*makes Yea Forums seethe°

*makes Yea Forums seethe°

Attached: JKRowling.jpg (953x1416, 588K)

more like sit on my face mommy

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It's funny because it's the other way around. She wanted to be a serious author, and I think she doesn't want her legacy to be just Harry Potter. In recent years she tried writing serious adult books, even changed her name to distance herself from Harry Potter, but nobody gives a shit about anything else than her most famous work. It must be defeating to know this your whole life now.

I know what you might be saying - "Well she got billions of dollars from Potter, why should she care about legacy." I mean, sure, that's a good point, but what if you want to move on from Harry Potter. She literally can't.

Seethe more incel.

she could always sit on my face and rip big farts

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Who is filthy milfy?

Seethe? Nonsense. I want to eat her anus.

Mental illness to be attracted to fecal matter.

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I hate her, Neil Gayman, Brandon Sandersen, and James Patterson.

When you know she didn't create Harry Potter but was given the story to pad out.

When you also know much of the biog of her early life is a fiction.

I know some things. Maybe I should make a thread about this...

hairy poots is a grand psyop

this desu

But do you know where the baseline story was stolen from?

no. from what

From a very lengthy old German text looted by jews from one of the great houses after WW2.

Screencap this and one day soon I'll do a thread.

Why do trannies love this word so much? Does it have to do with the pain from their dilation?

As far as I know, seethe is a word that /pol/lutants love to use, while ”have sex” is more up the alley of trannies.

oh shit i cant wait


JK Rowling looks like THAT?

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Did BAP hack her account
