Fuck it, I'm tired of being a Doomer. What can I read to start thinking positively and become a Bloomer?

Fuck it, I'm tired of being a Doomer. What can I read to start thinking positively and become a Bloomer?

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you have just been visited by the based frog of semen retention
spiritual evolution will come to you but only if you post "GOD BLESS CHASTITY" in this thread

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You can't just read it, you have to live it.

Joseph Campbell's Masks of God

But reading Plutarch always makes me feel good about life

become a Coomer retards

I hate you goddam -oomer retards. Get a real personality, stop basing your life on shitty memes

what does a real personality looks like

A 'personoomer'?

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Walden or The Old Man and the Sea

Doomer and bloomers are the same thing they're both complete fakers and ignorant pieces of shit.

the 25 year old Charactoomer

Why give yourself hope as a bloomer over winter? The darkness doesn't get any worse as a doomer but the contrast is greater in bloomer mode

The Bible (unironically).

just become a coomer instead

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You sound like a textbook Doomer


thank me later

god bless

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bloomers have mental retardation. i guess get drunk and bash your head against a wall all night.

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All Wodehouse and Pickwick Papers. They may not explain how to be a Bloomer, but they give examples to imitate. Chesterton may be what you want if you want to develop a foundation.

What health benefits did it provide for you?

Thank you for posting this! Good to see some of my to-read books on this list

Fuck off Coomer

Rare appearance by the holier-than-thouoomer

My interest is piqued based on the cover of "The Enchanted Wanderer" alone

What a bizarre trend. Why do people trick themselves into thinking they're bloomers?

Go out, have fun with your friends, pick some hobbies, start moving towards career/academic goals.
Your life won't get magically better because you've read some books

really good chart

How is Interpretation of dreams bloomer? Ive read it. Its good if you like psychoanalysis, but some parts are really fucking dull. This is not bloomer

Thanks for posting. When I try to be more positive, I feel like I am lying to myself. Maybe one of these books will change my mind.

what do you guys think of winnie the pooh? i don't know why but it is probably my favorite book

If Winnie the Pooh and Saint Exupery are there, I'd like to add Wind in the Willows

There is no going back once you go doomer. I tried all that self-help, self-improvement, PMA, stoicism etc and I was happy for like 3 months until I forgot about all that crap and went back to thinking about suicide, death and depression


Follow the doom to its completion. Close the circle, find out what it really means to be doomed, to be dying, to be already dead.





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Industrial Society and it's Future

Try Psilocybin Mushrooms

not philosophy

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What did he mean by this