What does Yea Forums think of David Icke?
What does Yea Forums think of David Icke?
A conman, like most conspiracy theorists.
had a psychotic break and ended up running with it for profit
He's based once you understand that when he's talking about (((reptoids))) he's talking in code.
Jokes aside, should just have written fantasy-science fiction.
He discredits valid conspiracy theories (if you believe the 9/11 commission report you are braindead) by adopting the most batshit insane "theories" (saturn moon-matrix ... really?) and justifies them with absurd interpretations of caveman drawings.
based, the british at one point had this meme where they'd all go up to his face and laugh at him everywhere he went, and call him a nutter and so on, and he never stopped for a second.
I'm not sure, but I think I argued with him on reddit once
He has stopped talking in code. Listen to his new talks. He just says it now. A lot.
I find him entertaining. Also, if you leave aside all his New Age and conspiracy theory stuff, what he saying is not necessarily a bad thing. (extremely skeptical outlook, vigilantly liberal ideas) Though some people take him a little too seriously.
psued shit but entertaining to laugh at
That's a thicc book. I bet it's written like shit.
Lunatic but fun to listen to
Nothing less than the prophet we deserve.
The thinking man's Mencius Moldbug
Redpilled on the JQ
He tries to tell it like what he really thinks it is like, but gets too eager in the process sometimes. Subtle demonic entities warping mankind and feeding off lower vibrations have been talked about by other figures and mystical traditions throughout history, you know. This is in the realm of schizophrenia for most people, though. Even without that, his broad gist of a secretly totalitarian government trying to push us to a population-reduced, microchipped, enslaved and soulless state seems spot-on.
He has the sort of profitable mental illness that allows him to make a living from it because it resonates with those who are similarly afflicted. It's almost enviable , like someone who makes money just making instagram posts or anything else that can be shat out.
All I know about him is that he thinks lizards use holograms to control the world.... or some shit.
hes based and triggers redd/lit/ors
nobody is "triggered" by david icke
His dad probably slapped the back of his head once for having Icke on Youtube on too loud.
See? Like clockwork
Absolute gizmo, top fella
The fact that they haven’t killed him yet is proof that he’s wrong
Absolute brainlet stance.
>stop triggering me!
has made an entire career of his accent.
the best satirist in the English language since Swift.