Is our reality actually real?

Is our reality actually real?

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Is our actually our? Is it? Is is? Huh?

Define "real"

how can we know what we see is what be if our eyes doth be mirrors family

Define "real"

It doesn't matter which 'layer' of reality you currently exist on, so long as you're only capable of experiencing the current layer as the base layer.

what if the layer i'm experiencing is not the base layer but the unbased layer?
cringe bluepilled onion zoom?

No, the Real is always beyond symbolic order and so on.

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Death is the real life.

It's as real as a dream when you're inside a dream. You don't consider any of the weirdness in a dream to be weird because it makes sense in within the internal logic of the dream. The "real" world is the same way, and we are merely just waiting to wake up to the actual real world that lies beyond this world.

The external reality of appearances isn't actually real but the consciousness that witnesses it is, and this consciousness is really upon closer inspection the same thing as the eternal undivided homogenous awareness-bliss forming the reality underlying all apparent realities

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How would you know? That's precisely my point. If you don't know that you're not not in THE base layer, then you are functionally in the base layer. It could just be A layer of many. But you have no way of knowing that.

We could be in a simulation right now. As long as we can't confirm that, this is base reality.

You ever look in the mirror for too long and start thinking like damn I'm really a human being. I'm really in this bitch

It is phenomonal.

I can tell that if you have you were lying to yourself

is meme

Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.

cogito. ergo sum and so on. God has a mind and a body (Nature)

>believing in dualism because of grammatical property of language

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It's best just to assume it is, were it """"real""" or just a simulation it would make no difference.

I don't know that you're not just an NPC in a simulation but I'm going to assume you're human since it works better that way.

Thanks for answering. If that is how we define what is "real" then reality is very hard to fit in that. For example, we are pretty sure that most people experience reality the same way we (as individuals) do, but much like looking at clouds and seeing certain shapes we cannot be 100% that reality is a shared existence. There are a great deal of people that perceive reality in a lesser way than others (people who are blind/senseless etc.) and there are people who perceive "more" of reality than others (spiritual mediums/schizophrenics etc.). The easy solution is to simply discredit or deny these other perceptions, but whether or not we can be SURE of any such single idea of reality that we can all agree on is almost impossible, even 2 people looking at the same work of art will probably not come to the same conclusion, and who can say who is "more" correct/accurate?

bro what if we are dreaming? what if time and space started 5 seconds ago? bro how can you tell me your memories are real? you can be a brain in the jar somewhere for all you know

do you mean the cogito?

The one that can test their belief in reality, the fuck you on about. A schizo imagining things up can't test it in reality. He can't feel or show the influence of his imaginary friends. They can't move objects. That's a big "?" from me bro

What a Schizo perceives is no less real than what you perceive.

Real is the adjective of reality, so yes reality is by definition real.

What if it's a simulation bro