pls give me pictures of this little bitch i want to fap
is this relly butterfly?
I want moar of this little fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
where did these pics come from anyway
But look at that dimple.
Butterfly shared them herself. Also, she's not a tranny and I would appreciate it if everyone stopped calling her one.
awww look at you, defending your waifu's honour
she can be even be a simple faggot, we just want a butterfly butthurt
I have a rare one.
Butterfly is :3's property
this one is good my big black cock will be satisfay
And Butterfly is the most famous poster on the literature board
she is an atheist whore, not cool!
known for being stupid twat
true, has there been anyone more destructive to this board's culture than her dumbass? even guenonfag sometimes said something interesting, but for her it's just retardation and all her orbiters
i am sure she love harry potter books and avenger movies
dem milkers, though...
no one got moar of this beautiful little tranny i want fapto it for real
Aww diddums need his incel safe space back?
this pic was in difrend thread, i want moar
yuck. looks like a white girl digitally melded with satoru iwata
merged with Robert Sean Leonard
I've always had a certain attraction to her, and I'm convinced we'd make a great pair. Alas, she prefers women.
good point
KEK it is true
give her the d.
sooorry mr. Jordanwashyourpenispeterson, i want to have fun sometimes
Oh are you that faggot Atkins or Aitkin or Artin from the Yea Forums telegram?
Guenonfag is literally a Harvard physics student lmao
No. It's good to know I have competition though. That'll keep me sharp.
>guenonfag is a stemfag
the irony
unrequited sad ;_;
>Guenonfag is a Harvard student
If anyone honestly believes this they're retarded. I would be surprised if he has finished high school.
Fucking outright repulsive.
Brainlet cope
He posts in guenon threads in the middle of astrophysics. Lazy asshole doesn't even bother to sit at the back and hide it.
No I just thought you were since he can't handle the word tranny and people not reading poc/faggot literature
hey guys are there any anime with characters like butterfly?
Inyouchu shoku
that's a naughty anime...
He'll be another Wolfgang Smith
That would be neat, but I doubt it
Hell no, newfag
That's a man my guy.
SHE'S HERE!!! ^-^
H-hi butterfly... teehee...
Hey, why dont you lose some weight you fat bitch?
i am here longer than you and just wanted to offended your tranny butt
pls give me pics of your beautiful butterfly butt :3
OP here
Ai ai ai
I'm your little butterfly
Yea Forums is blue
And the colour of the sky
any books on retards not being able to ignore faggots and their orbiters, low tier bait etc?
Have sex, incel.
come to my house then
Why We Feed Trolls by John Rignon
She's not famous, more like infamous. She's probably the most hated entity on this board and she contributes virtually nothing to conversations
wow user you're so smooth, make me part of your harem
government provides housing for mentally challenged faggot failures of the species*
I will literally suck a drugg-addicted hobo's dick if it means I'll get attention on this board.
Stop impersonating me incel
i don't have any i am actually a virgin incel ;_; butterfly tranny pls come and take my virginity
Wow ok
Dude have you seen this thread? Most people are either indifferent or like her. Very few people other than the most bitter incels hate her.
t. butterfly
Idk who is who anymore
You're the impersonator. You sound like a capitalist.
poast feet
Thanks whoever you are. I'd give you gold or an upvote if it was possible.
ok, butterfly tell as what is meaning of life?
To fuck bitches like me and give them attention. Now die incel.
why is this anime girl so arousing
You literally get to choose your own personal meaning. This is how we’ve always lived. It may seem anticlimactic but it’s a mad wild mess.
She says pure vanilla bland commentary, idk why anyone would bother with her, a literal butterfly tripwhoring around filling some random Anons fantasy gap I guess.
Butterfly, don't you dare to desecrate my wife you leftist stirnerian gender dysphoric fool.
>the corn soaked making fun of the s o y soaked.
You thought it was god or the free market, but no, it was like water all along
I go to bars and pay older men $5 to listen to me talk about anarchism and tell me I'm smart. If they're good for that and seem to have decent hygiene I'll pay them $20 for them to let me suck their dicks in the bathroom or in their cars in the parking lot.
Three butterfly? Now I'm more confused than a tranny
fucking attention seekers go farm karma or post on instagram
for the first time i have some respect for you but still disagree with you
take your pills
I’ve no dysporia
That’s nice. I hear it a lot
Butterfly I think you're very smart and nice and cute.
holy shit guys i just realized...what have i been doing with my life. i'm truly sorry. now i know.
there is no god but allah and muhammad is his messenger.
i'm gonna need some time to reflect
but only for 42*
It won't be dysphoria when the last surgery is finished. Scheduled April next year.
*smokes pipe* ah yes this is a good thread *smokes pipe* yup yep yup yup yup *smokes pipe* yeeep
*huffs glue*
yeah this is a comfy thread
*smokes meth*
haha yeah
Judging by OP's picture yes you have. And judging by the fact that, as far as i can see, we are dealing with three Butterflies in the same thread, i would say that you're also schizophrenic, which itself it's another sign of your dysphoria.
As long as you leave Tomoko out of this i don't really care though.
Shut up.
cringe, kill yourself you fat tranny monster
Stop imitating me
why do you have so many pictures of 2d and 3d women? is it the autogynephilia?
Never. I know that my calling in life now is to preach the truth of Islam, of the tawhid of Allah and the sunnah of his prophet muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
imagine having such shit taste in waifus
When I finally get my pussy from Dr. Gutierrez I will (after it properly heals) begin the process of dilating it out as much as possible. First I'll start with an old fashioned pickle (pickle riiiick! wubba dub dub!) then I'll move up and up until I can fit a large squash comfortably in my pussy. Then I'll finally be able to seize the means of my own pleasurable production by letting groups of dock workers or truckers gangfuck me for quarters. I live with my parents so with rent, groceries, utilities, etc. not being a consideration that's a few bucks a day straight into my wallet!
I knew it when I first saw you
Trannies don't have boobs that size
>in waifus
>implying you should have more than one
pls dont be mad and give us a picture of your penis, that will be vagina soon
I love women. I’m a lesbian
Just DLed that Bayonetta though. She’s a little vampy for my tastes. Tomoko fag was going to open up a can of autism is I posted any more of her.
Want a picture of a guy? Here. Morten from A-ha
>not having 4 waifus
Yea the schizophrenia is frightening to say the least. Imagine this person in real life O_O
>real men
ewww post anime bois
i dont need to imagine her in real life
I'm not a tranny. I identify as a woman. I'll be "officially" a woman soon.
>three trolls doing terrible impressions
I hope for your sake you’re only playing dumb
*if I posted
You will never be a woman, impersonator. Allah created us male and female. Altering his creation is kufr
Please just ban this trip for fucks sake.
Midunseti nane, nane nane, sarebazi bade, bade bade, morakhazish kame, kame kame, naneke-uo mano zayidi, tuo ke dahan-e mano gayidi, midunesti nane, buozorg misham sarebazi miram, chera dadi duoshidam, nazashti man bemiram, sarbazamuo, sarebazi baram ye muoshdekhake, hamin daru nadaram, faghad yik-dune pake, sarbaz duoäm gelim-e pare, shabra sar miyare, kalogh par, pa morghe, basash farghi nadare!
woah based
And i hope for your sake that you get well soon Butterfly! Schizophrenia it's hard to overcome, but i trust that you can do it.
If not, i will always remember you as a spooky example of what happens when you read Stirner too much and start to take his crap seriously.
tell us where she live, I want to visit her and spend some time with tea and cookies
Fuck off.
scientific simulation of what it's like to be butterfly
This is a nice picture of you before you gained 60 pounds you disgusting tranny
Would you lick my brapper if I paid you
just admit your trans and wish you could be these women
>and wish you could be these women
No, I just wish I were younger. And could fuck them.
Butterfly if that's you in the pictures you are very pretty. If a goddess gave you its gifts it would be Aphrodite :)
can I fuck your soles
I'm sure there are some that have a mature trilf fetish
you sad little creature...
Quite happy, thanks
she looks like a goblin
i am still waiting for your butt
Poor taste.
She looks gorgeous
i supposed anime girls have spoiled my standards
Dios Mio...