Is finding people boring to talk to more and more a sign of intellectual development?
Is finding people boring to talk to more and more a sign of intellectual development?
No it's a sign of depression and possible psychosis.
Have sex
It's a sign of the opposite, actually.
Can you elaborate or give an article or something? Im genuinely interested
So, user, wanna...'do it'?
no, its actually cope
My GF is one of the only people I actually find interesting to talk to.
Maybe he's hanging around the wrong people.
I also enjoy talking to my Gay Friend
example: when I was 15 and thought clockwork orange was the best movie ever, i thought everyone was an idiot and couldnt care what they thought
today i am slightly less of an absolute retard and push myself to understand others perspectives and thus am interested in what people have to say
its not like youre gonna wake up tomorrow able to socialize but just find ways to be interested in others.
showing them genuine interest (it is indeed possible to generate interest if you scan through the things you can learn from someone, even someone who listens to miley cyrus and watches netflix has something to teach you) will cause them to appreciate you and soon the feeling of being appreciated will make you feel significant
tl;dr dont be some idiot misanthrope
read L’homme qui dort if you want some hyper kino whose own plot is the romanticization of misanthropy and where it can lead
t. recovering asshole killing off the rest of his baseless pride so as to actually grow intellectually