What book made you consider suicide?

What book made you consider suicide?

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aquinas - city of god

Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence by David Benatar.

Also The Book of Disquiet.

None. I read to escape such thoughts.

Oh yeah Kafka too. Anything by him really.

>Also The Book of Disquiet.
Similar books for comparison?

I thought it was just a meme, but people say that The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat is cursed to make you commit suicide if you read it. I read it a few weeks ago, and I've been thinking a lot about suicide. Strangely, I can't connect my recent thought on suicide concretely to anything in particular I read in the book, so it might just be a coincidence.

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I say this unironically: my diary desu

Infinite Jest
The Pale King
Pierre, or the Ambiguities
The Golden Bowl
Anatomy of Melancholy
Sorrows of Young Werther
Tolstoy's Confession
Anna Karenina
The Stranger
The Plague
The Sun Also Rises
King Lear
Pickwick Papers
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Odyssey
The Iliad
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Kafka's Metamorphosis
Yeats' Endymion
Ginsberg's Howl
Hemingway's short stort involving shoes

my own

My diary desu

confirmation bias

Whoa, are you some kind of genius?


As in, "The Book of ___"

The Book of Wagies?

The Book of More Men?


No, it is very evidently three letters: "___"—i.e. _, _, and _.

I know, it's just weird that that one would make anyone want to commit suicide

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OP didn't specify that you have to be considering suicide by the end of the piece, only that you consider suicide at some point in the reading; Job provides ample impetus during Job's torment, bemoaning of his fate, etc. One could also consider suicide even after finishing if viewing the closer to Job as a sort of jejune deus ex machine finale.

And while I'm at it:
*short story

What book will put me over the edge?

You mean Augustine. Why did it make you consider suicide though?


This and Filth by Irvine Welsh

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butterfly's diary desu

the only reason i don't kms is because there's more books i want to read

same here.

>he reads to escape rather than confront

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Easy with the big words, pal