books to recommend to liberal catholics to redpill them and make them realize liberalism is gnostic anti-christian heresy that in a healthy society would be punished capitally but in our satanic society has become mainstream
Books to recommend to liberal catholics to redpill them and make them realize liberalism is gnostic anti-christian...
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The Holy Bible
Oh fuck sorry. I forgot you guys don't read that.
yes, i read "the holie bible faithfvlly translated into english, ovt of the avthentical latin diligently conferred with the hebrew, greeke, and editions in diuers languages", so ur right
Like every thread about this that comes up, start with Metaphysics by Aristotle then move over to Aquinas.
bro, how am i supposed to get people to read aristotle and aquinas though, most people are too intimated just by those names to actually try to read them
Curious what Catholic lit thinks of this book. Are you guys in favour of Catholic priests being able to marry? Is there another solution to the Church's gay problem?
You're trying to get liberal Catholics to read about religion and they won't read Aquinas? the fuck? I thought Aquinas was mandatory reading for catholic school?
why you gonna derail the thread by starting a debate about pedohomo priests :( a good juridical system would root out and materially destroy ALL pedohomos, come on
Well he's an American. Americans don't read. You should know that. Americans are retards.
liberal catholics are more likely to read someone like maritain than aquinas now though
mean >:(
Liberal Catholics are by definition, not Catholics but heretics and detractors of God. Their communions are invalid as they are in mortal sin. They will go to hell. The church has always emphasized the fewness of the saved and saints have affirmed this.
100% agree
Don't know about all this nonsense about the power of Jesus. Jeff Bezos worships money and he has so much money and power now that he's pushing to end the human species.
How many rockets did Jesus launch into the sun?
Jeff Bezos will be a rotting carcus in 50 years and his eternity thereafter will be one of eternal damnation. All that money. All those rockets. What good were they? In comparison to God, it is childsplay.
I was brought up Catholic and I wanna like you guys, but the community should be willing to face its own corruption. Pedophilia may be the case of a few bad apples. Something that could be brought to justice by an improved judicial system. The book isnt about that.
Martel explains the social pressures and incentives that lead closted homophiles into the priesthood. (Ex. To the average straight man, chastity sounds like a curse. But to a closeted homosexual, it can be a great cover for why they arent bringing home a girl to meet the family.)
Through a labyrinth of blackmail and sexual favours, it seems that the vatican then selects homophile priests in a darwinian fashion. The book shows that in Rome homosexual priests vastly outnumber their straight counterparts. How could a better judicial system ever effectively combat the pedophilia issue in the church when the whole vatican is closeted?
>Claims to know the sexual orientation of thousands of celebate priests.
What a joke.
Louis Veuillot
Tell me how a materialistic philosophy is the same as one that denies the material world.
>celebate priests
What a joke
Literally any Scripture or Papal writings since the dawn of the church. Particularly JPII roasts leftists all day long and is somehow continuously praised by them. It's like none of them have even read his works (protip: they haven't). Liberal Catholics are liberals first and Catholics as an incident. They would sooner give up every teaching of the Church if it meant adhering to liberalism than the other way around.
The works of Sigrid Undset, Graham Greene and Shusaku Endo. Maybe some Hillaire Belloc as well.
The individual acts of abuse arent the problem. Bishops Cardinals and Popes covering it up to protect Mother Church and the "Faith" is where the true poison is. They know it is evil, and cover it up anyways. Blaming it on some secret cabal of gays ignores the pre and immediate post V2 abuse, or the irish nunnery incidents.
What has remained immaculate is the grandmother saying the rosary, the young trad priest comforting the dying, the child taking first communion.
The aim of the book? To destroy the Bastille of Catholic morality. “Fifty years after Stonewall - the gay revolution in the United States - the Vatican is the last bastion to get rid of! Many Catholics have now grasped the deception even before reading the description of Sodom.”
You can get a good idea of their orientation by comparing abuse statistics. It's men abusing boys at a widely disproportionate rate to laymen men abusing children so there must be a disproportionate number of gay men in the clergy.
I found this image funny.
Spooked up the ass
Yeah, the bible fall from the sky.
I’ll spook you up your ass :3
After reading Ray Kurzweil, Nietszche, Dawkins and Daniel Denett I realised the concept of the soul is demostrably unscientific, morality and even the notion meaning themselves are products of deterministic evolutionary and memetic processes, free will isnt real and the only worthy objectivefor humans is to achieve eternal life and omniscience through transhumanism
Unironically the Bible, particularly St. Paul's writings.
>Commands you to forsake stringent sexual ethics
>Break sexual ethics like everyone else
>Used as leverage to destroy the Church's credibility and political power
That doesn't exonerate homosexual priests, but you must understand the ploy at work here. Priestly celibacy is critical to the integrity of the Catholic Church. Though it is not regarded as dogmatic, it is a discipline that is of the utmost import as to secure the sanctity of the priesthood. Don't like it? Don't become a fucking priest. It's been this way for over a thousand years so the modern sexual misconduct is an abberation of the sexual revolution and the prevalence of carnal lust in our culture. Those who wish to allow priests to marry are enemies of the Church that have spent hundreds of years dedicated to corrupting the Church in an effort to destroy crown and altar. Crown is gone now altar remains. The reason the Catholic Church is the number one target is because it's the most powerful political body and most authoritative moral body in the world. Pray for your priests and the Church because the devil is tightening the noose.
the dictator pope
by H. J. A. Sire although pubulished under the pseudonym 'Marcantonio Colonna'
get them to read church millitant idk
Thanks for the rec man, looks like an interesting book
kek we'll all be corpses long before Bezos will
>Is there another solution to the Church's gay problem?
yes, its called burning all them.
>The reason the Catholic Church is the number one target is because it's the most powerful political body and most authoritative moral body in the world.
catholic here, but i honestly doubt this. do you remember in the young pope when pius XIII threatens to do the thing where he commands all catholics not to vote in the italian election? i really don't feel that people would be willing to comply with the pope's wishes. i mean for fuck's sake they don't even care about the most vile thing in the world, let alone basic elections:
>Between 16% and 22% of American Catholic voters share the view that abortion should never be permitted by law.[1][2][3][42] According to 2009 survey by Pew Research Center, 47% of American Catholics believe that abortion should be legal in "all or most cases", while 42% of American Catholics believe that abortion should be illegal in "all or most cases".[5] When posed a binary question of whether abortion was acceptable or unacceptable, rather than a question of whether it should be allowed or not allowed in all or most cases, according to polls conducted in 2006-2008 by Gallup, 40% of American Catholics said it was acceptable, approximately the same percentage as non-Catholics;[4] 58% of American Catholics said it was morally wrong.[6]
we need an inquisition.
>Are you guys in favour of Catholic priests being able to marry?
>Is there another solution to the Church's gay problem?
Change the culture in seminaries.