If you are going to be a leftist you need to read the essentials so here

If you are going to be a leftist you need to read the essentials so here.

Das Kapital
Process and Reality
Adventures of Ideas
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
A Brief History of Neoliberalism
Capitalist Realism
Manafacturing Consent
The Spirit of a Man Under Socialism
A Thousand Plateaus
The Birth of Biopolitics
The Order of Things
Archaeology of Knowledge
Discipline and Punish
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
Ecology of Freedom
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition
The Jargon of Authenticity
Aesthetic Theory
Negative Dialectics
Society of the Spectacle
Arcades Project
Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere:An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society
The Theory of Communicative Action
Production of Space
Critique of Everyday Life

You cannot be a leftist without reading the theory so start reading. As opposed being just another tard on the Right we actually read and we read shit of discernible talent ie. not gaynon and ebola.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How about essential leftist animes?

Are you the user who got dogpiled for saying any good argument should boil down to a paragraph?

Kaiji and Akagi

I've read 13 of them and hope to read the rest eventually. Not a leftist though.

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How are those leftist

umm based department? hello?

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Kaiji is a Marxist anime and Akagi is Nietzschean unspooked by moral imperatives.

You are a leftist in denial

Does anyone know where this smug anime is from? I thought it was Rio from Sora no Wota but I was mistaken.

I had to press one button and found out, and I didn't even care.
Stop being retarded.


>If you are going to be a leftist
Why would anyone want that?

To impress girls, one would imagine

>unspooked by moral imperatives

to actually have a discernible amount of intellect and not be retarded
yes leftists who read theory are unspooked

Girls befriend left wing dudes. They don't fuck them.

>this is what leftists actually believed

yea ok keep reading about the magical potency of nigger sperm as you eat it out of your wife's pussy and the transcendency of anal sex as your wife's bull tops you from midwits like guenon and evola and never gettimg beyond critiquing the superstructure of capitalism

Here we see the amazing powers of discussion of the leftist "intellectual" at play.


>beyond critiquing the superstructure of capitalism
Why would one do that? It's the only thing that worked so far.

Roland Barthes - Mythologies
Capitalist Realism is just a shitty summary of everything else you posted

It doesnt do anything actually and is lacking in insight

Tell me about althusser oh wise OP, I want to read him

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that anime girl is fit

>become /fit/
>become a built but midwit fascist
>become /fitlit/
>become a super intelligent built socialist that wants to bash fash skulls
Is this the final conclusion to /fitlit/?


Yes, although you’re one of the rare bunch. Most leftists are close-minded philistines who have no deep care about worldly affairs and intellectual traditions. They are only satisfied with shitting out what they eat, and nothing else. We /fitlit/ socialists exist albeit sparsely, and we seek true meaning and understanding. Welcome to the club.

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>zero books on or by women, queers and/or people of color

They are all Jewish though

Cosmopolitics is by Isabelle Stengers

not him, but although I agree with leftist analysis the ultimate reality of politics is tribalism and the friend enemy distinction. Even the vast majority of contemporary asserts the ontological primacy of identity, identity as an existential and constitutive chasm of the understanding that cannot be overcome by reason or universalist ideologies.

And The Human Condition+The Orgins of Totalitarianism is by Hannah Arendt

2/32 women
no book by POC authors
how can you call yourself a leftist?

Identity is a spook

>Not POC

I read a few of these buy they all suffer from the same problem.

>waaah capitalism bad because alienation and wage slavery and inequality
>offers no alternative that works even remotely as well as capitalism

Communism is a fantasy. Socialist utopia will never exist because it can't exist. Human nature prevents it from existing and no amount of optimism will solve this problem. History is the proof of this.

At least we know capitalism works. Whining about capitalism -- exercising your freedom of speech from your laptop in the comfort of your own home without fear of oppression -- is fucking comical and pathetic.

Only a naive moron would take communism over capitalism.

t. fragile white cis male who thinks he can be leftist without taking responsibility for his privilege.

decolonial thought is more relevant than orthodox marxism or poststructuralism in the current context.

This but minus the buzz words.

Leftism is obviously gonna be different across nations. But if we are talking about America then a reading list of primarily white male authors is just impractical given the context. Maybe in a more homogenous society under significantly different circumstances sure, but there’s no universal application of leftist theory. I guess OPs list is ok since he never said anything about America specifically but it’s still a very narrow set of perspectives if you have so many texts and such little variety of backgrounds.

The modern Jew doesn’t experience racism to an extent worthy of giving him a platform to speak on it. Sure, some Jews are a little browner than others, but they are very largely white and don’t face the same issues that darker POC face globally. If a Jew is your resident POC in a leftist circle then you aren’t hearing of a really relevant or significant POC experience.

Ask me how I know you've read none of them

I think the appeal of far out french theorists like Debord and Deleuze is wanting to escape from identity, Mark Fisher pretty much said as much, even though I am a straight white dude i'm still oppressed because I have to go to work every monday(nevermind that I earn more than women and POC coworkers for doing the same job) and because ''the spectacle'' alienates me( cause i'm no longer at the center of it, because people are finally demanding and expecting representation) but I think that is a failure of responsiblity vis a vis those who don't have the privilege of being able to escape from identity of those for whom politics and theory is not a hobby but a survival mechanism.

Im Hispanic you bitch

get write good
women book have

Redpill me on Deleuze how does he escape identity?

As an '''asian american'' I relate more to what early 20th German Jewish intellectuals wrote on modernity and ethnic identity or lack thereof than whatever is being churned out by the american academy.

>if you are going to be a leftist
Sorry, but I’m older than 22 and have an IQ above 110

What is this, like quizzes on whether your ration distribution officer is into you or whether you should try to find a new one?

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Don't. The left is a racket (just like the right and center).

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She is a Whiteheadian
>From Einstein’s quest for a unified field theory to Stephen Hawking’s belief that we “would know the mind of God” through such a theory, contemporary science—and physics in particular—has claimed that it alone possesses absolute knowledge of the universe. In a sweeping work of philosophical inquiry, originally published in French in seven volumes, Isabelle Stengers builds on her previous intellectual accomplishments to explore the role and authority of science in modern societies and to challenge its pretensions to objectivity, rationality, and truth.

>For Stengers, science is a constructive enterprise, a diverse, interdependent, and highly contingent system that does not simply discover preexisting truths but, through specific practices and processes, helps shape them. She addresses conceptual themes crucial for modern science, such as the formation of physical-mathematical intelligibility, from Galilean mechanics and the origin of dynamics to quantum theory, the question of biological reductionism, and the power relations at work in the social and behavioral sciences. Focusing on the polemical and creative aspects of such themes, she argues for an ecology of practices that takes into account how scientific knowledge evolves, the constraints and obligations such practices impose, and the impact they have on the sciences and beyond.

>This perspective, which demands that competing practices and interests be taken seriously rather than merely (and often condescendingly) tolerated, poses a profound political and ethical challenge. In place of both absolutism and tolerance, she proposes a cosmopolitics—modeled on the ideal scientific method that considers all assumptions and facts as being open to question—that reintegrates the natural and the social, the modern and the archaic, the scientific and the irrational.

Are you familiar with the concept of the coloniality of knowledge as explored in the works of authors such as Mariategui, Walter Mignolo, Anibal Quijano and Gloria Anzaldua? How are European thinkers like Adorno, Debord or Deleuze more relevant to the anti colonial struggles in Latin America or chicanx issues than actually latinamerican thinkers?

>“Thus, one of the strong theses of the book is that there is no modernity without coloniality and that coloniality is constitutive, and not derivative, of modernity. This is the basic condition of border thinking: the moment you realize (and accept) that your life is a life in the border, and you realize that you do not want to “become modern” because modernity hides behind the splendors of happiness, the constant logic of coloniality. For precisely this reason, border thinking that leads to decoloniality is of the essence to unveil that the system of knowledge, beliefs, expectations, dreams, and fantasies upon which the modern/colonial world was built is showing, and will continue to show, its unviability.”

>Arguing for an “ecology of practices” in the sciences, Isabelle Stengers explores the discordant landscape of knowledge derived from modern science, seeking intellectual consistency among contradictory, confrontational, and mutually exclusive philosophical ambitions and approaches. For Stengers, science is a constructive enterprise, a diverse, interdependent, and highly contingent system that does not simply discover preexisting truths but, through specific practices and processes, helps shape them.

>Stengers concludes this philosophical inquiry with a forceful critique of tolerance; it is a fundamentally condescending attitude, she contends, that prevents those worldviews that challenge dominant explanatory systems from being taken seriously. Instead of tolerance, she proposes a “cosmopolitics” that rejects politics as a universal category and allows modern scientific practices to peacefully coexist with other forms of knowledge.

Post more

Who is this cock gobbler?

I think criticisims of 'identity politics' usually come from a place of privilege, from people who are not used to feeling uncomfortable, for marginalised groups ''political correctness'' means there is finally at least an expectation in left circlesfor them to be seen as human. If anything we need more ''political correctness'' not less.

I did and as impressionable naive teenager I used to even regurgitate the shit I read in them.

the great awakening for me was realising marxism was part of the same racist and colonialstic enlightenment project

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i think that wanting to escape identity is irresponsible, because it leaves behind those who CAN'T escape identity

That's actually hilarious if he really said that. All Mexican commies should see what Marx really thought of them.

the Yea Forums contrarian ''left'' are pretty much the only ones on the left who still get agitated by this for some reason, i think it is lack of contact with diverse groups of people.

communism is going to happen but not in the form of the "populist automated luxury communism" many leftists worship, instead it will be just a more efficient mode of production. more efficient because although it MIGHT gives a slightly higher standard of subsistence, it will eliminate all the inefficiencies of the rich, human irrationality and idealism. similar to how society transformed from feudalism to capitalism.
in the end everything is capitalism, even communism, even post communism. and Sisyphus can never be a happy man

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It’s over.

This is one of the main problems in politically organising spaces like Yea Forums, they promote a culture that sees owning up to one's mistakes and privileges as a sign of weakness.

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Needs more history. The oxford history of the french revolution at the very least is essential since left/right thought emerged out of those specific events, learn the facts and then theory.

What if I'm only economically leftist?

The main problem is actually just that we can argue with you. You say 'privilege' we say 'black iq scores'. You can either just not respond or try to engage but either way it fucks up your little bubble.

Reminder that American Leftist =/= Leftist in general

the status quo is cultural marxist but economic capitalist, I'd say people like us are the only real threat to the status quo

That’s because you had grave misconceptions when you entered marxism as a ”field” in both its origins and its traditions. It’s not there to pamper you in your idea of woke capital, it’s there to show you the system and inner workings of capitalism and its reality. What Marx did was analyze both the system in its totality and its internal contradictions, and all he wished for was to hasten the empire of capital so it could collapse under its weight, as a precondition for a new era to usher. Of course, there’s much more to all of this, but for the sake of other obligations I must keep up with I’ll keep it brief and tidy. And no, I’m not white either.

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>cultural marxist

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actually this is the only one you need

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why should I have to respect someone else's traditions when they are not respecting mine? You definitely sound like you still suffer from a colonised mentality.

post modernists =/= "cultural marxists"
marxism puts materialism at the front. it sees history from a materialist perspective (rather than the common "well he just thought of it like that" idealist view) and it looks at patterns and habits the history tends to follow. marx liked to use the word "scientific" to distinguish himself from the irrational "human lover" socialists and to further assure that he is in favor of materialism and that his theories of communism were materialist rather than emotional whining, if you have read him you'd see that he always avoids provoking emotion and instead spends a very long time explaining and providing examples
post modernists seek to oppose everything just because it's the status quo and because "nothing is objective". for them everything is a "social construct".
the irrational idealist "human lovers" -although having a noble cause- are unlikely to win because they are inconstant and naive
read marx

'cultural marxists' are not marxists at all though, that's why the term has annoyed so many people. It refers to the idpol people who focus on race, sex, orientation, etc. as though they were like the marxist classes 'prole-bourgeois'

these people often simultaneously hold contradictory and vaguely pomo beliefs about race and gender, as well as often selectively applying postmodern critiques to scientific areas they find problematic, which is where the hilarious term 'postmodern cultural marxists' comes from.

bringing class consciousness to a culture war is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Marx purists are always going to get ignored because identity speaks to a way more fundamental human desires and aspirations.

Yeah that's fine, that's why marxists arent relevant anymore. But what you guys are actually doing is gearing up for race war, don't pretend it has anything to do with Marx.

if humanity is bound to destroy itself in a brutal race war/ecological collapse scenario doesn't that retroactively disprove marxism?

I dont think that's true though, ethnic conflict is very common in history and wouldn't preclude Marx being ultimately right. I don't think he was right, Im not marxist, but I don't see how this present idpol stuff would rule out his theories.

Traditionalists BTFO'd

>pomo shit
try again

why don't you try actually reading guenon before you criticise him sweaty?

Instead of continuing Rousseau's centuries-long larp session, why don't you read a book that you can actually benefit from both spiritually and materially?

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pomo is leftist

anime is for the retarded or disturbed but good post otherwise

How is Whitehead leftist literature?

turns out all the leftist uwu computer science phd trannies on this board love whitehead, process philosophy is extremely amenable to that sort of thing.

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>Becoming leftist

>tfw read half of this and am ex-leftist

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Boomers need to hang

zoomers have abused the concept of 'boomers' out of all meaning

if you're not a maoist-third worldist you're not a real leftist
imagine the decadence of making your life about complaining about your first world pseudo problems when billions live in appalling abject squalor without rights

Thank you, Saten-san!

you are a leftist in denial

Sorry, I just can't accept materialism. Marxism perpetuates the subordination of politics to economics, which is something I cannot abide.

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Sounds more like you indulge too much in ideology

>The Origins of Totalitarianism
i saw a copy of that in a secondhand bookshop today. it's fucking massive. fuck that shit. i'll just read the wikipedia article

We need a method of smashing Capitalism and also massively reducing the world population, 7+ billion isn't sustainable and neither is Capitalism. In fact, it's really not much of a stretch to link the gross excesses of Capital with the fact that the world is hideously overpopulated (more humans = more to exploit for The Pursuit Of Capital). That's the crisis that Capital has wrought upon the human race, and we might not get to see it in our lifetimes but the next generations are absolutely FUCKED, desu

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90% of these books are post modern trash that will help you in no way.

leftists are obviously doing a worse job than capitalists at diversity and inclusion, who could have known? and they wonder why people of diverse identities don't support marxism?


Little Witch Academia

Ideas shape reality.

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Looks like a waste of time to read all that
kek, I've got better shit to do/read

I doubt it.

Like what

Communism has been a pretty huge failure. Leftism isn't taken seriously past the howling mobs of radlibs and trannies today.

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Weak pilpul and u know it.

>Das Kapital
Just say Capital

Tanya. The original author is some dude chillout communist.

diversity is a core non negotiable principle for me and for millions of other leftists. you are not entitled to the support of marginalised people, if we don't see ourselves represented in your leadership and in the key texts of your movement we have no reason for supporting you. we don't owe you anything


once a cool meme, now just a way of saying "fuck u dad"

who knew minorities would be better at counterintelligence than feds.

ive heard orthomarxists unironically say that intersectionality is an fbi plot or something

Discord trannies: Go back.
Reddit commies: Go back.
Chapocels: Go back.
/leftypol/fags: Go back.
Nigger twitterers: Go back.
Tourists: Go back.


>commie thread
>its full of anime girls

yeah they say the progressive stack was started to break up OWS

Yes, honestly.

Thanks for the help user :)

this never happened and never will

you're not suggesting there's a white proletariat are you user?

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>Kaiji is a Marxist anime

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>human nature

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I think it is pretty blatant that it is why do you disagree?

god I hate the left

I think it's far fetched. It's an adventure story about a gambler first and foremost, and doesn't really make any sociopolitical statements.

Marxists know deep down they'll have to genetically modify human beings to implement higher stage communism, that's probably why they refuse to discuss it in detail and claim it's illicit to do so.

>It doesnt make any sociopolitical statements
Sounds more like you are just short sighted

OK, I'll read them. I was gonna read Das Kapital soon anyway.

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Can you please just go back.

Capital is good, but remember that the first three chapters are the most grueling part and that it gets easier from there. Use David Harvey's lecture series on Capital if you're serious about trying to understand it and want some of the harder stuff explained.

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Shouldn’t you be going back to your subreddit?

Orthodox Marxists attribute a byzantine plot to the Anglo-American being himself. They will never understand that Anglo-Americans fundamentally cannot grasp Communism.

>No mention of God and the state nor The conquest of bread

why nigga?

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Needs more Rosa Lux and Fanon.

Although there is no revolution without revolutionary theory, it's possible to uphold the necessity for political study without a pedantic requirement of "you can't be left without reading my book club".

>anime site
>its full of anime girls
Go back there

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this is why socialism will never get anywhere. almost all 1st world socialists are rich kid posers who use this sort of phony moralism as an excuse to avoid organizing workers in their own countries, who, unlike you, are most certainly not suffering from "pseudo-problems" (only someone criminally privileged would make this claim) . marxism is about appealing to workers' self-interest, specifically workers in the most wealth and technologically advanced nations, not handwringing about who is the most oppressed. if you insist on adopting this hyper moralistic attitude, the least you could do is forgo your 1st world privilege and move to the 3rd world, or maybe give up some of your wealth, take in some refugees, but you're not going to do any of that. you're just going to whine about the working class is too privileged. listening to people like you, it's easy to understand how stalin was able to build up his body count.

1. this is an anime site
2. Yea Forums was a marxist board before 2016. You are the newfags here.

Can you lend any credence to your supposition that t'was once a marxist board? I'm a leftist too but I never heard of this

>lit/ was a marxist board before 2016. You are the newfags here.
Clearly it's you who's the newfag here. I've been discussing all sorts of reactionary literature here since 2013.

t. doesn't know that /leftypol/ was a Yea Forums colony

That's a lot of books.

I expected tanya to be good. It was not and I was left sorely disappointed.


Who the fuck are "Orthodox Marxists"? The references to anglos in the volume I of Capital alone are sufficient to conclude that the ideology of their ruling classes is the most unconducive to grasping communism of all because of how married to appearances it is.

Based Mawaru poster

Third worldists are not the majority of first world (pseudo)leftists. You'll never organize the first world proletariat because of the labor aristocracy's bribery. You then make a conservatard tier argument and fantasize about me being butchered by the state simply because I point out the conditions in the third world.


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No they all suffer of the same problem they all have been written by white males


Except It's not good and I don't like your tone.

500 billions can live on Earth with no problem for the ecology and functionally infinite resources and we have the Divine mandate to make it so and populate the Solar system in the same way WE MUST be 30000000 billions by when we finish building residential complexes on pluto AN MC DONALDS SIGNS EVERYWHERE it will be the realization of GOD CAPITAL.
History HAS a direction it goes towards BUILDING GOD

is there a leftism for dummies book?

OP has a list


I only entered this thread to masturbate to anime.

Read Settlers by J. Sakai, mayo
