workers grinding away their lives for nothing? You seem kind of mad at someone that is at worst average, as if every other rich person earned their wealth through transcendence and virtue.
This is unironically the result of alienation. Peterson is massively alienated. But whatever; Believe what you want to believe.
>"bruh. tidy yo room, nigguh"
he was a huge beta and will die like one, jsut like any beta loving him out of daddy issues
If it wasn't him advocating for antidepressants it would've only been someone else. Get mad at big pharma and not the people that big pharma manipulates.
Nice projection user, maybe you should use some benzos to deal with your social anxiety, this will have the added benefit of not having to vent your misery online.
no, you're right, Yea Forumsfags are so emotional about peterson that they'll take every opportunity to say LOL HAHAHAHAH HE DESTROYED HIM AMIRITE
The debate was more of a friendly conversation and noone "destroyed" anyone. Just shows you how immature and emotional most posters on this shitshow of a board are
its a relative thing, these people have no material limitations and yet they are still fucked.
Yeah, Zizek ruined him unironically.
clonazepam is NOT an anti-depressant.
You don't go to rehab for comingoff anti-depressants (even thoughthat can be quite unpleasant)
You do not go to rehab for taking clonazepam as prescribed.
You go to rehab for abusing clonazepam
How is it a projection if it doesn't apply to me? Tell me what memes I adopt to use as the foundation of my ideology. You're coping.
And that's only a B tier Marxist.
atleast they have the distraction of having to make sure they get to eat another day. Also Notch doesnt have to care for a kid he accidentally fathered. He has to live with the knowledge of the fact that his live is truly what he makes of it.
>Tfw when peterson got me into philosophy
I don't agree with what a lot he says now, but this goofy sounding maple nigger is a big reason why I got back into reading as adult. He's a weird character, I hope he makes it through all of this but it does put a very interesting spin on his work. It probably would have been best for him to just go back to being a teacher after the whole pro-noun thing but I imagine all the money and shit was super enticing. I would read a book a about these past few years of his life written by 3rd party because it's a weird story all around.
Do you think Peterson was benzo'd out his head when debating Zizek....because peterson was really shit in the "debate"
Hey, bud. Cool tats. Everything okay between Mom and Dad?
>I'm not a fan of peterson but beyond him looking like an unprepared goof for not really understanding zizek's position properly
It was way worse than that, Zizek exposed JBP's absolute ignorance on Marxism, which is pretty bad when you're a public intellctual who spends 70% of your time talking about Marxism.
>The "debate" was pretty tame.
Mostly because Zizek, who has probably read more Jung than JBP (who, keep in mind, has no psychoanalytic training nor knows German... let that sink in), did not take Peterson seriously, even implying at multiple points that he's a charlatan (or at the very least an ignorant idiot).
I'm not even that user, sort yourself out.
What a deflection.
this, to end up like that he probably was abusing the drug for years
i understand having family issues, but if that is the case people usually just drink and hang out with frens, does he even have real frens?
The only sad part is he's still alive
nah he is just a brainlet
This guy is such a massive hypocrite on so many levels at this point it's almost impressive.
It's very strange. Head over at /biz/, there are a few guys (many larping, but not all), who amassed huge wealth in USD from trading cryptocurrencies they had from the early days of bitcoin. It's impossible to understand from the outside, but it seems it really fucks with your pyramid of needs and priorities.
Notch case is similar. It seems we're not wired to deal with that kind of wealth, especially when it all comes in a few months or years, from a single project or success.
Some will probably prosper in that kind of lifestyle. Maybe those who suffer from it had nothing but work or financial security to focus on before making it big, and now that they've made it, the work becomes a secondary game, and they have nothing else to fall back on. I don't know.
I've never been depressed personally, but I wonder how can have this lifestyle if he's really depressed. Isn't depression physiological, like you sleep 14 hours a day and literally feel tired all the time?
>massive hypocrite
He has real biological depression, not meme depression like you.
please tell me memerson included antidepressant prescriptions in his 12 rules for life surely he wouldn't have left out such a big part of his life
There's no kind of depression that automatically makes someone abuse prescription drugs, user
A combination of biological depression and a serious psychological trauma,like knowing that your wife is dying of cancer.
I think a lot of people live for the process of "making it" and when they reach that success it doesn't feel as good as they thought it would and they no longer have that drive.
Peterson seemed a bit out of his element in the so-called "debate", like he wasn't really there, so I think all this predates Zizek.
clonazepam isn't an anti-depressant
>having a disorder is being a hypocrite
lol what?
i hope he dies
Psychiatric propaganda that creates prescription drug addicts (and makes a lot of people very rich)
He's having a depressive episode coz his wife is dying. She is likely his main support in life, more than anyone else around him. Its not weird to understand.
>imagine being so weak that you need support
So you're telling me you have no one supporting you. No parents, no friends, no girl. You're le badass lone wolf. Unironically cringe.
I don't like him being a Marxist-Leninist, but I hope he gets better. I wanted him to go away or at least learn what marxism actually is, not fucking get addicted to drugs.
Money and wealth are vices, not good things. The only way you can truly be happy is to be in the company of people you see yourself reflected in and are one with. Constant consumption doesn't make you happy.
Anthony Bourdain was way richer and more famous than Prof. Lobster and he still offed himself.
Zizek is unironically a chad. Look up his marriage history.
they're prescribed as anti-depressants all the time
>I can't imagine how you can get suicidal with as much attention and wealth as he has after all this,
Money is a monkey moving tool, nothing actually valuable. Just another spook to control the idiots.
I have them, but i don't use them for "support" like a parasite.
>he thinks getting support is parasitic
Do you just not offer anything in return? What am I saying you post on Yea Forums