Why does lit hate him?

why does lit hate him?

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He's like Tolkien, but no one cares about his legendarium because everyone thinks of him as 'le scary clown guy'. A shame, he's quite the writer.

I don't share a lot of his views nor agree much with what he says. I still enjoy most of his books.
I liked him far more when he was doing cocaine and was constantly wasted instead of tweeting about political issues for fuck knows what reason.

Damn he has a literal rectangle of a face

he's like charles dickens. he will be remembered as a classic by posterity but get no respect while he's alive.

I read It and Pet sematary. Did not like IT, loved Pet Sematary

Because he's a shit writer and a complete degenerate

Why does this thread get posted every day?
He's written like 50 books, a lot are pretty bad, some are okay, a few are really good.
I have nothing against him, really.

because lack of merit in his work. and read by the nerdgeoisie

Because he fucking sucks. The only genre authors we seem to respect are Tolkien and Dyck

Dunno, why does he hate writing good endings.

He is the fast-food of literature. He is good at what he does but what he does has no real meaning behind it, it won't better you, it won't challenge you, it doesn't leave you any better or any worse than when you first picked it up. What is there to really talk about?

>but get no respect while hes alive
Are you retarded? Outside of Yea Forums King’s dick is sucked more than any other author.

Desperation had a good ending.

Pet Sematary had a good ending.

Very tough to pull off a kick-ass good ending consistently.

Steve Von Chiang is a meme


He's a perfect example of a very successful and prolific cumbrain. His writing is essentially him ejaculating into a typewriter. His characters are seedy and depraved to a degree that simultaneously strains suspension of disbelief and makes them all seem sort of like milquetoasts living in a world ruled by an edgelord narrator. The reason his characters are like that is because he is like that. Too much cocaine and too much masturbation.

His political opinions are also shit tier.

Pet Sematary is one of my favorite horror novels and I feel the same way you do about IT. King's books are really a huge hit or miss for me, they're either terrible or great in my experience.


>His characters are seedy and depraved

T'ain't so, McGee.

To wit: the earnest boy who, by concentrating in remarkable fashion, escapes from the vampire's trap in Salem's Lot; and the variant similar-but-different-such scene, and boy, in the jail scene in Desperation.

But the boy in Salem's Lot and Desperation - a characteristic King type, to be sure - is neither seedy nor depraved.

There are quite a few reasonably good-hearted characters in his stories, albeit darn few saints (the same might be said for real life).

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You seem very obsessed with other men's ejaculation habits. I recommend looking inwards and recognizing your repressed homosexuality.
t. femanon

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why should i like him

Because he is famous

I thought Dickens was famous in life but other writers criticized his characters.

It's incredible how every single part of this statement is wrong.

>This thread for the past three years
Go to bed, Steve

There was a man named Stephen King,
Horror was his thing, scares his wanton wont,
Back there in the murky depths o' Yea Forums who disliked his font,
Drank from it and did not praise of it nor did they sing.

Now let me syllogise if it's not a point of fancy,
For tonight I'm feeling not entirely chancy,
It is my deduction that King's autoerotic suction
Caused this cause of betrayal, for we neither praise his ejaculatory style, for not a while.

>It's incredible how every single part of this statement is wrong.

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Because he has only ever written to appeal to the lowest common denominator.Hes not a bad writer Imo.

I don't think about him

he's the type of author who really should have been a screenwriter, hence why so many of his novels have been adapted.

I think he quite enjoys existing as an author who is largely read by movie-watching nitwits who think just because he's a published author he should be more respected than all the chumps who write the other stupid thriller movies they watch.