Chart Guide to Ivy league.
Chart Guide to Ivy league
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who /chicago/ here
>I like being surrounded by jews!
You cant pass in ivy league right? I feel sorry for cause you have low-IQ that is 85% of global population
>You cant pass in ivy league right? I feel sorry for cause you have low-IQ that is 85% of global population
Inferior muttified copies of Oxbridge
kek, this
nw indiana gang
>be Chad
>leave ivy league college because it is a waste of time
>start up a fortune 500 company in your garage
>ivy cucks are stuck doing coke and working for shekelstein
all shit tier
>going to an ivy
>not MIT
lmao, cope
You guys have no respect with intellectuals of USA. It feels that this is an advantage toward low-IQ anons.
op goes to cornell
USA is the antithesis of intellectualism
speak engish pablo
>Didnt apply to ivys because I was afraid of interview
>Also applied to schools for business which I now regret
Columbia > Everyone else
greatest city gang rise up
Eh, I did my undergrad at Princeton and grad school at Oxford. If anything Oxford was inferior.
Yeah well I was the only student at my community college to have an above 3.0GPA
So suck on that
Based fellow ND bro
Based Columbia here too
Thinking about grad school lads, anyone going to these schools for their masters?
Jew Jersey cope
MIT is gay as fuck
nd gang. too bad south bend is sparse and unappealing
All of those universities are without merit except for Harvard which still has not complete shit research programmes.
ND chads unite, was reading bleak house outside of o'shag this afternoon
my bad friend forgot to give you a (you) as well
No college represent
Fuck old money psueds
Wow, that's really anti-semetic
Any /stanford/?
>Barely pass high school with C's and D's
>Spend two years bumming and traveling around the world after graduation
>Come home, enter a community college, and then transfer to a school better than 99% of psued ivies full of kids who had no life as a teenager while I got to cut class and fuck their oneitus
>Pay almost nothing because I'm in state
Now I just got accepted into postgrad programs at schools that rejected any transfers for "exclusivity" lmao nerd cucks I'll always win
>drop out of high school
>enroll at community college, get an Associate's Degree, start sending out transfer applications
>top 2 choices denied me because I didn't take a foreign language
>third choice sent a generic letter of denial
>accepted into my "safety net" school
I'm afraid it will be like this for my graduate applications as well.
Why TF didn't you take a foreign language? It's like the most basic requirement. If you have time maybe try going for another semester while you work on your profolio for whatever program you're trying to get into. Are you in California?
>Why TF didn't you take a foreign language? It's like the most basic requirement.
it wasn't a requirement for my AA and it's not a requirement for my Bachelor's.
It's solely a requirement for admission which I was not aware of and the counselors did not inform me of.
>Are you in California?
Like gym badges, collect them all?
God bless California in that regard.
I can't believe almost all states are huge retards and most of those CC students residing in those states LOSE credits and don't graduate in 4 years.
Why go an American or British uni when you can move to Germany or Austria?
University rankings are meaningless because no matter what everyone is completely biased. I have never met someone from cambridge who said oxford was better, etc. etc. It's the intellectual equivalent about arguing who's daddy would win in a fight.
That being said Yale is obviously the best and only mutts disagree don't (You) me.
Ivy League became so Jew centric they killed their position as the top universities in the world and because they've been so degraded (and getting worse) the Chinese are going to rocket to the top of the academic world. Fucking Jews ruin everything.
>tfw not going ivy undergrad because didnt bother with extracurricular activities
Shoulda joined the Kosher club.
IU checking in
public ivy gang checking in
/unc/ rise up
it's "pseuds" idiot
europeans allowing jews to become bankers was the single best thing that ever happened to jewish people
Here's a guy who did his PhD on Kant and Swedenborg (so he has experience with academia) explaining the Jewish thing
>take AP and honors courses
>get straight B’s because I’m lazy
>play a sport, have 1000+ volunteer hours, and am president of a club
>go to top 10 public uni because I refuse to take on debt
>party away and get a 3.1 as a history major
>join the military and plan on going to Columbia for their post baccalaureate program
Anyone see a flaw here?
literally me except im not rich yet
harvard has the coolest logo
that's the real kino uni
Oxford is third in the UK now breh. St Andrews is second.
this is why m8
>Oxford is third in the UK now breh. St Andrews is second.
This is the good thing about the Ivies since it proves that the Chinese can fuck the Jews in their asses easily if they fought intellectually face to face.
Thanks you for dying for is real, user. Totes you wouldn't have got a full ride to a PhD program given your own background before joining the IDF-USA branch.
Feels bad, Harvard used to be the pride and joy of Protestantism. Now it and all the other ivy leagues are jewish owned and admitted.
Mainline protestantism is dead in America (and generally). Loads of evangelicals, but they have a nasty anti-intellectual tradition.
Its so sad for me because in the entire history of protestantism, that had not been the case.
The Catholics were the sponsors of the arts -- statues, painting, stained glass. These things worked to stell stories from the bible to an illiterate commonfolk.
Luther? He translated the bible into German so people COULD read it.
Protestantism focused more on producing more literature than statues, obviously. It was inherently intellectual from the start, and this continued with the age of Enlightenment in the colonies.
Catholics only took a liking to public education AFTER the Reformation. They made the Jesuits, and the Jesuits made schools and spread ideas throughout the world.
Many people don't even realize all this. They just fall for the
>Catholhic = good
>Prot = bad
Now both protestant and jesuit have fallen. The latter being supposedly under zionist control, and the former being... also influenced by neocon zionism...
Best catholic university in the country (and best Christian university in the country in general) isnt Jesuit. Face it user, Catholicism is the last bastion for American Christianity.
>Loads of evangelicals, but they have a nasty anti-intellectual tradition.
Reformed and Lutherans don't.
univeristy rankings are a joke, st andrews isn't anywhere near oxbridge level
Technically, nor does Anglican.
According to some study I've since lost, Anglicans had the highest mean IQ among religious organizations, even beating out Jews.
Maybe, user. Maybe.
What intellectuals? The American "intelligentsia" is a dumpster fire of institutional rent-seeking, ethnic nepotism, and pay-for-play elite apologia. No, I don't have any respect for these people.
If you're going to school for something that requires scientific or technical research, it's more important that you find a department (specifically, a professor or at least a research group/lab) that is doing what you want to do. Obviously you should go to the most prestigious school that will accept you in your research area, and the research focuses of a prestigious school might be a good indication of what's in-demand, but it really is more important that wherever you go teaches you the specific thing you're trying to learn.
If you're going for a humanities/liberal arts field, then go to the most prestigious place you can get into.
I go to a conservatory that’s like the music equivalent of an Ivy League right? haha
This one?
I’m a pharmacy undergraduate at OSU. I got pre-selected into their graduate program. The combination of that and low tuition made it an obvious choice. I know people meme on it but I can’t complain about the quality of the STEM classes here. Plus I have access to really any book I want from the library
it's quarter-system time boys
>all those scantily clad freshman sluts walking around for orientation
Very psewed post.
The average Harvard student
Which one the most WASP?
Oxford > else.
whatever you say, juan
That is not an average Harvard student
Its just a spoiled brat taking Korean and Gender Studies classes and working for 3 hours a day telling people where the bathroom is and pretending to be "OMFG SO STRESSED OUT!!!11"
>a spoiled brat taking Korean and Gender Studies classes and working for 3 hours a day telling people where the bathroom is and pretending to be "OMFG SO STRESSED OUT!!!11"
Yes the average Harvard student
Ivy’s are 60% legacy kids sniffing their own farts and 40% diversity hires.
Succinct and true.
Gotten worse too. UChicago was supposed to be better than this but now they've flattened out and become a generic Ivy. It's just daycare for rich kids.
>Thanks you for dying for is real, user
Not him but I did ROTC during college so I graduated debt free, did 4 years as an officer ($60k/year+ with free healthcare) with no combat deployments and am now getting my MS for free plus I have those sweet government benefits for life.
>Totes you wouldn't have got a full ride to a PhD program
PhD’s are for retards
>Not him but I did ROTC during college so I graduated debt free, did 4 years as an officer ($60k/year+ with free healthcare) with no combat deployments and am now getting my MS for free plus I have those sweet government benefits for life.
Are you Jewish or Jewish descent? Holy fucking shit, I don't like using this terms in Yea Forums but you seem to have used IRL cheat codes if true.
You better not be a recruiter, user. I have seen these types of people around Yea Forums a lot lately.
>PhD’s are for retards
That user might want to do so given he's doing a post Bachelor's program, I don't know.
>Are you Jewish or Jewish descent?
100% anglo, anyone can get an Army ROTC scholarship as long as they have a decent high school GPA (3.8-4.0)
>IRL cheat codes
That’s exactly what ROTC is and it’s insane that more Americans don’t know about it. I did Army ROTC, which means I did physical training twice a week, took 8 semesters of bullshit military science courses and got paid a monthly stipend of a couple hundred dollars on top of having all my tuition covered by the government. When I graduated, I commissioned as an officer with a 4 year active duty commitment. I got decent grades and PT svores which meant that I got to choose what Army job I wanted and as an officer I was immediately put in charge of a platoon (roughly 40 soldiers) right out of college. Spent most of my time at a base America and did a 12 month rotation in Korea. Grad schools loved my “leadership experience” and basically threw money at me, plus I get government preferential hiring for life if I can’t make it in the private sector. Ivy leagues are cool if you’re a daddy’s money legacy fag or try hard asian but there are easier and more exciting ways to get a quality education.
Anyone /T14/ law school?
IU Kings, Bloomington is a Yea Forums cesspool
>>Catholics only took a liking to public education AFTER the Reformation
And what of the fact that Catholics created grammar schools, the university, and the university system in the first place? Protestants, at best, only expanded the educational franchise, which I don't think can be said to be a universal good, if it is even a good at all.
>law school
Waste of time and money
What do you do for a living user?
Enlisted here. Be honest, does being prior service help when applying for grad school?
I, and any other enlistedman you meet, will hate you with a passion. Please stay out of combat arms, signal, MI, or anything useful
Pasadena is a really nice area, but Caltech is sad as fuck. Too much stress for no discernible reason. Plus they're possibly getting rid of the house system so it's not cool to live there either.
I’m a pog, my dude.
Reminder that the Catholic clergy before Loyola were huge fucking retards who did not have any standards of education, and the Jesuits had to so something about it since they were a huge embarrassment in comparison to the Lutherans.
this. just another attention-seeking freshman who will feel embarrassed by this video in a couple years if they have any self-awareness. that club, women in business, is particularly notorious for having meetings for the sake of meetings and doing fuckall, just resume padding and networking crap.
props to her for exercising and trying to read though. that’s more than what most do here.
>any university