So this was me a month back. Can you suggest me books that'll help me keep my dignity at all times in my life...

So this was me a month back. Can you suggest me books that'll help me keep my dignity at all times in my life, especially at low points?

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-043239~2.png (1440x819, 82K)

well at least you didn't say "wherefore." there's still hope

Why is your language so formal for something like this what the fuck lmao

Self Reliance by Emerson

Just ignore girls for a few years and focus on yourself. Stop speaking formally to women as well. You should speak down to them like children.

Is this message the low point or is this your "dignity"? Because this just comes off as a cold formality and is not even in the family of 'dignified'.

the count of monte cristo and the three musketeers. dumas was autistic about honor and i like it.

why are you typing that way bro stop it

Sex and Character

OP is a true patrician. He just needs to find a woman suitable for his seed.

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I feel like the first and second sentences in the OP are somehow related, but I can't figure out how...

Is the OP referencing the pic to give us an example of what he considers dignity? Is he asking for suggestions because that was a month ago(a fact I hope is relevant since op decided to include it) and feels like he has lost his dignity from the outcome of his attempt in the pic? Or does he feel he lost his dignity from how autistic he sounded?

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>Formal is gay and weird at all times

Hahaha creep incel XD

Just got my copy in the mail. Going to tear this fucker apart like I did Sexual Personae and Decline of the West.

i read that as "suitable for his sneed" lmao

op autistic confirmed. Dude; chillax, pick a book and read.
And learn "register" (mode, tenor, field). Go read Beyond the Sentence by Thornbury and learn why that way of "composing" text messages will not get you any P U S S Y.

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That is funnier than it has any right to be.

>literal picture taken of screen
>turk in dota2

Show her what for, OP

Nice guys don't smash. Just say "ayy bby wan some fuk?"

it is in today's digital communication outside of the professional world you idiot. have fun tonight while u jerk it to anime titties.

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only a roach spots a roach...

You guys are too mean.
Poor OP, he was just trying to be polite.

To you, OP. I fear that politeness isn't an attractive characteristic in the sexual market. Maybe try asking your female acquaintances what you could do to be more interesting from the get go?

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