does true love only exist in fiction
Does true love only exist in fiction
After the 60's, yes.
No. Only gay people experience real love now.
>current year
>having only one sexuality
Awful movie. Animefags have the worst taste.
in fiction and in my biographic diary desu
It was pretty good. Something tells me you're just a willful contrarian as a means to satisfy your burned out pleasure receptors.
No, because the total comprehension of another's necessary for any love to be true and not merely love of one's projection can't possibly exist between real human beings.
That's what procreation is for.
No, it wasn't. All flash and zero substance.
>willful contrarian
Fuck off. I watched it because it reviewed well and I wanted to enjoy a good movie. Who the fuck goes into a movie wanting to dislike it?
define love
Yes, it’s a fantasy. that’s why my world is fantastic
>All flash and zero substance
Expand on this.
No. Don't let being bitter and jaded affect your willingness to accept another person.
My gf liked this movie
I like the animu where the deaf girl gets bullied by the angsty kid and then he grows up and fucks her
By no means awful, but definitely not great like it’s been hyped up to be. There were some charming parts, but it was dragged down by a lot of bullshit especially towards the end.
Yeah that’s a decent movie too, but dragged down by some of the melodrama of it all
It exists in reality too. It’s just a lot more rare.
Also this is some bush league anime films. If you want a good movie watch Maquia. The most I’ve ever cried at any work of fiction.
what do you mean? procreation is the ultimate form of narcissism and proof
i'd say that the 'truest' of loves (not necessarily 'true' love altogether) is the one between 2 straight men of different blood (family merely acts as tribal distraction from reaching towards the person as an abstraction)
>and proof
ignore that
Yeah it was insanely melodramatic but Japanese drama commonly is.
Somebody didn't read where the red ferns grows in 5th grade
Fiction exists in the real world.
women aren't even capable of love, they're vulgar materialists who just want to reproduce with whoever seems like the best candidate - the tallest, richest, most successful male: women are chimpanzees
compassion, mercy, grace, kindness. things of this nature.
this some gay christian shit.
its literally what love is made of. Would you prefer to be in a relationship that is filled with hate, malice, anger, and vindictiveness?
no I would neither use non love attributes to define love nor would I use their opposites since neither actually define love.
then please, define love in your own words. im curious to see your perspective.
Says the copemaster
love is the striving torwards beauty; beauty is the striving torwards the good, therefore love is striving torwards the good.
(L->B->G I- L->G)
i also didn't like it. it was pretty aesthetic, but the plot was just retarded and cringe imo. i liked the one where it rains a lot and the footfag shota gets a mommy gf.
Pls don't fuck with me. I thought the deaf girl movie was too emotionally overplayed and saccharine, so I only felt annoyed by the end. Maquia LOOKs like it's going to be the same
in current year? unfortunately the answer is yes.
So that's why catholics fuck children.
I'm sure the Pope enjoyed some fresh, virginal altar boy asshole himself
you jealous, incel?
define "good".
It’s not anywhere near as melodramatic as Silent Voice or whatever the deaf shit is. Maquia is emotionally devastating especially if you have any sort of relationship with your mom or else have kids.
No. Real love exists but its hard to find because it's a choice, not a feeling, and it's not as glamorous as you think.
Keep in mind that our human heart become calloused over time and we have difficulty feeling this or that sometimes, so emotions are not a surefire way of knowing whether there is love between the two of you. Keep your wits about you.
Holy fuck, I just watched that yesterday. I watched the dub because I was drunk and thought it was melodramatic (and at times funny). Cried a little too from a mixture of the movie and alcohol.
5 cm per second was better
No you lonely faggot, it's in fiction so prominently because it's such an idealistic reality of life.
this, but unironically.
Love is an artificial concept created by mankind to cover with a veil of romance the sexual needs of our species. Sex can exist without love but love cannot exist without sex, if not in very rare cases.
As Schopenhauer said, true love is the one which is detached from a specific goal, generally an unconditioned link towards someone or something. In our post-industrial consumer society you can imagine that is very hard to conceive love in this authentic way, since love itself is often reduced to a form of consumerism.
Okay moron.
probably. btw, what is some good lit featuring true love?
im gonna this.
nah mane, that shit gay
Wish i had a bro like this
Maquia is based. Watched it completely fucked on acid and was destroyed.
A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well. But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush. Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
I’d watch it. Is this a real movie?
>does true love only exist in fiction
me and ur mum have been in love for a while now.
Unironically a good copy pasta. Gosh I wish this was real.
A certain hormonal response experienced as affection, longing, feelings of (literal, physical) warmth, etc., maintained over a long period of time and not dependent on secondary triggers like sexual arousal or calculations of the utility of a relationship
It's a description of what happens in the movie in OP's picture you mongoloid
They switch bodies and shit in that movie. It’s not the same as that post.
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
That connection that's so subtle and deep that when the person leaves for good or dies it hits you like a train.
I think so. If you have any humanitarian and historical grounding you'd know most marriages are two people trying to deal with each other well enough to tolerate their presence. That's why modern society has high divorce rates: everyone expects this disney romance that has never and shall never exist.
Even when you have "love" it's usually fueled by other feelings in reality. Infatuation, lust, guilt, some sort of idealization of the other into a type of god/goddess. Neither is in love with reality, with the real person, only this set-up delusion of what the other is which exists only in their mind, circumscribed atop the real person. Even relationships like that are, ultimately, no different than waifuism.
The only love that's truly possible is with a 2D. Embrace the husbandopill.
The greatest modern love story ever told.
Yet, nevertheless, underrated.
Idealised love does.
If the ideal were not a natural member of the body of life then man would not experience it as he does, let alone at all. All experience is life, all member of production and implication. The myth, one finds, is the truest representation of life, as something inseparable from man, will and psyche (and perception).
You now realise it has been you that has been the moron.
Yes and you think this anime flick, of which it's purpose is to maximize pleasure, has any artistic merit is telling you won't ever get it.
Also, love is alive, even if it only smoulders these days. For people like the OP, maybe they're looking for the wrong sort of love, a false longing of the Peter Pan syndrome type. If you wholesomely love all that is Japanese, anime, movies, literature you probably won't understand love. Love is given and from the Asian perspective, where it's essence is nothingness, love will further be obscured. If you grew up in western society, embrace it and it's idea of being. Nothingness is not for the western man and those who find pleasure in some simulacrum of it is ultimately a failed man.
It exists in reality, but it is always one-sided.
>t. incel
Based and greekpilled
>where it's essence is nothing
Could you expand on this? I have only a cursory awareness that nothingness/emptiness is principal to Zen Buddhism and little more. And when you say "wholesomely love", you mean finding their ideas of love wholesome, or having a "warm fuzzy feeling" as some would say when consuming their media?
Only the love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ feels for you can be called true.
so unfortunately yes
Oxytocin, vasopressin, and dopamine
which one is that
Accurate in describing reality
Not accurate in describing the human mind and feeling
I know it sounds lame but everything you feel is thanks to your chemical receptors and balance of chemicals in your brains.
romantic love, yes. parental and brotherly love are legitimate in reality.
No shit, but it is not able to describe why we perceive the world through our minds the specific way we do. Sure, ''red'' is just a certain range of wavelengths, but why does it look ''red''? That cannot be answered through wavelengths. Why do high pitched noise sound ''high pitched''? Why does the taste of salt taste like ''salt''? Why does love feel like ''love''?
(2/2) the way the consciousness and mind interprets reality can not be described with any physical description nor metaphysical description.
i probably used the wrong word there. I mean all consuming passion over it. Since we are talking about anime, looking at shows like Evangelion or even Naruto can elucidate what this "nothingness" means. I think when you look at the spheres of hierarchy in Kierkegaard's philosophy, the issue with the ethical is that it is inward, in other words, like a snake eating its tail in a perpetual cycle, its teleology (in other words purpose) is itself. In someways, I think Japanese society reflects this but take this with a grain of salt since Im only observing from a flawed point of view. In Evangelion and Naruto, salvation comes in the amalgamation of consciousness into one being, a monstrous creature to some but nevertheless it is in some ways the perfect product of technology and the ethical's own teleology. For these two shows, the solution is in rational dialogue, were Shinji for instance, fully realized his freedom and being through rational and heartfelt dialogue with other people. Yet even this maybe under the all omnipresent vice of the ethical.
It most certainly exists faggot, I told you before. I'll tell you again!
you're gay
It only exists in real life between a brother and sister
please give me a good book , thread related!
A self perpetuating cycle of self absorption, desperation and self preservation
>Blessed Pope John Paul II
He's a Saint now, what a stupid image.
But either way, F for him.
Yes thank you for clearing that up. So, if I have understood you correctly, you say that the essence of certain representations of love in Japanese media is nothingness, or rather a perpetual self-referential state which is somewhat typical of the ethical as it struggles to overcome what it ultimately can not, which means that the problem, then, is that they do not take the step into the final sphere of faith? In that case, how do you feel about the age old tradition of being "in love" with a fictional character? Is it the peak expression of the simulacrum you describe, or is it a little too similar to the story of the knight of faith to disregard entirely? I'm a layman researcher on the topic, you see.
hope she sees this bro
the garden of words
It doesn’t exist. So, stop pining after what never was and finish the entire oeuvre of your favorite author or some shit.
this is a pretty retarded concept. do weebs like this movie?
Love is a meme but it's a pretty good meme
Books like this movie?
How ironic being in Yea Forums and reading love descriptions that a 9 year old in /sci/ would give.
You can do better than that, faggots.
but didn't most of the '60s couples fall apart in the '80s, which is why the '90s was so "dark"?
Only fictional love exists in fiction.
I wish, I really hope I'll get to experience it one day.
I've felt real love once in my life, but it was sadly only one-sided.
I'm starting to doubt if there's even a person who would love me the same way as I would love her.
This film looks incredibly shit
This, as sad as it is
No. If you properly define that term and are attractive, pretty, luscious, handsome you can find "true love", but not when you are ugly. Ugly people are designed to be unloved, repulsive sad losers, they are rarely treated with respect and are barely even people to begin with.
Not an argument
Looking good is literally the only thing the film does well.
I doubt that
'true love' and 'for any love to be true' are very different measures for love then. The first can be a statement of the pureness of love's feeling in a given moment, or cause of that love being pure. The second is a measure of whether love is based on an accurate comprehension of someone.
It's a difficult topic if you aren't from the east but basically westerners pretty much cannot imagit nothingness other than it being the negation or some ancillary to explaining what being itself is. The topic of loving a fictional character is interesting because we can easily dismiss it as mere perversion but in looking at the fundamentals, it might not be so different to a lover having faith that he will somehow, even if impossible, be able to be with his lover. I think the key difference lies in that there isn't the struggle of impossibility which makes faith necessary. Abraham had faith because while he fully acted to sacrifice his son, on some absurd reason, he fully believed God would, somehow, save Isaac in this world. For the Otaku, he is content, or even prefers his ideal to be in the "2D" realm. There isn't a heroic struggle to love a anime character despite it not being real, never going to talk ect. He buys figurines, reads manga of the anime character and perhaps most damning, might watch hentai which would fully condemn the Otaku to being the lowest of all hedonists. Then, following the idea of nothingness, perhaps there is no distinction between real and fake. For in that detached, come as you go attitude to experience, feeling good is paramount since there's no being to take responsibility for the experience.
It exists in real life aswell.
You just have to find the right person.
It's one of the most cynically made movies I've ever seen.
Based and redpilled
Do you happen to be from the east yourself, or does it simply seem that impenetrable in your experience? Regardless, what you say is sound, and I have had similar thoughts myself. For how can the ideal be so sweet, so wonderful, so brilliant, if it were to be dragged down into our vulgar little reality? Is it not true that the more you try and grasp it, the more you wish to give it form, the farther away you are from it and the more deserving of scorn? Yet what is there to do? That's why most simply hoard pictures, buy merchandise, engage in far too much fan content, and so on. Hentai is perhaps the most interesting, at least in my experience, as it is certainly a great form of corruption, but can show us something else. Namely, does the person perhaps enjoy what he is seeing? Is this not some roundabout way to torture himself? It is the man raging against himself and his own inadequacies. That, and he most likely had a bit of masturbation issue before 'the awakening' as some might call it. For example, I know one fellow, he is quite dedicated, and decided to take up drawing for the sake of this girl you see, but as one might imagine, a decent bit of what he does is of a lewd nature. it is a start, and yet still so self-gratifying that it's almost brilliant. The situation is closer to the knight and the princess than Abraham and Isaac. Now all that's necessary is for someone to truly break his back over it, prove that there's something worthwhile in dedicating oneself so. Ah, but who can afford to believe in anything nowadays.
No, in fact, it only exists for real.
it really was...
I'm curious about what you think about asexual people who claim to be in love
This anime was surprisingly good.
no it's not
I don't think a woman like this could ever love somone. She might convince herself, and her partner that she loves them, but its fleeting. She will either end up with the first man that impregnates her, or spend her life as a single mom hopping from man to man. Her beauty the thing that brings her closer to being able to find true love above others is infact the reason in today's society that she never will. By the time she finds the man who could be her soulmate shes tasted so many others that she has become jaded, and can only be satisfied with the spoils of love for a short time before fling herself into a new relationship.