>Dude define your own meaning!
Why do legions of morons worship this idiot? Even here on Yea Forums, all the 16 year olds suck his dick. He was a fucking pathetic faggot who wrote a bunch of feel good wank about discovering your own meaning in life and vague ramblings about superhumans. It's pathetic, it's pessimism for optimists afraid of admitting optimism is retarded.
Dude define your own meaning!
Other urls found in this thread:
Not our fault you're philosophically illiterate. Get off this board.
>keeps seething over Nietzsche
>proving how assmad he truly makes the average christcuck
Of course it sounds trite to you, it's been around for a century and a half. I seriously hope this is bait. If not, get fucked faggot.
guaranteed (you)s
It's pure fucking cope.
It asks nothing of you, reveals no terrible truth, it just gives you a pat on the back and says "G-Go get em champ!".
>Of course it sounds trite to you, it's been around for a century and a half
My favourite philosophers are from the 1800's
>find your own meaning
>meaning is socially negotiated in its nature
>anything you define as meaningful will be meaningless if it is not recognized in others.
>Therefore didnt escape the problem
I'm an atheist and my favourite philosopher is Schopenhauer
Most cringe is that all the plebs think he criticized the christiandom because of creationist belief. Now there are all the idiots posting quotes from The Antichrist while bashing christians...
they don’t even understand what he wrote
Correct me if im wrong but arent the latest philosophers about identity politics?
So if youre a professional philosopher you have to be by extension an anti white tranny enabler?
What is your point you schizophrenic?
Spotted the Schopenhauerfag
Well for instance foucault was about deconstructing "oppressive hierarchies" aka minorities, gays and women agaisnt the powerful straight white cis males.
And i saw a thread the other day citing that foucault was the most cited philosopher.
Correct me if im wrong.
>Dude define your own meaning!
What, if anything, is wrong with that? Are you too weak to come up with your own definitions?
>What, if anything, is wrong with that?
That's not how meaning works. You can't just gift yourself with meaning otherwise people wouldn't need philosophy.
>Are you too weak to come up with your own definitions?
Are you too weak to live without making up some horseshit no different from religious idiots?
>otherwise people wouldn't need philosophy.
Good. Those philosophers need to get real jobs.
I really can't tell anymore what is meta-commentary/shitposting and actual legitimate opinion and discussion.
>maybe they're the same thing
now this is shitpositing
This whole "cope" shit it's the most retarded thing.
You are just some depressed guy shitting on other people.
>Y-you can't find meaning. Why aren't you miserable as me? You're coping with this whole thing.
>if it make me sad is a terrible truth, if it give me any direction in life is muh cope
It's actually you miserable fucks who are coping with the idea of other people going forward instead of wallowing in their own misery.
I think 14 year olds are the ones hating Nietzsche these days. There's something very suburban and provincial about the people who make these threads. Whatever compulsion it is that drives people to make boring pedestrian assertions about a philosopher they obviously haven't read. Maybe they hope to expunge their own adolescent qualities by doing it?
Kill yourself wage slave
If you honestly, truly, had found purpose in life you wouldn't waste a second of your time somewhere like this. You'd be pursuing your purpose with your every waking minute. But you're not, you don't have a purpose, you're just a cowardly little faggot who likes to pretend he's better than he is.
who came up with sjw?
Spit it out.
Youve ruined women.
if adept in philosophy still has you posting in Yea Forums then philosophy is useless
Vitalism is cringe, but his genealogical and psychological dismantlement of moral eschatologies is based.
>If you honestly, truly, had found purpose in life you wouldn't ...
You haven't found purpose, so how would you know? Also, why do you treat purpose as if it has certain traits, as if it were universal?
he was always a brainlet and the people who liked him were always brainlets
I'll start a cult.
>You haven't found purpose, so how would you know?
I'm not religious but I know a false believer when I see one.
>Also, why do you treat purpose as if it has certain traits, as if it were universal?
Because it's something that either exists or it doesn't. It's not open to interpretation, you're either possessed by will or you're not.
>wah wah wah its cope
Stop and go read his works.
Does he or does he not tell you to find your own meaning?
Then my point stand queer.
>Dude define your own meaning!
Nietzsche's point is more that you don't have a choice but to. Even meaninglessness is a meaning that we project onto the world; you are never not weaving meaning into the world around you. "There are no facts, only interpretations" means you are constantly interpreting, and you are interpreting based on the quantum of power that you are. Nietzsche was a psychologist and he understood nihilism as primarily having psychological causes, the three of which he outlines in Will to Power as:
First cause - Believing in something that isn't there and then discovering that it isn't there.
Second cause - Being a monist and then realizing that the grand unity you thought you saw didn't exist.
Third cause - Following the first and second causes, deciding to dismiss all thought as illusion and refusing to believe anything again.
The third cause is an extremely important one, because Nietzsche's point with that one is that regarding everything as "illusion" is also nihilistic. Nietzsche's Overman does not subscribe to such nihilism; he considers all illusion, but rather than wanting to dismiss all on that premise, he wants to make the illusion more complex and greater than it was, because he understands that if all is illusion, then he's also an illusion, but he is real to himself, therefore it isn't a point of criticism to regard all as an illusion. Even further, it is all a matter of your psychology—how strong of a will you have, whether you remain wallowing in the pit of nihilism or emerge from it.
So yes, you do have a choice. But it's more complicated than that, because your choices will be limited by how strong you are.
>but arent the latest philosophers about identity politics?
In what sense? The Postmodern philosophers are all about rejecting identity politics
OP, in your case it seems like you need to read Stirner and Schopenhauer before you can understand Nietzsche
>Nietzsche's point is more that you don't have a choice but to
You can't force yourself to believe in something you don't believe in, "finding" purpose is impossible.
>You can't force yourself to believe in something you don't believe in, "finding" purpose is impossible.
That's not what I meant. You will believe in something whether you want to or not. What's impossible is living without believing in something, even if that belief is that all is illusion. That, too, is merely an interpretation.
I understand him, I just think he's a wanker
its abstract
>I think 14 year olds are the ones hating Nietzsche these days. There's something very suburban and provincial about the people who make these threads. Whatever compulsion it is that drives people to make boring pedestrian assertions about a philosopher they obviously haven't read. Maybe they hope to expunge their own adolescent qualities by doing it?
No, 21 year old college students are the ones LIKING Nietzche these days
Clearly you don't. You have in this thread demonstrated less understanding than an academy of ideas video about him, which is about as rudimentary as it gets.
>>meaning is socially negotiated in its nature
>>anything you define as meaningful will be meaningless if it is not recognized in others.
Dehumanize everybody, have others follow your path out of desire for vengeance or somesuch...
>You will believe in something whether you want to or not.
Wrong. A lack of belief is not belief. You can play all the word games you like but Nietzsche was nothing more than a loser writing fiction to make himself feel better.
Keep crying, the guys a wanker and so are you for listening to him.
Zoomers don't like Nietzsche in general because they were raised entirely indoors in front of computer screens and grew up to be malnourished corporatists and Christian larpers who are so dependent on the ideologies of these larger systems in order to feel any shot of dopamine that his words arrive as nails on a chalkboard to them.
>Wrong. A lack of belief is not belief.
Then you don't understand Nietzsche yet, and the other poster recommending that OP should start with Stirner and Schopenhauer applies to you as well.
In what matter? Thats such a broad question. He does indeed tell you to make your own values and question the old ones, to put it simply. So i guess thats a yes to that.
I just dont understand this meme mentality of slapping the word "cope" to everything that people dont like or understand as if its something bad. Or that you shouldnt do something because what you are trying to do is "cope".
Its like telling a person locked in a cage forever and trying to find ways to entertain himself and get some happiness a cope and that so he shouldnt do anything. Or a poor peasant rooting for communism and telling him that he's coping and that he should remain in the dirt.
>Then you don't understand Nietzsche yet
Just because he says something doesn't make it true.
Correct, though I don't see what your point is.
Nietzsche makes sense.
If youre a college student that thinks hes going to launch some stupid app and get rich then it wouldnt resonate with you.
But if youre an adult and you know your past your prime and youre working a dead end job or unemployed then you ask yourself, now what?
Ateast if i believed in heaven id have something to look forward to.
So yeah id say it resonates with older people more than 16 year olds
>But if youre an adult and you know your past your prime
You must be the same user who made the vegan philosophy thread and got btfo by some user with a Stirner and Nietzsche rhetoric and made him admit that his mentality is just about being agaisnt-life, castration and weakening of the instincts
90% of the people who make threads shitting on Nietzsche saimply never read him or just one of his works.
“Why so hard!—” spoke the kitchen coals once to the diamond: “For are
we not next of kin?”
Why so soft? O my brothers, I ask you thus: for are you not—my brothers?
Why so soft, so yielding and submissive? Why is there so much denial, self-
denial in your hearts? So little destiny in your gazes?
And if you will not be destinies and implacable: how else could you—win
with me someday?
And if your hardness will not flash and cut and cut to bits: how else could
you—create with me someday?
For all creators are hard. And it must seem blessed to you to impress your
hand on millennia as on wax—
—blessed to write on the will of millennia as on bronze—harder than
bronze, nobler than bronze. Only what is noblest is altogether hard.
This new law table, O my brothers, I set over you: Become hard!
I haven’t come across his works yet till now even lurking through /lit.
Im still stuck with ancient greek, however is his work worth a check?
his anti-christianity is commonplace now
>oRgAnIzEd ReLiGiOn BaD
>jUsT bE uRsElF
>JuSt LoVe UrSeLf BrO
Wasn't he only against christian morality and organized religion? He has a love-hate relationship with the figure of Christ.
his atheistic self-worship is totally commonplace in the age of the selfie. to quote deleuze, god, the self, there is not difference. it's "negative theology," to misuse the term. think you're right about his hatred of christianity not christ, i leant my copy of the antichrist to a friend who hasn't given it back though, should reread it
The age of selfie and self-worship is slavery
look, to quote byung-chul han, the nietzsche übermensch are the heidegerrean they
Christ himself is seen by Nietzsche as a beautiful figure of self overcoming. His task was self perfection and sublimation, and when Christ says "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" to Nietzsche it is the ultimate expression of the abandonment of all except the ultimate task of creating oneself. Christianity, however, is a religion of decadence - it demands you to look away from the great task, to ignore the terrible truths and look towards a "next life". It is a No saying to this world in favor of some other world. Nietzsche hates the religion Christ created, and many of the ideals he stood for, but sees in him the greatness of any saint - one who has dedicated oneself to self perfection.
Christcucks and Nietzschean LARPers are both equally retarded.
Name a better alternative then, I'm all ears.
Lazy eye detected.
You fucking coward. There is nothing, you can either see this or lie to yourself. If you choose lying then it doesn't matter if you pick Nietzsche, Christianity or Camus. It's all the same bullshit.
This is what Nietzsche talks about, dum-dum.
Are people really this cucked? Just do what you want, who cares if it’s aocially recognized. Fuck.