When people reply with "?" or "???" because they're too ADHD to form an actual question or statement

>When people reply with "?" or "???" because they're too ADHD to form an actual question or statement
In 50 years the kids will be communicating solely in punctuation and emojis

Attached: v.jpg (1080x1036, 122K)

Arrest this thief

>In 50 years the kids will be communicating


ya? you got a problem with it?

Yes, I do.

It's fucking annoying and makes you look like a child with burned out dopamine receptors.

its not that they're to adhd its that that don't give enough of a shit to write anything more. try not being a boring weirdo.

This was me.
I haven't noticed anyone but me doing it.
I just got really tired.
I noticed that nobody really cared what I wrote.
And Reddit niggers always got stupidly offended.
Simply reducing my replies to quotes and punctuation makes them blow up in garbage less often.

U sound like a dork. Have sex

>its that that don't give enough of a shit to write anything more
That's not how conversation works. You don't get to just grunt or assume other people will guess what you want to say. Have some self respect and consideration for others you self absorbed child.


Very zoomer of you. Why can't you formulate a coherent post?


??? ? ??? ???? ??? ? ??
?? ???



What is this referring to?

Say you make a post, a proper post with sentences in it. Then someone replies to you but all they type is "?" or "???". You're meant to interpret that as them questioning what you just said. It's often confusing because it's vague what they're questioning.



OP definitely got roasted for being a tryhard on social media

You think it's funny but I honestly am getting slightly annoyed even though I know you're being ironic

OP got btfo by some zoomer


Fucking cretin, wasting your life pretending you're incredibly interesting and fun with a bunch of other sad fucks pretending their life is non stop fun.