Epicurus was an atheistic egoist. You should start with Plato. Then Iliad and Odyssey, then Theogony, then pre-Socratics (at the very least Pythagoras, Heraclitus and Parmenides). Then Aristotle, you would do well to verse yourself also in the art of ancient Greece so the three famous play writes. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. You can somewhat read all of these simultaneously but at the very least Plato first, you'll create your own order as you go. Go where you wish from here, you should continue on your chronological reading so go to the Romans(many works but mainly the Stoics and Virgil) and the later Greeks like Plotinus. A man should verse himself in all things, religion, psychology, philosophy, occult, history, fitness, everything. You should develop a sound understanding of all of these things at the very least prior to actually delving into them. For example I new much about Kant's philosophy prior to I had read him in high school. Same guys with the other fields. Even though I was still reading the Greeks. Browse Yea Forums, the internet and you will build up this sound knowledge base if you have the intrigue.
I shall put it like this. There exists:
The personally ideological books: those that you read because of their fundamentality to your own conception of existence, identity and purpose. So for example reading Mein Kampf, For my Legionaries, the Bible or the Doctrine of Fascism. Even if you shall better understand them later on after a greater historicity of understanding, they cannot wait for that. They are your soul, and the music that you shall dance to through your life.
Impersonal Classics: Books that are of universally accepted value and historic importance such as the Prince, The Bible, Leviathan (Hobbes), Das Capital. Even if they have been shown to be wrong (most not) you must read these for a greater understanding of history as well as the broadening of your pwn consciousness. Even if they only act to negate your own current beliefs, they will at least serve to better defines those beliefs. But again, most retain great truths, it is only the occasional books such as Das Capital which are of the negating sort.
Chronological reading: The last and complete list of books encompassing both prior category's. The entire history of Western canon. From reading the Greeks as your basis, to the Romans, to the Theologians, to the German Idealists, to Heidegger, to Delueze, to Gadamer, to Jung, to Buddha, to Gilgamesh, to Gentile. The entirety. You may skip small sections for the sake of quickness that you may return to later but this will always be the underlying rhythm of your reading.
Ask me any questions about where to start with Plato, Aristotle, The Bible, Hinduism, pre-Socratics, German Idealists, Buddhism, Sturm und Drang, Phenomenology, Fascism, Medieval classics, Theology, Occult, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Pythagoreanism, Arthurian legend, Anything.
I am here to teach.
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