what the fuck do i do with my life
Not at university anymore
Whatever you want
Kill yourself before the real suffering starts
You have the FREEDOM to spare debts as much as you can
Just read Jung. Fate.
i graduated in may and have been NEET since, feel totally out of touch now and like my life has reached a dead end. grad school sounds like shit. will have to wagecuck to keep my parents off my back. no real future ahead for me unless i luck out and somehow land a cushy job (not likely), i'm fucked
Read The Bell Jar
what is there to want
What did you go go university for?
Start living.
Yes my initials are FWN how could you tell?
and then promptly stick your head in the oven. at least that's my plan but you do you i suppose
I'm on the same boat
I'm not OP. I went to university to have some sense or purpose for some years and to quench my parents.
for a phd in stemautistry. i wish i was joking
i thought it would give me a sense of fulfillment, instead it turned me into a machine.
How would reading Jung help in this situation?
climb the great chain of being and seek final dissolution in henosis with the Henad
It would happen eventually. Now the danger is falling for bad habits of the typical neet. You need to really try getting a job or work experience or anything that makes you continue have a life. Don't fall for the neet jew, I did and now I have to do my best to kick the bad habits. Working is still better, it gives you a reason to wake up and go in the morning, and that is healthy.
yes this is such a great perspective!!! too true, thanks
I’ve entered my last year, and I’m thinking about this too. My tutors think I’m cut out for postgrad studies, but I’m worried about the cost of it, and I’ve heard some horror stories about how soul crushing grad school is. I have a part time civil service job rn and I’m wondering whether taking a gamble on a masters or PhD is worth it compared to just continuing to make a career.
go for a funded phd if it's stem.
how good your adviser is determines literally everything.
if it's humanities only go if it's your higher calling
just imo.
It can only be either humanities or social sciences since I’m absolutely awful at math. Every one I know keeps saying to me that I’d make a perfect teacher and my mother says that, knowing me, I’ll probably do a PhD at some point in my life but that it’s wiser to go for a career first if we’d have to foot the bill for grad school ourselves.
I’m just stuck between a debate of going to grad school because I’m probably capable of doing it, or going for some kind of fulfilling job where I can interact with a lot of people because I’m an autist who wants to work on his social skills. I don’t care about how big my salary is, I just want to be finding something that makes me happy is my priority.
suffering makes you free
No it doesnt
why not
>i graduated in may and have been NEET since, feel totally out of touch now and like my life has reached a dead end. grad school sounds like shit. will have to wagecuck to keep my parents off my back. no real future ahead for me unless i luck out and somehow land a cushy job (not likely), i'm fucked
Yep this
I went to college because I wanted to make enough money to be a financially independent adult. So i got a business degree (too dumb for STEM stfu). I started my corporate interviews after college and immediately hated it with an absolute passion and wished I had just majored in music instead
Now I teach guitar lessons for chump change with no hope in sight. I want to go back and get a PhD in classical music but I know deep down that's just a cope and a dead end. My only option is getting a tech job which I also fucking hate
I just want to go live in a log cabin and die there alone at this point, I don't even want to burden a woman and children with my inability to wagecuck and my general disdain for living a normal life
if this makes you lose your shit then it would be better to just die
because you're dependent on suffering
>I just want to go live in a log cabin and die there alone at this point, I don't even want to burden a woman and children with my inability to wagecuck and my general disdain for living a normal life
unfortunately this is a sentiment i'm all too familiar with
Post about it on the literature board most obviously.
Glad to hear that everybody's in the same boat.
I also graduated last May and have felt some serious doom every now and then. Right now I'm trying to get a bookstore job so I can pay at least some of my bills and still have time to read and work on my writing.
My real crisis though is that I'm fuckin going bald Mao style. I'm 22 God damnit.
If you're not some /pol/type or racist and live in NYC I'd buy you a drink or something.
meaningless life is Yea Forums feel
I graduated 1 year and 4 months ago. I'm an entry level wagecuck and I oscillate between a kind of optimistic contentedness - I am still growing as a person, gaining experiences and making contacts, pushing myself in new ways - and OP's pic related like, uni was my one shot at things, uni was the one place a fuck up like me could excel and be happy, why did I not take better advantage of uni? why am I such an unhappy person? why am I such a bad person? how do I even make friends outside of school? how do I not become a totally out of touch isolate with no possibility of ever rejoining the social/professional world? why didn't I take a better degree? how could I ever turn all this around? why do I even bother? etc.
At least I don't have money troubles.
What kills me inside is that there is no way to ascend any sort of social hierarchy for us. Sure, I could become a professor, but then what? You end up as a stuck-up academic and I've seen enough professors to know that their ego far exceeds their competence and influence.
You can become a politician, but you're unlikely to succeed due to the heterodox views you hold and your personality not being suited for it, and politicians under capitalist democracy are still pawns anyhow with no real influence of their own.
Climbing the corporate ladder seems to be ultimately worthless, as all it will lead to is amassing money at the cost of living your life.
The only thing that remains is becoming a holy man, but in that profession hierarchies are really not of much importance, and you need to genuinely dedicate your life to it and become a great spiritual teacher to have social influence.
Theres shitload of politics and manipulation in church. Watch Young Pope.
I have been looking for a church that isn't filled with braindead normies for years
Churches are basically just new-age community centers + Jesus these days.
That's why we higher men became desert fathers or frontiersmen in the past. Since those occupations no longer exist we untimely men feel sorely out of place.
Maybe you can become self employed and start a business of your own? Or learn a trade and ask money for your services?
That's why you get a cushy STEM job in some aspect of infrastructure-maintenance that's not going anywhere and takes no effort, so you have half the day to spend on whatever you like while still earning above average
>I’m an autist who wants to work on his social skills
Interacting with others in college is for people that already have good social skills. You already missed your mark on that one and it will be an even bigger waste of time if this is exclusively the reason of why you're considering an academic life in humanities/social sciences.
>there is no way to ascend any sort of social hierarchy for us
Why would you? What do you get by ascending the "social hierarchy" other than an inflated sense of self-worth?
I know that grad school is a bad place to socialise. That’s why I’m wonder if it would be better to go into the workplace to see if I have more luck actually talking to people.
The power to change things.
work and make money
date and have sex
do whatever tf u want
You could try getting a social hobby instead. Socialization is a hypothetical consequence of work/study. If you enter the workplace with the aim of talking to people but without considerable prior experience you're just going to become anxious and this anxiety will turn into ressentment. Enter the workforce for the money and with the purpose of advancing your career.
Only the people at the very top have the power to change things by themselves, and you're 100% not "top of the hierarchy" material if you have the a priori mentality that climbing the hierarchy is unfeasible.
> I went to university to have some sense or purpose for some years and to quench my parents.
I did this exact same thing, I am in my final semester and i dread the coming of every new day. I am working on some home brew projects that I might sell but nothing that'll be finished in a few years.
Enjoy it. It took me over a year but for the last three I've been having the cushiest time of my life, but I miss having no responsibilities too
Yeah there are some fuckin *comfy* looking bookstore gigs around here. Small shop where people don't come in much, can play whatever music you want, and all you do is catalog, organize, and read. Dream entry level gig.
user the reason why you like school is it gave you a path to follow. some body else told you what to do and told you that your time is being well spent.
now you have the freedom to set your own destiney. but you lack will power and imagination to create it.
get off the tracks and do something new.
I wandered aimlessly for 5 months before my mom sent me an application to fill out for the local city's IT department.
18 months later here I am shitposting at work while waiting for the Windows 10 update to finish.
you do have a degree in CS tho?
this and Nietzsche
t. didn't understand Jung
>tfw dropped out of film school cause everyone i got put into groups with were assholes who thought they were smart for making "tarantino-esque" short films and would completely ignore every idea i had
>am now doing writing bc you have creative freedom but still feels like a pointless degree
>am doing shockingly awful in my 2nd major (marketing) am only doing it bc it might actually get me a job
glad we can relate anons, hope it works out for you all