Will I get smarter if I read this?

Will I get smarter if I read this?

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It would be very pleasurable.


This book launched me into literature

You will only start laughing at life.

Same. I basically said "this is considered a good book, I'll read it and see if I like it". So I did and fell in love with literature and then decided to major in English. That was a terrible mistake

If you are getting debt, then yeah is a terrible mistake, if not, then if is a mistake or not would depend on you

it depends what you mean by smarter

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You might get wiser, but smarter as in IQ unfortunately can't happen as intelligence is a fixed genetic trait.

It will probably make you think and maybe realize something about yourself or others.

finished it last night. my hats no longer fit

You might learn a new word. I guess that would mean you're a little smarter.

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Intelligence develops through education though. If you have 200 IQ and you are born is some third world African country, you would be a slightly less of an idiot than the rest of your peers.

Pretty extreme example and not a very substantiated one. I'm all for reading books, but they're not gonna raise your IQ, no matter what kind of books they are.

environmental factors only make up about 20% of what decides you're IQ. You can change it about 10 points throigh hard work though.
No and you might not even enjoy it as much as you are being made to believe here(I for one didn't enjoy most of it).

>environmental factors only make up about 20% of what decides you're IQ

Do you have a single research to back that up?


So reading the whole dictionary may turn me into a genius?

>You can change it about 10 points throigh hard work though
How? 10 points can be the difference between top 15% of the population and top 2%. As far as I know it can only go up a few points by completely optimizing your bodily functions and taking some stimulants.

i’ve yet to read this one also. what’s the best translation?

No, but you will be more knowledgeable.

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Majoring in English is the crime. Eternal debt is the punishment


I'm not, it's debt free from the GI Bill. I'm getting a masters in something unrelated with great job prospects and high salaries (healthcare administration) so if they works out majoring in English will have been just something fun I did for myself. Otherwise I'm fucked.

See above. No debt. If my masters doesn't work out then I'll have a worthless degree but at least no debt
