Chart Thread

Chart Thread

Attached: 1533887228354.jpg (945x2000, 440K)

Other urls found in this thread:!ywtXwYjC!LXU3e7knFpZK_dnHeC9ixA!WlpBzQZS!kb2j9XCHHMHVywOF2bPAIQ

Here's some OC, hot off the press.

Attached: utopianism chart.jpg (1500x1500, 1.44M)

Fuck off MNM-DR. Can't wait for you to be banned for months again.

why would someone ever buy a book called babyfucker?

Attached: 1566539404014.jpg (4616x9336, 3.06M)

I like it, saved bro


Tell me which aren't included here and I'll add them.

Attached: 38657BD2-6363-496B-A33F-2DE7F3B719AD.jpg (2500x4000, 639K)

Attached: 1426872074934.jpg (2396x3430, 2.18M)

Attached: 66C473E0-FD18-4848-9C58-DCB8DF72B813.png (1100x1800, 1.9M)

Attached: 1531612571789.jpg (1144x2560, 1022K)

Was thinking of picking up A Distant Mirror this morning. Anyone here actually read it?

Attached: 7C0A9FC5-0412-4B5E-AFE6-10813E566619.jpg (1044x1862, 414K)

hey man i got a shitton of charts on Mega but dk how to share em.
Nice labelling work btw.
How can I share em to you?

I appreciate all of you guys, I saved all of these and look forward to diving in

What's postmodernist about Slaughterhouse Five?


I hope you can expand your previously posted folder with mine.

Thanks for rearranging and naming all charts, you're doing the Lord's work.



Attached: DA0D2F2E-6390-4B49-8438-E58C91A7B977.jpg (2000x2820, 1.12M)

Attached: 7AC4E758-633B-48B8-8919-82459E409F36.jpg (2000x3501, 720K)

Attached: 26E5C2FA-E5D6-41BF-B1F6-0636B3A5FD24.png (1908x2000, 366K)

Against the Day should be there instead of Bleeding Edge

Thanks, I'll download the images and then run them through similar and duplicate images detection and also manually look through. I'll then rename them and upload them into the mega I own. To be clear, I all I did was rename and reorganize them and add a few. The mega I linked is one I modified from the one on the Yea Forums wiki.

Attached: 77676hHH-Q09-BFF48.png (1000x4019, 2.95M)

It's a solid example of metafiction.

Just started the image check on what you provided. Some of the images have 6 dupes, and several have 4 or more dupes. Haven't even checked it against what I have yet, but looks like a lot is simply going to be deleted it,

No, but I've read The Guns of August, good shit, loved her writing style. Thinking about picking up The Proud Tower

Attached: 1567982791209.jpg (1280x1200, 445K)


No problem man, thanks dor rearaging and naming the new ones!

I've imported your folder to my Cloud in Mega. When you update your folder, Mega will load the new ones too in my copy of your folder?

Thx again man

>When you update your folder, Mega will load the new ones too in my copy of your folder?

That would be really convenient, but no, it doesn't work like that unfortunately. The import is a static, it doesn't change if the folder it was imported from changes.

There were like 513 or something like that files when I started. Removing dupes and similars removed 100s. Then I compared it against what I already had. Removing dupes, similars, which were older versions mostly, got it down to 88.

I'll do a manual comparison sometime tomorrow, probably. May be a couple days before I'm entirely finished with everything, depending on what time I have available.

Thank you very much user, I'll be eager to check that.

Will you please share the updated folder's link in a new post when you finish?

The link won't change.

Attached: 1568690564904.jpg (1724x3701, 1.48M)

Attached: stablegeniusmemequaternary_2.jpg (693x232, 61K)


Attached: 1546036094710.jpg (2000x2820, 1.11M)

bump to this user, kudos

Where do you find that final book?

No Aldous Huxley - Island




Attached: BAS_CONCERN.png (1194x1154, 885K)

thx, I'll check it next week

seconded, a pdf would be good

What should this one be named?

Warosu is down, so I can't look what it was originally named, though I ignore and don't look for the majority of the original filenames.

I looked on but an image search didn't bring it up.

Attached: 1361929416918.jpg (2334x3000, 2.53M)

What should this one be named?

Attached: 1367006728692.jpg (1720x3310, 1.11M)

Would add the island


iirc correctly these were posted in a "what did you read this year" thread by someone who actually had taste

this person was also responsible for the only decent lists titled "exit-level Yea Forums" (which I can't seem to find)

t. oldhead

Recommendation for indigenous American folk religion? Especially in the Southern US to Mexico region.

It is meant to be utopianism as a political philosophy, not utopian novels.

minor classics for patricians
minor 'classics' for retards

I just put this together hope you guys like it

Attached: minor.png (923x712, 1.07M)

The hobbit that far down and to the left? I'm a pleb but that doesn't quite seem right

added to because why not.
Just adding whatever there is.
which as why because of there's various other stuff now.
Probably will have re-organize on a different basis sometime.

hard to read some of the titles

Attached: CNAwUrU.jpg (1049x1263, 188K)

What's a good edition of 18th Brumaire?

got something for continental?

A list of the titles and authors would be a good addition.

>Journal of Albion Moonlight
hell yes son

Attached: 1528413770433.jpg (680x447, 26K)

How’s Beckett’s trilogy non-canon exactly?
Dude got a Nobel prize in ‘69. That’s about as canonized as you can get.

No theme, books easily found on other popular charts, and trying to force taste. That's a no from me, dog

did you ever reorganize?

>that low res

Can someone post the Start With the Greeks chart?

Yes, somewhat.
I moved all on non-lit out of the folders they were in from other people and put them in others. I may later make a books folder with all the book related ones as opposed to having the non-books with everything else in their own folder. I don't know what my overall plans for this are. I'll add whatever I see or is presented to me, more or less. I'm also not averse to others having access to do whatever with it as well.
May add it to the wiki because why not.

As a note, if you have a mega account, can use the search function to just type in what is wanted, assuming that it's in the filename. Search function is disabled without signing in. That's just how mega works.

Attached: Greek stuff.jpg (3672x3024, 1.38M)

How to make one of these? Any particular software? Thanks.


Anyone here has a nautical ficion chart?


What does this chart actually signify?

Charts are almost always one person's questionable, at best, taste.

Does anyone have a psychology chart? I see a lot of political/philosophical charts, but no images relating to other science/social science/humanity fields.

Did you look at the mega link in the thread?

>503 images
I'm working through them, slowly. I see a few interesting charts in the phi folder, thanks.

based , God emporer is the best in the series, and I unironically believe heretics and chapterhouse hold up compared to the rest, they just suffer from being too disconnected from the other books

Based and redpilled

There aren't any actually, besides the one that was probably made by some Jordan Peterson acolyte.

any charts on mil hist or any military tactical stuff that will make me god tier armchair general? thanks

This is all they have in the mega that was posted higher up in the thread

Attached: war lit.jpg (2016x1981, 943K)

Found pic related in Can someone explain the rhyme/reason to it? I just got through the third reading of Day 1 and I don't get what I'm supposed to learn from the selections.

It would probably help if I posted the picture

Attached: Bible, One Month Reading Plan.png (1144x920, 1.81M)

Slaughterhouse Three was better

Nobody here actually reads the bible so this is a troll post that people will genuinely think is meant to work while never getting around to it

this good nonetheless. many thanks user

Look in the history folder.

>No red dots have blue dots
Pleb detected

Innocent is Yea Forums

Will anyone here take the (Me) pill?

Attached: lit reccomendations chart.jpg (1929x4089, 1.91M)

Is this a meme or your sincere choices?

Sincere choices, I'm fully aware that I don't really belong here.

Nah, just wondering which folder to add it to in

Currently added in Misc Books with a filename of My Personal Recs because your title is too long and your filename is generic. It's not quite for the SF&F folder.

Post books that actually have some sort of practical use. Masturbatory bullshit is not wanted nor needed.

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 40K)

All frogposters are worthless.

I take issue with troglodytes like you who generalize and fail to provide anything of substance. Your behavior is telling, I hope you aren't as useless in real-life as you are online.